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Chainges — Interview with Matthias from the Chainges Team

Yannick Zehnder
Game of Life
Published in
4 min readNov 8, 2017


From local meetups to high level conferences — a broad variety of chances to meet people and network within the blockchain industry has developed. Organizers, sponsors or sales representatives come up with conferences and sell tickets to attendees that are not really asked what they are looking for.

Chainges turns this process upside down and goes by asking the users first what they want — users first, demand first. For an introduction to their project, see their Medium article or the video below:

Chainges — make your mark!

Their beautifully designed website and survey can be found here:

Let’s hop right into it and let Matthias from Chainges speak about the project

YZ: I would like to start the interview by asking you a few personal questions. Can you tell us a little bit about you and what your background is?

Matthias: After finishing my degree at War Studies University in Warsaw, I started to wonder what to do with my life. At that time I was already involved with cryptocurrencies but purely as an investment. I have decided to explore the world of blockchains, my primary goal was to gain an understanding of the technology and the potential it has to change the industry we see today. Since then I have decided to meet with local communities and get to know people who are developing this technology. After visiting a lot of meetups, I saw a big disparity between Fin-tech conferences and the blockchain ones. That’s how the idea of a world-class industry conference was born.

How and when did you get involved with blockchain/crypto?

When I started in early 2015, there were a few companies, but I can say that blockchain was becoming mainstream in those days. For sure it was not as popular as it is now. A lot has changed. At first, I was more into the crypto-economy but soon I started learning about blockchain as a technology. I was amazed how it is going to change the world. That’s why I have decided to go all in.

Your project is about conferences. What experiences about attending conferences on IoT, blockchain and cryptocurrencies can you share with the readers?

We have recently launched a project called „Inside the network“ where we attended local blockchain & cryptocurrency meetups around the world. So far we have visited Germany, Netherlands and UK. We are right now on our way to Portugal to meet with the local communities. Next, we are going to France. We really want to learn about the industry at the grassroots, that’s why we meet with local contributors and ask them about this phenomenon which is the blockchain community.

Your idea to „turn things upside down“ by conducting a survey as a first step is a very interesting and useful approach in my opinion. How was the feedback from the community so far?

The community is giving us great feedback! I’m positively surprised by the number of responses we have received, all of it in two days only! The participants have already given us brilliant ideas about who they want to meet at the conference! Every day we are getting new replies, new ideas. The community is doing a great job!

The project website, the logo, the name and survey are beautifully designed! Did you come up with it yourself?

A lot of people work on this project. The logo and survey website were designed by a talented graphic designer with his own start-up agency — Spoko. The code was written by 2 developers — frontend and backend. We really care about the design because we have noticed that many blockchain companies don’t know how to brand themselves and utilize marketing to their advantage. We want to pave that path for them.
We work with three graphic designers who create all kind of content for us. There are two more people managing marketing and PR activities. We have collected a great team of blockchain enthusiasts, all specialised in different fields. We want to make our mark and showcase this industry the best we can.

Can you elaborate on the reason you chose NEM to create the asset “Chainges” and tell us a little about your connection to the NEM community?

We have decided to create our own assets on the NEM platform because of the easy to use software. It takes no longer than 5 minutes to create your own token. That’s why we use these tokens as a discount, and as tickets for contributors. The NEM community is one of the main reasons why I have decided to create the token on nem. They are very active on Telegram and also their dev team is always ready to answer questions.
We can add that we are early supporters in terms of NEM. Actually we support this project from the very beginning.

Last but not least: When moon and when catapult?

As everyone says — tomorrow ☺

Further reading

Thank you for reading — if you liked what you read, feel free to share, like and comment. Also feel free to suggest any improvements and corrections to the article in the comments below!

For extra “thank yous” here are my donation addresses:



Yannick Zehnder
Game of Life

Co-founder & CEO @ CEVEN. Bleeding edge tech enthusiast, marketing adept, teacher. Man of many hats.