Take a Metaphysical Journey Into the Metaverse With ‘The Trip’

The first installment in a two-part feature on “The TRIP,” an upcoming series of curated collections coming exclusively to Crypto.com NFT.

Crypto.com NFT
Crypto.com NFT
6 min readApr 20, 2022


In what is likely Crypto.com NFT’s most “meta” collaboration to date, a two-part series of back-to-back curated drops by creative collective “The TRIP” will welcome collectors on a metaphorical metaphysical trip into the metaverse — with intentions set on metamorphosis. “The TRIP” will commence with an April 22 drop titled “The TRIP: Origin,” featuring nine stunningly trippy 3D animations and a redeemable 10th clip that together represent humanity’s collective journey through life — with all of its ups and downs, and trials and tribulations, as well as the resulting transformation that ensues. “The TRIP” will culminate in a 9,999-piece profile picture (PFP) collection based on its signature mushroom character, a representation of the animations’ protagonist in fully-evolved form, set to launch at Crypto.com/NFT on May 6 — only two weeks following the first drop. Fittingly, the NFT marketplace will publish its feature on the project in two parts: this first installment detailing the internal voyage of self-discovery depicted in the initial collection and a subsequent interview with its co-founders.

“The TRIP” is led by a trio of digital marketers and Web3 enthusiasts with diverse backgrounds in music, sports and technology: Harry Resnick, the project’s creative director; Ricky Moore, in charge of internal and community operations; and Jeff MacPherson, overseeing marketing operations and strategic growth. In less than two months since “The TRIP” was announced, the team has already showcased its savvy — building a strong community with over 5,400 Twitter followers and 4,700 Discord members. It has also established relationships and collaborations with other successful Crypto.com NFT PFP projects including “Loaded Lions,” “PsychoKitties,” “AlphaBot Society,” “Ballies” and “Mad Hare Society” — and even sponsored Australian racing driver James Davison for the S5000 at the Formula 1 Australian Grand Prix in Melbourne, with “The TRIP” mushroom character displayed on the Team BRM car.

The Team BRM car, driven by James Davison at the S5000, featuring “The TRIP” logo. (Photos/Daniel Kalisz)

Crypto.com NFT will further introduce the crew, revealing more about the veritable wizards of Oz behind “The TRIP” in the two-part feature’s second installment — to be published ahead of the PFP collection’s launch, after the inaugural journey is complete. In the meantime, take a trip with “The TRIP” and learn more about the project’s concept in a breakdown of each video in the collection — as explained by its creators.

Preview select pieces from the “The TRIP: Origin” collection below and visit the drop page for more information.


The collection’s first scene finds the protagonist awakening in a state of confusion, realizing that they have entered a new dimension. It is a reminder that one’s journey is not about who they are in the present, but who they are evolving to become.


In the second scene, the protagonist discovers a portal which could potentially be a way out — or lead deeper into the new dimension. In life, taking the first step is always the toughest. It is only when one trusts their inner journey, even if it is not in the direction that was originally planned, that they will be able to witness the best views and take the furthest leaps.


In the third scene, the protagonist has entered a new realm — deeper in their subconscious. Here, the character is met by a mysterious figure who hands over the key to a new beginning. The figure is a metaphor for anything unexpected and surprising that arises in life — potentially changing it forever, if confronted with an open your mind. The lesson: one must have the courage to take risks and travel into uncharted territory.


The fourth scene finds the protagonist completely surrounded by the unknown. Every person has an anchor in life that keeps them from truly being as great as they can be. “Immersed” is a very pivotal scene, because it encourages collectors to keep pushing forward no matter what is constricting their movement or weighing them down.


The fifth scene is a representation of the unexpected adversity life can throw at you. The protagonist is found swimming in a peaceful state, before being met by an unforeseen obstacle. In life, one must always be ready — because circumstances can change in a flash. It is only by embracing the journey that one is able to fully experience it, before it is forgotten forever.


With the protagonist encased in a protective cocoon, the sixth scene is a representation of how the cards that life deals us play a role in reshaping us. As humans, we are forever changing and must be able to adapt to our surroundings to become the best version of ourselves. “Rebirth” serves as a reminder to not be afraid of change, as a new world is always awaiting.


The seventh scene represents the moments in life where one has no choice but to stand up to their fears. Though the outcome may not be certain, obstacles must always be faced head on. Courage is half the battle.


The eighth scene shows the aftermath of the battle depicted in “Clash.” In life, one tends to focus so much on the problem that they cannot imagine what the other side of the obstacle will look like. In this scene, the protagonist finally sees the finish line. If ones want to accomplish a goal, they must not be scared to embark on the journey.


The ninth scene depicts the protagonist fully embracing the journey and the benefits of pushing through the struggle. Exponential growth comes from overcoming major obstacles. By embracing new energies, one can develop both physical and mental vigor.


The final scene is about reinvention. It depicts the protagonist at one with their environment, in a euphoric state — their true potential finally unlocked. They appear in their fully-evolved form: an adorable, bearded mushroom-person.

Browse “The Trip: Origin” collection by DeFiance Labs.

Please note that by accessing or using this content, you agree that Crypto.com is solely responsible for the minting, custody and provision of the Crypto.com NFT Platform. Any additional products or features of the drop (including redeemable items, charity donations, utility and/or giveaways) are provided at the entire responsibility of the Creator(s) featured/interviewed unless otherwise noted on Crypto.com’s official channels. Any views and opinions expressed by Creator(s) belong to the same and do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of Crypto.com. Although Crypto.com makes best efforts to ensure this article contains accurate information, it cannot be guaranteed that all information provided is up to date. For more details, please refer to the drop page and the Creator(s)’ channels. Some products or features of the drop may not be available in certain jurisdictions. Nothing in this article should be taken as legal or financial advice.

Editor’s Note (Oct. 10, 2022): an earlier version of this article was originally published on April 20, 2022 and has since been edited and/or updated.

