Google’s Cryptocurrency Easter Egg

Christopher Mac
Game of Life
Published in
2 min readDec 14, 2017


Let’s face it, who isn’t talking about Cryptocurrencies these days? While recently having dinner with my brother and sister at a BBQ joint, we literally overheard the word bitcoin 5–6 times from different tables within 10 minutes. As I scanned the room, the people around us did not appear to be computer nerds like myself or investment banker types. Just some folks having a chat about something they can all relate to. With Google's assistant getting in on the conversation, I feel this sentiment will not disappear. We will not escape the word Bitcoin in our peripheral soundscape in the near future.

Whats an easter egg? Easter eggs are hidden messages concealed inside games and programs. They’re often put there by developers as an inside joke, spurring gamers on to mash buttons and search through sub-menus in search of these concealed features.

Android users got just that recently — no joke . Introducing Mr. Satoshi, Google's new cryptocurrency assistant. Who is Mr. Satoshi for real? If we even say that??? Satoshi Nakamoto is the name used by the unknown person or people who designed bitcoin and created its original reference implementation.

Try it! —

Access your assistant with “Okay Google” then ask to talk to Mr. Satoshi.

“Okay, let’s get Mr. Satoshi,” replies the speaker.

“Hi, I’m Mr. Satoshi,” it adds a second later.

Google is often the forerunner of new technology. Or, improving on existing tech. Asking your Android phone enabled with Google Voice to speak to “Mr. Satoshi” will prompt the assistant to deliver real-time prices on any major cryptocurrency of your choosing.

Pretty basic stuff right? No, the discovery of Mr. Satoshi is evidence current and upcoming trends: the pervasiveness of cryptocurrency, and bigger moves yet to come from Google in the blockchain.

Like all technology businesses, Google is heavily data-driven. I would dare to say completely data-driven. Data is key to understand the users needs and wants. This could be another big data play to help them provide further infrastructure within their developing blockchain ecosystem.

Don’t own any crypto yet? I would suggest using Coinbase as your wallet if you're a beginner and want to buy and hold. Sign up with my code and we both earn $10 usd which would remove their fees on your first couple of purchases.

