Here’s how we predicted this recession 12 Months ago, and HOW we make money from it!

Sam MacDonald
4 min readMar 10, 2020

The recession is here, and it came with a BANG!

While the crash took most by surprise, we saw it coming…

Last year we spoke at events across the country — in the picture above, you can see we were educating people on the imminent recession back in 2019 and why it was important to diversify into crypto assets.

Now it’s here!

Many took notice, and our clients benefited from PINPOINT knowledge of market data and implemented our strategies, which now have them best positioned to make a FORTUNE in cryptocurrency!

They HAVE capitalised, but remarkably — it’s not too late FOR YOU to make money or save losing your fortunes by ignoring the obvious.

So how did we know?

The writing was on the wall. The lead up to the greatest single drop in the US stock market, ever, had many warning signs…

- The Trade War between China & the US was the gunpowder…

- Housing markets were in decline — Australia being one of the worst performers out of 20 Major countries

- New car sales have been in recession for three years running with no sign of reversing

- Unchecked Quantitative Easing. Every week, billions of new US Dollars are being pumped into circulation. BILLIONS!

QE is short-term gain with potentially catastrophic consequences down the line — for your kids. The nasty by-product of printing too much money is hyperinflation…think Germany 1930’s.

Add negative interest rates across the world, plus economic slowdowns in the EU and Britain, and the powder keg was ready to explode.

Finally, The BLACK SWAN…a global pandemic that has locked down the industrial centre of the world economy –


As entire countries become quarantined business stops, tourism is shot, and before long, Governments will need to subsidise economies — importantly, workers won’t get pay checks, supply chains of food and supplies will dwindle, and hospitals will be overwhelmed.

Global markets and fear do not mix well.


This is how we have been thinking for 12+ months. We knew we must be ahead of the game because…


Market psychology is the biggest factor you can bank on…

we cover it in-depth with our clients and demonstrate how to USE IT TO YOUR ADVANTAGE!

It’s where you can make insane amounts of money — AND YOU STILL CAN!

Why do we favour Bitcoin and Crypto in this new crisis?

Bitcoin is trustless. You don’t need to rely on a Central Bank or Government to dictate monetary policy on your precious savings. For instance, right now, Lebanon is restricting bank withdrawals of US dollars to just $400 a month — crazy. With BTC, you’re your own bank!

Further, Bitcoin is an uncorrelated asset with THE HIGHEST RETURN OF ANY ASSET IN THE WORLD — and importantly, it is a finite asset with a scarce supply.

In a financial crisis, SCARCITY = VALUE

Now, think about the human aspect…

People WILL NOT want to exchange paper/plastic money in the face of a disease that is transmitted from human to human contact — in fact, in China we are seeing people washing and even burning their Yuan bills!

Think about whether you could you get to a bank during a potential quarantine?

Would it be closed? Staffed? Would there be lines of people doing the same thing increasing your chance of catching the disease?

Sadly, there is no guarantee banks will have your money available, even in that instance…

Bitcoin is 24/7 — global, and digital. Free Markets will always gravitate toward the path of least resistance. In this case, Bitcoin has scarcity, ease of use, and portability.

Can you trust the fractional reserve banking system in a crisis?

No. We are seeing it collapsing right now, and when you know what you are doing, YOU CAN PROFIT FROM IT!

We CAN help inform your investment decisions now by bringing your portfolio into the digital age.

The crypto market is exploding and soon everyone will WANT to have exposure.

WE CAN SHOW YOU HOW to invest SAFELY and securely.

The top 1% of investors make their fortunes from these moments in history — with our exclusive Five Pillar formula you can start to transition into being a part of that 1%!

Don’t get stuck in the herd when this gets worse.

Turn your money into SMART MONEY now!

Are you ready to take full control of 2020?

And want to learn the proven process that has helped create life-changing wealth?

Send us a message of ‘YES’ over Facebook and we’ll be in touch.


Check out our ONLINE Masterclass Video Series and start your journey TODAY

You are only 1 investment away…

Blog by Sam MacDonald

Content Director

Disclaimer. Sam owns Cryptocurrency



Sam MacDonald

Writer & travel blogger. Creative Director at Crypto Consulting Institute. Owner of