Most Crypto Investors Are Idiots! Don’t Be One of Them!

Danny Rusev
Game of Life
Published in
4 min readDec 14, 2018

I hope you don’t feel offended by the title, but no matter how we look at what happened to the crypto market in 2017 and the current situation, one thing is for sure: Most people that invested in Bitcoin, alternative cryptocurrencies and ICOs are idiots.

Why? Because 99% of the participants in the crypto market never took the time to learn and understand what they’re putting their money into. In fact, the majority of these people had never invested in any asset before and had zero knowledge about how markets work.

Quick decisions were made due to the enormous hype created by mass media, YouTubers and so-called experts. Decisions driven by greed which in most cases resulted in huge losses and debt. To be honest I don’t feel sorry for these people, because they deserved it, I feel sorry for the Bitcoin, altcoins and ICOs being labeled as Scam.

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What amazes me even more is that the same idiots are still reading the manipulative headlines and take it as genuine information. Let me tell you something, anybody can have an article published on Forbes for few thousand dollars and make an ICO look legit, imagine what is the power that institutions and whales have.

There are still YouTubers talking about moon shots, Lambos or the next coin/token that will make you a millionaire. Just looking at their thumbnails makes me laugh and yet they have 10–20 even 50K subscribers and few thousand views within the first couple of hours after they publish a new video. Sad but true!

If you do a quick search on LinkedIn you will see hundreds of ICO advisers who will make your project successful with great marketing plans and strategic partnerships. 99% of these people haven’t spend a penny on social media marketing or invested in a single ICO and yet they claim to be experts.

A number of websites were accused of charging projects for higher ratings with plenty of proofs available online. Yet many of the so-called experts and even YouTubers refer to those as the place you need to go if you’re looking for the best investment or want to fund your project via ICO.

While towards the end of 2017 people were buying Bitcoin above $10K and telling me how they feel sorry for not getting in few months earlier when the price was $3-$4K, today they don’t want to hear about Bitcoin, because it’s dead. Well, Bitcoin was pronounced dead several times on media during the last 5 years.

Some are pulling their hair out for not buying any of the top altcoins before they get 50 times up in value and now when those same coins are available on insane discounts, they’re waiting to see what will happen with the market, while billions of dollars are invested in blockchain tech and new exchanges.

Others are talking about how they regret not entering the ICO market during the 2017 craze like this opportunities no longer exist. Well, ICOs are still out there, the scammers are a lot less and the good projects stand out, which reduces the risk and improves the odds to make profit…but that’s not what they see on the news.

To conclude I’m going to tell you that the idiots will stay on the sideline watching the market exploding even more in the upcoming years and regret how they miss they shot AGAIN.

So if you’re not an idiot you better start educating yourself about the cryptomarket now and enter it when you feel comfortable with your knowledge, because the next wave might be your last chance.

I don’t want to you to leave this page and say I was only a hater and didn’t provide any value, so below I will list some YouTubers I personally follow where you can get educated on the different aspects of the crypto market.

Follow me for more crypto related content, check my previous articles and before you go, don’t forget to hit the clap 30–40 times…it’s doesn’t hurt!

Crypto Daily — He does funny but very informative videos every single day

DataDash — Discusses Bitcoin, altcoins and most other financial markets

The Crypto Lark — Always interesting point of view on the cryptomarket news

Alessio Rastani — Great technical analysis on Bitcoin price charts



Danny Rusev
Game of Life

I enjoy creating content and influence people to change their lives for good. Passionate about cars. Founder of