Empleos.IO Bounty Program Has Officially Launched!

Empleos IO
7 min readAug 28, 2018


Empleos.io introduces the first stage of our Bounty Program!

At the first stage all Bounty Hunters will receive rewards in PLEO tokens for activities in social media channels and Bitcointalk:

► commenting;

► sharing;

► leaving reviews;

► following;

► mentioning Empleos.io and other.

Most activities will be reviewed by our team manually and applying certain quality rules. For example, we’ll grade original Facebook posts using the following guidelines:

1. Good Quality (original content, no info copy/paste) = 8 PLEO

2. Excellent Quality (original thought, no copy/paste of info, must get 5+ likes) = 20 PLEO

3. Outstanding Quality (must be original, no info copy/paste, no technical or grammatical/spelling errors, must get 10+ likes) = 50 PLEO

Also, there are two basic rules across all channels:

#1. Using duplicate content for multiple Empleos.io bounties is prohibited, and will lead to disqualifying you from participating.

#2. All the tokens will be distributed during distribution phase, 30 days after the Main token sale is closed (December 5, 2018 + 30 days)

So, here we go:


Aug 24, 2018 — Dec 5, 2018
Coin Total: 30000 PLEO
Submissions Per Hunter: 1

Bounty Details
Empleos.io Telegram Bounty: hunters are awarded PLEO tokens for joining our Telegram group, submitting comments or asking questions about our project and staying at least until the rewards distribution.

Empleos.io Telegram Group: https://t.me/EmpleosIO

Join Empleos.io Telegram = 3 PLEO
Note: Participation in discussion is a must to receive a reward.

1. Fake / Bot accounts are prohibited (every account will be checked).
2. After joining the group, make at least 1 appropriate post / message.
3. Participate in discussion at least once to prove you’re not a bot.
4. Staying in the group is required at least until rewards distribution

Submission Instructions
Submit a link to your Telegram account. Click “Claim Bounty” button at https://empleos.io/pages/bounty/


Aug 24, 2018 — Dec 5, 2018
Coin Total: 40000 PLEO
Submissions Per Hunter: 30

Bounty Details
Empleos.io Facebook Bounty: hunters are awarded PLEO tokens for sharing Empleos.io posts, posting about Empleos.io (with Empleos.io mentions) and leaving 4–5 stars reviews. Hunters must like Empleos.io Facebook Page and have 500+ friends to be eligible for any rewards.

Empleos.io Facebook Company Page: https://www.facebook.com/empleos.io/

1. Sharing Empleos.io posts
— Like Empleos.io Facebook page.
— Share posts from Empleos.io Facebook Page within 3–5 days after their publication.

Note: All shares must include @Empleos.io. 1 share per post is available, no double shares per same post!

Eligibility to participate: you must have 500+ friends.

Each Share = 1 PLEO

2. Original Post at your personal Facebook profile
— Like Empleos.io Facebook page.
— Create posts with some positive content from your personal account with the mention of @Empleos.io.

Eligibility to participate: you must have 500+ friends.

Note: We’ll check the quality of original post and reward depending on it:
— Good Quality (original content, no info copy/paste) = 8 PLEO
— Excellent Quality (original thought, no copy/paste of info, must get 5+ likes) = 20 PLEO
— Outstanding Quality (must be original, no info copy/paste, no technical or grammatical/spelling errors, must get 10+ likes) = 50 PLEO

Note: Sharing multiple submission content across Empleos.io bounties is not allowed. This may lead to disqualifying you from our bounties.

3. Leaving positive reviews on Empleos.io Facebook page.
— Like Empleos.io Facebook page.
— Leave 4–5 stars review with a few positive words about Empleos.io.

Each review = 2 PLEO

Rules and limitations
1. Original posts and shares must include “@Empleos.io” mention.
2. Keep liking the Empleos.io Facebook Page until the end of Main token sale (December 5, 2018).
3. Do not delete original posts and shares.
4. Only 1 original post per day for each participant is allowed.
5. One participant can not share same Empleos.io Facebook page post twice (1 share per post per participant is allowed).
6. Maximum 10 Original Posts from each participant’s personal Facebook profile is allowed.
7. Maximum 20 Shares of Empleos.io posts per participant is allowed.
8. Hunter’s profile page must be public.
9. Participant must have 500+ Friends.

Submission Instructions
Submit links to your original posts/shares/reviews. Click “Claim Bounty” button at https://empleos.io/pages/bounty/


Aug 24, 2018 — Dec 5, 2018
Coin Total: 20000 PLEO
Submissions Per Hunter: 20

Bounty Details
Empleos.io LinkedIn Bounty: hunters are rewarded PLEO tokens for following Empleos.io on LinkedIn and/or creating original posts about Empleos.io, and/or sharing Empleos.io posts in their profile feed.

Empleos.io LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/empleos-io/

1. Follow Linkedin page
Follow Empleos.io on Linkedin = 5 PLEO

2. Post about Empleos.io at your Linkedin feed
Post must include @Empleos.io
Eligibility: must have 100+ connections to participate.

3. Share Empleos.io Linkedin page posts.
Share Empleos.io post with 100+ symbols original comment. Include @Empleos.io mention.
Eligibility: must have 100+ connections to participate.

Note: We’ll check the quality of original post and reward depending on it:
— Poor/low: 0–10 PLEO (we reserve the right to deny, or give lower reward)
— Good: 15 PLEO
— Great: 35 PLEO
— Extraordinary: 70 PLEO

Quality factors:
— length,
— spelling/grammar,
— originality of content,
— copy/paste information (less the better),
— number of comments/likes/shares it gets.

Example: extraordinary post must have no errors (nor technical, nor grammar or spelling), contain 300+ characters, include 1+ link to Empleos.io website, no copy/paste info, and get 15+ likes and/or 5+ unique user comments.

1. No fake accounts (we check).
2. Do not unfollow Empleos.io.
3. Maximum 10 Submissions per day per participant is allowed.
4. 100+ Linkedin connections to participate in “2. Post about Empleos.io at your Linkedin feed ” and “3. Share Empleos.io Linkedin page posts.” is required.
5. Each post must include @Empleos.io

Warning: Using duplicate content for multiple Empleos.io bounties is prohibited, and will lead to disqualifying you from participating.

Submission Instructions
Submit a link to your LinkedIn post and/or a link to your profile for “Follow”, or Shared post. Click “Claim Bounty” button at https://empleos.io/pages/bounty/


Aug 24, 2018 — Dec 5, 2018
Coin Total: 30000 PLEO
Submissions Per Hunter: 50

Bounty Details
Commenting and/or questioning constructively on the Empleos.io Bitcointalk ANN thread will be rewarded gradually for a Jr / Member / Full / Sr. / Hero or Legendary Member and depending on content quality in PLEO tokens.

Empleos.io Bitcointalk ANN thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4798287

Quality grade:
1. Good = 10 PLEO
2. Excellent = 20 PLEO
3. Extraordinary = 50 PLEO

Member level reward multipliers:
— Jr. Member = * 1 (just quality will be considered)
— Member = * 1.5 of the Jr member reward
— Full member = * 2.0 of the Jr member reward
— Sr. Member = * 2.5 of the Jr member reward
— Hero/Legendary = * 3 of the Jr member reward

1. Spammers will be excluded from reward and further participation.
2. Comments / questions must be meaningful and relevant. So learn more about the project first.
3. No consecutive posts/questions from a single participant are allowed.
4. 2 comments a day per 1 user are allowed.
5. Submit each of your comment / question separately for verification.

Submission Instructions
Submit links to your comments. Click “Claim Bounty” button at https://empleos.io/pages/bounty/


Aug 24, 2018 — Dec 5, 2018
Coin Total: 60000 PLEO
Submissions Per Hunter: 40

Bounty Details
Empleos.io Twitter Bounty: participants are awarded PLEO tokens for retweeting and liking tweets, also, for mentioning Empleos.io in original tweets. To be eligible participants must follow @EmpleosIO first.

Empleos.io Twitter account: https://twitter.com/EmpleosIO

1. Retweeting AND Liking Empleos.io tweets
Like AND Retweet Empleos.io Tweets. 1 tweet = 1 retweet. No duplications! Must include @EmpleosIO in your own comment to specific retweet.

Reward will be given depending of each participant’s followers number:
— 100–500 followers: 2 PLEO per retweet AND like
— 501–1000 followers: 5 PLEO per retweet AND like
— 1001–5000 followers: 15 PLEO per retweet AND like
— 5000+ followers: 20 PLEO per retweet AND like

2. Original Tweet with Empleos.io mention
Create an original Tweet about Empleos.io project. Participants must have 500+ followers and be related to crypto community to participate. Must include @EmpleosIO in Tweet AND the link to Empleos.io website.

Reward will be given depending on original tweet quality.

Original Tweet Quality* Grading Scale:
— Good: 5 PLEO
— Great: 10 PLEO
— Extraordinary: 20 PLEO
*Quality is about reach of post, number of likes, retweets, comments, overall layout, links to Empleos.io content, copy/paste information (less the better), technical and grammatical errors.

Example: Extraordinary Tweet must get 20+ likes and/or 10+ comments, include clear and original thought, have no copy/paste information, no technical or grammatical errors, and pass plagiarism test.

1. No fake accounts or accounts with fake followers (we check with www.twitteraudit.com, a 20% score or higher = disqualification)
2. Participants of “1. Retweeting AND Liking Empleos.io tweets” must Retweet AND like original Tweet to be eligible.
3. Maximum 30 submissions per participant.
4. Retweeting Empleos.io tweets must be performed within 30 days of original publication.
5. Participants must follow @EmpleosIO to participate.
6. For original tweet, must have 500+ followers.

Submission Instructions
Submit the links to each post your retweet or original post (if you provide only your Twitter profile, your tweets may not be tracked, and therefore rewarded). Click “Claim Bounty” button at https://empleos.io/pages/bounty/

About the Platform

Empleos.io platform will contain the following structural elements:

► Blockchain (based on NEM) for storing transaction data

► JobsMarket.io global Job Board

► Decentralized database for storing users profiles data

► Deep machine intelligence for resume profile analysis and search optimization

► Mobile client apps for Android and iOS

► Open API for third-party developers

About PLEO Token

Total number of announced PLEO Tokens: 140, 000, 000. Empleos will offer 70,000,000 PLEO tokens in 2 tiers: Token Pre-Sale and Main Token Sale.

The PLEO token will be used as a method of payment for the services within the platform.

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Empleos IO

EMPLEOS.IO - the new Blockchain and Machine Learning powered platform disrupting online recruiting market: no middlemen, just job seekers and employers!