Blockchain Revolution in a Nutshell

Garry Plays
Game of Life
Published in
4 min readDec 29, 2017

What the blockchain idea really is.

Everybody talks about blockchain, ICOs, revolution, yada yada.

The core blockchain is just a ledger, a document, if you may, that contains all transactions ever made, that is it. Tools can connect these connections to accounts but that’s is it. It is one big file containing transfers from one address to another.

So here is what it really is. As a normal employee you never worried, you go to work, get paid, end of the story. You pay taxes that are unavoidable and if you are sick you still get your pay check. Even better, when applying for a mortgage or loan, you probably just get it.

Now as an employee the world is great, if this is all you want, good.

But dare you take the red pill.

Matrix 1 — worth a watch

So you took the red pill and became an entrepreneur.
I once was told there is no turning back and no, there is none.

You start your company, that part is easy, now you want money, good luck. Banks will just fuck you.

Then you want a credit line, prepare your anus.

Then taxes come along, actually you can finally work with them, it’s not like being an employer, you can tax deduct the living ship out of the system.

Maybe you ask for government funding, baaaaahahahhaha, yeah been there, prepare your anus aka tons of paperwork and talking, bla bla bla.
All it needs is a good talker, if your work is fucking Einstein level but you miss a good chitty chat person, dump, get outta here.

The world as an entrepreneur is hard as rock.

What you want to be, is a self made entrepreneur. Like a famous youtuber. Made his way up the ladder and built on his empire.

Now this is not possible for most people.

I won’t even go what he makes a day, he deserves every cent. (Phillip DeFranco)

Ok, wow, in a nutshell please, you keep on talking!

Sorry, I got carried away, in a nutshell:

An ICO is nothing else as an initial investment, but instead of asking a bank, good luck (Liam Neeson would rather lend you money) you ask normal people for it. And if your idea is actually good, you will get the money.

Put out a white paper, in crypto world it’s nothing else than a business plan! But instead of being banker talk, you just write whatever the hell you feel like! Of course you want to look like you know what you are doing and not talk bollocks. This might also include a roadmap, I would still include this in business plan territory.

Then after the ICO, the normal, mainstream, comes along and finances your company (buys your coins)! Basically like a credit line, credit, or anything bank related, really, except .. you skip the bloody bank altogether.

You are now buying shares in the company. Just like at a stock exchange. Except of using those snobby, piece of shit, pardon my french, stock exchanges, you use exchanges that some dude just wrote (ok, maybe 10x more clever than you, but heck, normal people, no magic overlord).

And guess what? You don’t need to trade insane amounts of money. You only got 100 bucks, go ahead. On a normal exchange, below 1000$ I wouldn’t even start a trade.

Of course we are all in for the money, everybody loves money, it’s their soldiers.

Shark Tank Kevin O’Leary


Bitcoin introduced what is possible. Many carried it to new heights.

Banks will get a warm welcome, where are all the entrepreneurs we could rape all day?

The stock market will wake up and see their dusty as fuck methods, trades, fees, technology, become obsolete.

What you are witnessing, is millennials taking over and they don’t fuck around with old, dusty systems.

Hail to the new overlords, flip this system upside down, it’s about time.

