Our New Official CBP Preparation Course & Ebook Are Live

Do you want easy and accurate information to prepare for the Certified Bitcoin Professional exam by the experts who created it? Well now it can be yours!

We’re excited to announce that we have launched C4’s official Udemy preparation course along with an ebook on our website for the Certified Bitcoin Professional exam. With these resources, you’ll learn everything you need to know to prepare for the Certified Bitcoin Professional exam.

All of the official C4 study materials offer accurate, up to date, unbiased information. You can study at your own pace or create a study group and learn with friends, then take the exam when it works best for you.

On Udemy, you’ll watch videos and follow the course with supplemental materials to help you prepare for the exam. Prefer an ebook because you learn better by reading? You can access that on our website. You can even purchase both resources to help you prepare! We’re proud to offer you a path to self-study and look forward to continuing to bring you the best resources.

Learn more on our website: https://cryptoconsortium.org/



CryptoCurrency Certification Consortium
CryptoCurrency Certification Consortium

C4 establishes cryptocurrency standards that help ensure a balance of openness & privacy, security & usability, and trust & decentralization.