CryptoPredicted the App

Game of Life
Published in
5 min readMay 31, 2018

The time has finally come. After many months of hard work and dedication, our team pulled it off once again. Today we reveal our powerful crypto analysis app.

Why CryptoPredicted?

In the past year the crypto industry has literally boomed and flourished. Since it’s a fairly novel industry with little regulation, many people ended up losing their cryptocurrency investments rapidly, or even worse. On the contrary a small group ended up becoming widely rich, but at the expense of the mainstream public.

At some point many of our friends and relatives were heavily buying into the crypto hype, hoping to double their investments. In most cases this did not happen, however some did get their assets out and made a nice margin. You may have heard or even experienced this scenario first hand.

It all started as a humble project using math, statistics, machine learning and later A.I. to reduce the risk of investing in crypto. Today we have bundled all our knowledge and resources into a single app accessible for everyone.

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How to use it?

Simplicity is at the core of our design. Investing and trading crypto assets is already a heck of a challenge to a starter. Many people who got involved in crypto have actually never used nor seen an online exchange platform — you can imagine the level of complexity some had to go through.

Getting started is child’s play and takes just a minute. Once you’ve signed up (here), verified your email and activated your 7-day trial you are good to go.

The image above shows your dashboard. Right now we have two core features: price predictions and trade signals.

Price predictions

Our predictions are generated by a complex artificial intelligent (AI) network. This network which we call a “neural network” was trained on thousands of hours of data. It’s the same technology that’s being used for self-driving cars, pattern recognition, beating Go and chess champions, and a lot more.

The predictions may appear to have poor accuracy, but that’s actually false. They are very good at predicting events that are about to happen, but it’s not that good at telling us exactly when something will happen.

To give you an example, the BTC/USDT prediction on the image above, as indicated by the orange line, tells us that there’s a high probability of BTC’s price to drop from $7550 to about $7300 in the next twelve hours or so. But whether this drop will start in the next hour is not clear. It could even start in the next few minutes.

The predictions are particularly useful if you are a regular trader. You can use the predictions to reinforce your decision making process. For instance, when you’re not sure whether to buy, sell or do nothing, you should use the predictions to take better calculated risks.

Trade signals

In trading it does not matter whether you’re a beginner or an expert, you will always have to deal with uncertainty. To reduce our stress, anxiety and risk we invest a lot of our resources to the development of trading algorithms.

On the trade signals page you will find dozens of trade simulations generated by these strategies. To evaluate and asses the performance of a strategy we compute its 60-day return on investment (ROI). The ROI shows exactly what your return would’ve been if you had followed each and single one of these buy/sell signals.

The ROI simulation incorporates all trading fees depending on the exchange and takes slippage into account — this way the ROI shows a pretty realistic return. Since humans are still better than machines at making trade decisions, it’s likely you will end up with a higher return than indicated by the ROI.

Trade signals are time sensitive, we have to make use of the opportunities as they arise. To deal with this matter, we can subscribe to strategies and receive the buy/sell signals as email notifications. In order to subscribe to some strategy simple click the “off” button and it will turn on green.

As soon as a new buy/sell signal is generated, it is immediately sent out to all its subscribers. This way you will catch every opportunity without spending countless of hours staring at your exchange.

Final notes

Despite our app becoming more powerful in every sense, it is not a magical wand that will make you successful. It remains a tool among tools, it will only work miracles if you do. Even though we proudly vouch for our products, we recommend you to never put all eggs in one basket, and never rely on just a single source of information.

Get started today, claim your 7-day trial:

Thank you for reading, and stay tuned for the next one!
- Ilya Nevolin



Game of Life

Cryptocurrency price predictions using machine learning, development and analysis of algorithmic trading strategies and more. App: