Learn to use Blockchain in apps — Lab 1

Andreea-Elena Dragnoiu (Panait)
Game of Life
Published in
3 min readMar 5, 2020

Hello, my name is Andreea Panait (you can find me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andreea-elena-panait ) and I will post here (on medium) the labs for the optional course Blockchain, a course that can be taken by the 3rd year students from Informatics section, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania.

Info for the enrolled students (2019–2020, 2nd semester): the labs will take place weekly and the grade for the lab will consist in a project a Decentralized application — dApp formed of a smart contract, an interaction with blockchain part, and a UI part. A group of 3–4 students can present the project (but the project difficulty will increase proportional with the number of students). Data of project presentation: 22/29.04.2020

Trending Cryptocurrency Hub Articles:

1. Beyond Crypto. Applying Blockchain to Different Spheres of Life

2. Beginners to experts, the five must know from the crypto master- Mohsin Jameel

3. Is Groestle Coin The Next Digital Gold?!

4. A Crypto that will Pay You

Blockchain Overview

Introduction in Blockchain: below is a good presentation from Blockchain Trainning Alliance. One should make an account on their site and then go to On Demand Classes and choose the Blockchain Overview Business Foundation course (it has both pdf slides and video tutorial). The cool thing about the course is that you receive a diploma, after finishing the video tutorial (or one can simply read the slides).


Blockchain Use Cases:

Some use cases where blockchain can be used (and from which the students can use an idea for their project):


Blockchain Developer Toolkit

An overview of the tools that a Blockchain Dev should use (which will be also using throughout the labs), can be found in the following link. Note that the project dependencies presented below are not up to date.


What are the Smart Contracts ?

Next time: Solidity Tutorial + Remix IDE + Security Tools for Smart Contracts

Don’t forget to give us your 👏 !

