#crypto #investing

2020 will make or break your decade…the time to act is NOW!

Sam MacDonald
5 min readJan 26, 2020


It’s nearly the end of January and you’re probably thinking about your holidays…

The 2019 feels like it flew by.

February is just a week away!

And 2020 is already one month in.

Looking back…

What goals did you have set out for 2019?

Did you achieve what you wanted to achieve?

And are you prepared for the massive year to come?

Smart money has already positioned themselves for powerful wealth creation.

You can do it, too.

The new decade is here, and it’s time to light that fire.

Take control of your destiny.

We all know success won’t come knocking without action.

Get excited for the opportunities that await in 2020!


What were your goals for 2019?

It’s a powerful feeling knowing you have accomplished something you desired.


Achieving that goal will lead to your January goal, and then for the rest of 2020, and then the decade.

It gathers momentum, compounding with your energy and positivity.

It feels like a massive weight off your shoulders to have your 2020 wealth creation action plan finalised…

There is still time if you haven’t, but don’t leave it too long.

A good question to ask….

Where do you want to be at the end of 2020? At the end of 2025? 2030?

Setting a clear path allows you to move powerfully toward your destination.

Don’t leave it up to the ‘Gods’.

I want 20 Bitcoin…locked away by 2025...

A diverse portfolio by 2030 worth X…

Are we aiming for 200k?

Was it 500k?

Or the 1 million Dollar + club?

It’s exciting and motivating to think of the possibilities and make it a reality!

If this is truly a MUST, then you will start to figure out the action steps to get you to the destination in the shortest time possible.

Make sure you leverage yourself.

Find that feeling in your gut.

That uncomfortable fear of not taking action and staying exactly where you are!

AND the driver of how incredible it would be to achieve the life you desire.

For you and your loved ones…

Use it.

Shock yourself into starting.

Are you happy working 9–5 in an office cubicle?

With Limited holidays…

Not getting to see your children because you’re working hard.

Harder than you should!

No time for yourself, or to help your parents…

Not enough money to do things you REALLY want to do!

Like give back and help those around you financially.

I don’t like that feeling and most of us have been there.

It’s not what I want for myself, and neither should you…

Allow that feeling to motivate you to make it happen.

Start to manifest your destiny…TODAY!

Find someone to get you where you need to go…

A coach.

A person who has already achieved what you want and desire.

And someone who you align with.

Where you can learn from their mistakes. Saving you money and more importantly…TIME!

Showing you the path of what is possible with a proven system.

Find experts that are industry leaders.

Why spend a lifetime figuring things out when you can learn from someone else’s successes and where they went wrong?

Our Institute specialises in bringing the crypto industry’s best minds directly to you!


At some point, you need to take that first step toward financial freedom…

It’s a fact of life that time marches on quickly.

Skipping forward — many years into the future.

Imagine relying on a diminishing pension, wishing you had taken that calculated risk when you were 30, 40, or 50?

A scary thought right?

We see it far too often….

To be a successful investor you MUST take opportunities.

This is something we help our clients with…

Imagine seeing a $500k Bitcoin in 2030 knowing that you missed the boat!!!

The biggest boat of your lifetime!

We will teach you how to position yourself.

Create a plan of attack.

And how to execute your plan with conviction, not emotion.

The power you will feel taking control of your financial future is incredible.

Don’t get caught flat footed.

The next bull-run will come from nowhere.

Imagine being totally ready…

Not scrambling — like most investors are.

Only to make the wrong decision.

We can partner with you build your launchpad for 2020, and beyond!

Imagine how electrifying it is knowing you can conquer whatever the markets throw your way!

If you’re ready to be our next batch of multi-million dollar clients.

It’s time to take things to the next level…

Want to learn how to be a powerful investor…TODAY?

We’ve been sharing our proven process with clients globally for some time now.

And we are opening up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to you….

 Our exclusive VIP two-day immersion will UP-LEVEL your 2020

 Discover how to conquer the highest performing asset-class this decade

 Gain insights from industry leaders, including an exclusive presentation from Australia’s most trusted Crypto exchange.

 Learn how to safely buy and store your crypto purchases for the short, medium, and long-term.

 Join our exclusive community of like-minded people with full personalised support-access to experienced advisors.

 Discover how the best investors in the world SUPERCHARGE their Mindset and unlock a winning formula for success.

 Learn from our experts the strategies that will allow you to make incredible wealth in the next decade. Get full access to our video series and all supporting documents, including our investment checklist and tax tools, that will help you accelerate growth and manage effectively.

Are you ready to take full control of 2020?

And want to learn the proven process that has helped create life-changing wealth?

Check-in with a message saying ‘YES’ and one of the team will be in contact to see if there is an alignment to support you on your journey.

You are only 1 investment away…

Content Director

Sam MacDonald

Disclaimer. Sam owns Cryptocurrency

Want to learn more? Come along to one of our National events or check out our free guide.

Here’s the links:

Guide — https://selfdevelopmentinstitute.lpages.co/financialfreedomguide/

National Tour — https://selfdevelopmentinstitute.lpages.co/cci-national-tour/



Sam MacDonald

Writer & travel blogger. Creative Director at Crypto Consulting Institute. Owner of writersblocktravels.com