#crypto #investing

7 Steps To Making Six-Figures In Cryptocurrencies in 12 Months!

Sam MacDonald
Game of Life
Published in
7 min readJan 29, 2020


Want to know how to make your first six-figures in crypto quickly?

Here it is…

For years we’ve been helping our clients learn how to make serious money in the industry and fast — importantly, we know how to do it safely and effectively.

It can be challenging. Which is why it’s easier to learn from others who have already achieved it.

We want to STEEL your method, giving you the best chance of realising life-changing wealth in any market condition…anyone can do it, and if you’re reading this, then we’re confident you can do it to!

It takes many elements working in sync to create wealth quickly and we want to share these SECRETS with you now.

Trending Cryptocurrency Hub Articles:

1. BABB token sale: what you need to know

2. Aethia, Tamagotchi’s coming to Ethereum!

3. Everything we know about Ethergotchi so far!

4. A Crypto that will Pay You

If you can follow these steps in depth, you can make six-figures in crypto in 12-months…


There is a saying, “Don’t invest in something you do NOT understand.”

In 2017 there were times you could win HUGE by closing your eyes and throwing at a dart board of cryptos, and 2019 showed some pretty cool gains too — the market growing nearly 300% in the first 6 months.

There is always opportunity, but a true-value investor never goes in blind. It is a quick way to lose your investment.

Doing your due diligence isn’t just a throwaway line, it means finding out whether a cryptocurrency is worth your precious time and money — and it can be a fun process when you know how!

Check out the team through LinkedIn. Is their experience relevant to the industry or have they had some massive business results?

Does the coin/token have an actual use-case with a current market?

Do they have a working product or is it just an idea on a website?

Does it fix a real-world problem or is it blockchain for the sake of blockchain?

These are just a few ways we look to sort the wheat from the chaff.

We work on this in-depth with our VIP clients, so they can make some lucrative investment decisions when choosing a cryptocurrency.


A finely tuned mindset is the investor’s SECRET WEAPON.

We champion this as a key pillar in creating wealth at our VIP Immersion.

It’s a powerful edge that is often overlooked in the whole process

The key to becoming a better investor is striving for ways to better yourself and those around you.

We believe this is the foundation to build upon and without this set-in place you have no springboard!

UP-LEVELLING your state is our exclusive method to supercharge your path to wealth creation.


You know you should have a plan, right? Well, most people don’t.

Most people don’t know how to invest, or why they’re investing…

The traditional education system is not geared that way, so it’s not surprising

We have seen many bad investment decisions over the years due to people lacking a strategy in place.

Don’t be the person who uses their precious savings and goes all in…

Or buys without understanding market cycles

Do you have an exit strategy?

It’s a hard lesson, but that’s not investing. It’s gambling!

Don’t allow EMOTIONS to override your thinking

BAD decisions will haunt you. Believe me!

We have spent years fine-tuning our exclusive strategies that work in bull & bear markets. And the best part — they’re non-complex, so you can follow them.

Already have a plan but haven’t achieved the financial returns you anticipated?

That’s something we support our clients with…

Let’s refine it and put you on a path to wealth creation with confidence

We’ll show you where the opportunities lie in any conditions and how to mitigate your risk

We are here to support you in this amazing journey and together we will find a system that works best for you.


Want to be a multi-millionaire?

A billionaire?

I’m not greedy — I just want financial freedom

Not surprisingly most people fall short, or end up no-where close

It’s because of timing

Think investing into Amazon stocks only to have sold before it killed mainstream bookstores and revolutionized the retail sales industry

Here are some other examples of missed opportunities:

Digicash — in 1989 a form of electronic payments with cryptographic principles was invented before the internet was recognizable. It ultimately failed.

The eCommerce boom of 1994 — Ebay & Amazon came on the scene the rest is history

E-Gold — allowed the physical transference of gold and precious metals over the internet much like it is today, but it was far too early, and because of security issues it failed.

To be an ultra-successful investor, you have to have the right opportunity at the right time.

With countries accepting cryptocurrency as legal tender and the largest global institutions like JP Morgan releasing their own, it’s showing signs of being the future.

Markets all go through cycles. Pin-pointing the right time is what will create the wealth you desire.


Imagine buying 20k of Bitcoin on an exchange, keeping it there, only to find that the exchange got hacked and your Bitcoin is lost forever…

Before making any purchase — set yourself up with a cold storage wallet, also known as a hardware wallet. We love the Ledger Nano S but Trezor is a great option too.

Never keep your currency on an exchange unless your plan is to trade it and remove soon after.

If trading, we suggest using an insured and reputable exchange!
Double check the address you’re sending crypto to.

Always do a test transaction — send a small amount of BTC, check that it’s received, then send the whole amount

Never give anyone your PRIVATE KEY. This gives you access to your part of the blockchain, where your cryptocurrency is stored.

Only ever give someone your PUBLIC key for transactional purposes. This is like a “BSB & Account No.” and is only for receiving. It won’t give someone access to your funds.

It may sound complex and it is!

This is such a vital part of the process. We provide a hardware wallet to all our VIP clients and take them through the step-by-step process at our Two-day VIP Immersions.

Master your safety…


The line from Braveheart comes to mind as they wait for the English to attack their lines, “HOLD!”

Have a plan and let the market come to you

Until you’re poised to strike — ready to create the financial freedom you’ve dreamed of

Don’t knee jerk


Do plans change over time with more data?

Absolutely. Which is why it’s imperative to re-asses.

Emotional decisions are the investor’s kryptonite

We see it far too often

Chasing the herd only ends one way

Think back now…

Imagine seeing Bitcoin near $20,000 in 2017 but instead of investing, you recognized it was at the top of a parabolic bull cycle

The patient investor knows there will be a far better entry point down the line

Imagine how powerful that mindset is

Be clear and decisive — patience does not mean be slow!


No successful investor goes it alone…

In the realm of creating sustained wealth, you need people around you who’ve been there.

Experts and mentors

Support in the form of community, resources, and knowledge

We have an extensive network that we bring-in to accelerate investor growth

Learning from their mistakes — save money, and more importantly…time.

See the path of what is possible with a proven system

Why spend a lifetime figuring things out when you can learn from someone else’s successes and where they went wrong?

Our Institute specialises in bringing the crypto industry’s best minds directly to you.

What we have found is the best investment that we have ever made is in ourselves, something we have full control over.


And want to learn the proven process that has helped create life-changing wealth?

Check-in with a message saying ‘YES’ and one of the team will be in contact to see if there is an alignment to support you on your journey to success!

You are only 1 investment away…

Content Director

Disclaimer. Sam owns Cryptocurrency

Want to learn more? Come along to one of our National events or check out our free guide.

Here’s the links:

Guide — https://selfdevelopmentinstitute.lpages.co/financialfreedomguide/

National Tour — https://selfdevelopmentinstitute.lpages.co/cci-national-tour/

Don’t forget to give us your 👏 !



Sam MacDonald
Game of Life

Writer & travel blogger. Creative Director at Crypto Consulting Institute. Owner of writersblocktravels.com