Mike Rashid’s Kingdom Expands Into the Metaverse

Crypto.com NFT
Crypto.com NFT
Published in
11 min readJan 5, 2022
Mike Rashid.

Mike Rashid is a true renaissance man. A professional boxer, power bodybuilder, lifestyle influencer and consummate entrepreneur, he has always promoted well-rounded growth of the body and mind. Now, he is further expanding the boundaries of his professional realm and methods of self-expression into the metaverse with a Crypto.com NFT drop. Born Michael King, he will launch his aptly titled “King Collection” on Jan. 10 — metaphorically chronicling the rising leader’s ascension and the establishment of his kingdom.

Rashid hails from none other than the Empire State’s Kings County, more commonly known as the borough of Brooklyn in New York City. An honor student at a private school where he learned to play multiple instruments and attended chess club, as recalled to Crypto.com NFT, he tasted a lifestyle that was harrowingly stripped away after his stepfather’s passing — an experience to which he credits his discipline and determination. Despite ensuing hardships and humbling circumstances, he began boxing at only 12 years old and eventually went on to win two National Golden Gloves.

Stills of NFTs from the “King Collection” by Mike Rashid.

Taking a 17-year hiatus to focus on bodybuilding and powerlifting at age 21, Rashid returned to fighting in 2017 — going pro a year later — and recently made headlines for challenging fellow boxer and YouTuber Jake Paul to a two-million dollar, winner-takes-all match. To sweeten the proposal, he even offered to forego training if Paul accepts.

“That ‘kingly’ confidence gave me the fuel to power through certain hard times, when I was somewhat powerless in my position in the world.”

It is with the same “kingly confidence,” as Rashid refers it, that the lionhearted boxer entered the business ring. In addition to co-founding supplement company Ambrosia Collective, he is a partner at several nutrition, health and fitness companies including Snack House Foods and Trifecta Nutrition. Not unlike Crypto.com’s motto, when it comes to investments, Rashid’s personal ethos is “fortune rewards the bold.”

“I always say, ‘Stress can bust pipes, or it can produce diamonds.’ I resonate more with the latter.”

Though the upcoming collection marks his NFT debut, Rashid is no stranger to the space. In fact, he recently scored a custom “PsychoKitty” profile picture (PFP) from Crypto.com NFT’s homegrown hero Ugonzo — whose latest collection catapulted him into a top three creator spot on the platform in December — which Rashid has proudly displayed on his Instagram. Crypto.com NFT spoke to the enterprising fighter about his upbringing in Brooklyn, what it means to be a king and his foray into the NFT domain.

Read the Q&A with Mike Rashid below and visit the drop page for more information.

What was your upbringing like?

My upbringing was like something from a movie. I grew up in the ’80s and ’90s. That was New York City’s crime wave and crack era. We had cocaine on every corner [and] Giuliani trying to crack down on the Italian Mafia… Crime was everywhere, and my house was the epicenter — as my mother was married to one of the biggest drug dealers in the city. My childhood was a dichotomy: opulence, wealth, status and access to opportunity in the beginning — [but] then my stepfather died and poverty, struggle and hard times came to join the party.

I had a driver to school, a bodyguard, I played piano and saxophone, I was on the chess club and an honor student that loved astronomy and mathematics. I was [also] a boxer and athlete since a young age. I was really being groomed to become a modern day renaissance man. However, when my mother’s husband died, things changed drastically. Our house was raided by the police. I was pulled from private school and put into public school, where I’d get picked on and [get] into fights on the regular. We became so poor, there where many nights with no electricity — so my mother would light candles so we could see at night. She’d also boil water in a large broiling pot in order for me to take baths, when we had no hot water.

The circumstances of my childhood were volatile to say the least, but I’ve always had some form of protection over me. I’m not upset about the events of my early life because I learned things at a young age that many may never learn. My upbringing clearly didn’t break me. Instead, it made me an extremely confident and powerful person. I always say, “Stress can bust pipes, or it can produce diamonds.” I resonate more with the latter.

“Confidence is an attribute that rewards [those who have it] when all other means of advancement are exhausted… Fortune rewards the bold.”

Tell us about this collection; what does being a king mean to you?

The “King Collection” NFT series is my first of many in the space. It’s displaying attributes of my personality and my actual being. My last name is King, and I was born in Kings County. With that, I’ve always had a bit of extra confidence all of my life. That “kingly” confidence gave me the fuel to power through certain hard times, when I was somewhat powerless in my position in the world.

Confidence is an attribute that rewards [those who have it] when all other means of advancement are exhausted, or weren’t there to begin with. Fortune rewards the bold. Me adorning myself with the “king” attribute put me in a very peculiar situation; if I say that I am of royalty, figuratively and literally speaking, then I better live up to that expectation.

With that, I do plug into the “Matrix” and allow the downloads of modern society as well as study ancient ways and ancestral practices. I do this to have a complete perspective on how to move through life while vibrating on a frequency that I find fit for royalty. It’s important to study and understand the past as well as the present, because the past represents the giants’ shoulders that we are currently standing on to see what’s possible in the future. Where our predecessors left off, we built on top of their efforts — to create the lives we have today.

Stills of NFTs from the “King Collection” by Mike Rashid.

“I do plug into the ‘Matrix’ and allow the downloads of modern society as well as study ancient ways and ancestral practices … to have a complete perspective.”

What do you try to say with your work?

I paint a picture or tell a story of what’s in my heart and mind … and I step back and leave the interpretation for the viewers own imagination, perspective and vision. Art, in my opinion, is not bound by rules.

My evolution as an artist has everything to do with my evolution as a person. We start out young and ignorant. As we grow, we become wiser and more understanding. My art as well as my message tends to accurately reflect the person that I am…

“When someone asks me a question, or asks me for wisdom or guidance, I do not take that lightly.”

The things I’ve learned and mastered, I share with those who are willing to listen. I am fully aware of how society works — and in this society, we need energy to move. This is a universal law that’s found in the most simple, single-celled organisms, up to the most complex and successful hominid species — homo sapiens sapiens, us. The energy needed to vibrate on a “king’s frequency” requires energy from others. That energy is power.

A still of the “Make It Rain” NFT from the “King Collection” by Mike Rashid.

When someone asks me a question, or asks me for wisdom or guidance, I do not take that lightly. That person is giving me power, so I answer that person truthfully — and if I don’t know the answer, I seek it out so that I can answer him or her and never relinquish the power that he or she is giving me. I happen to have a few million people in this position, based on my works through the years. Whether it be boxing, providing training protocols, wisdom, etc., the things that I’ve dedicated myself to doing have garnered a substantial amount of people that give me energy and power daily — enough power for me to vibrate on a very high frequency, which I call a “king frequency.”

What’s more important to you: technique or message?

I don’t rate one over the other. One can put together something stunning and have no meaning behind it, and we’d still get to enjoy the beauty, complexity or simplicity of its esthetic brilliance — or one can have so much passion in a project or a piece of work, and have no concern with technique, that the beauty or the pain of the message can be so profound that that in itself is satisfying. As long as either can resonate with the observer, I don’t think there’s a tactic that’s more important.

Who is your audience?

People who tend to have that thirst to grow. People who are or want to be go-getters, in life. People who understand that, as far as we know, this life is all we have — so why not live life on 10 with no apologies? People who may feel powerful inside, but need that right push to have the confidence to dig it out and live powerful, meaningful lives — and the meaning that we attribute to our own lives is for us to create, not what others tell you.

Are you completely self-taught, or have you received any personal or professional training?

I am a mixture of both. My way of expressing [myself] comes from me and my experiences in life. However, some of the ways that I express [myself] — whether spoken word or boxing — I have had training in, to some extent. I draw influence from everything around me.

How do you support yourself?

I have a large YouTube channel [and] monetize the content. There, I have a podcast and videos teaching different types of training, like strength and conditioning, powerlifting and boxing. I also have an app in which I offer online training and nutrition [planning] — as well as a 30 day challenge that I do monthly, helping people get in the best shape of their lives.

I also own a supplement company [that] provides products to actually help optimize your health internally. We have products for organ support, viral defense, nootropics to optimize cognitive performance and many others. My most popular product is called Planta, which is the №1 plant-based protein in the country. We have 14 incredible flavors. I’m very proud of the products we provide for people. I am also partners in a healthy snack company called Snack House Foods — and I’m partners in the fastest growing meal prep delivery company in the country, Trifecta Nutrition.

Were you into crypto or blockchain technology before NFTs?

Yes, I’ve been fascinated by it, and have been looking for the right opportunity to get in, learn as much as possible and embrace it and all that it entails.

Do you work with any charities that you’ll be donating any proceeds from this collection to?

I have an organization called Dirty Angels that I’ll be donating to. When I’m touring or doing events in different cities, I organize around 50 to 100 people at night to help me put together and distribute meals and hygiene packs to skid rows and the areas of the city with concentrated amounts of people that are homeless. I do this for two reasons: to show people who are homeless and down and out on their luck that there’s good people in the world that care about the human experience — and also to get my followers into the spirit of living a life of service, teaching them that it’s good to do things for people who can’t do anything for you, to practice being selfless.

“If I say that I am of royalty, figuratively and literally speaking, then I better live up to that expectation.”

Lastly, I gotta ask, any words for Jake Paul?

First and foremost, I respect him and what he’s done so far in boxing. I’d like to extend a challenge to Jake: he and I put up $1 million cash each. We fight at the weight he chooses, the winner takes all — $2 million — and the loser walks away with nothing. To sweeten the offer up for him, I will stop training once he agrees to the fight. I will fight him without preparing for the fight.

Winner takes all is something that no one is doing, and it’s a true testament to one’s own self-belief. If he believes in himself like I think he does, this deal should be a no-brainer. And I believe in my abilities to whoop his ass so much that I don’t feel the need to train for it.

Browse the “King Collection” by Mike Rashid.

Please note that by accessing or using this content, you agree that Crypto.com is solely responsible for the minting, custody and provision of the Crypto.com NFT Platform. Any additional products or features of the drop (including redeemable items, charity donations, utility and/or giveaways) are provided at the entire responsibility of the Creator(s) featured/interviewed unless otherwise noted on Crypto.com’s official channels. Any views and opinions expressed by Creator(s) belong to the same and do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of Crypto.com. Although Crypto.com makes best efforts to ensure this article contains accurate information, it cannot be guaranteed that all information provided is up to date. For more details, please refer to the drop page and the Creator(s)’ channels. Some products or features of the drop may not be available in certain jurisdictions. Nothing in this article should be taken as legal or financial advice.

Editor’s Note (Sept. 30, 2022): an earlier version of this article was originally published on Jan. 5, 2022 and has since been edited and/or updated.

