The Art of Manifestation- achieve everything you want

Syeda Usra
Game of Life
Published in
5 min readJul 31, 2022


You can do whatever you wish for in your life. You are no less than anyone. You are one in a million because you are special. Have you ever said these words to yourself? Remember you can only change your future by changing yourself in the present moment. You can Manifest everything in your life by changing your words, thoughts, and beliefs.

photo by Mohamed Nohassi
photo by Mohamed Nohassi

Manifestation is the art of conveying a message to the universe. Your words, actions, and beliefs hold an energy that can change your life. Have you ever listened to this quote? “ THINK OF A DEVIL AND DEVIL IS HERE “

YES, it’s a negative saying but this quote refers to the manifestation technique in a wrong way. It means that if you are thinking that something bad is going to happen in your life. It will happen because you are subconsciously manifesting the wrong aspect in your life. Read this article completely so, I can help you understand the importance of manifestation.

What is Manifestation

Manifestation is a divine law. It’s the secret tool behind every achievement. It’s the idea by which you can bring things into reality. The Art of Manifestation is a way to create what you want in your life. You can use the power of your thoughts and feelings to bring things into your life and manifest them.

The Law of Attraction is the belief that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about positive or negative results. It is the basic principle behind the practice of manifestation, which is the process of creating what one wants by focusing on it.

The secret — a book that has changed many lives

Manifestation has been practiced throughout history in many cultures and religions, but it became popularized through The Secret (2006), a self-help book written by Rhonda Byrne. The book claims that people can attract good luck, fortune, health, and happiness by using a universal law called “the Law of Attraction” which Byrne believes was created by GOD. This book also has a spiritual theme, with the concept of an “attractor field” being introduced as a metaphorical way of understanding how people can feel drawn to certain people, things, or places.

photo by Umar ben

How to manifest anything in your life

Look into the mirror and talk to yourself. See yourself as the person you wish to become in your life. Talk like him, act like him, think like him. You can’t gain something if you haven’t felt it. Say to yourself that you have done it. Say positive affirmations to yourself every day. Always remember your words can change everything.but keep in mind that it is not going to happen overnight. You have to be patient about it.

Steps for manifesting your desire

Manifestation is the art of visualizing what you want and turning it into reality. This is a process that many people do not understand, but it can be broken down into four simple steps:

- Visualize your goal

Be clear about your goal and focus on it. Don’t mix it up with too many wishes. Ask yourself what exactly you want. Is it something that does not let you sleep? Is it something that’s a must-have thing for you? You should have a burning desire for it.

photo by Tina Witherspoon

Start visualizing it. Write down it on paper. Look at it every day. place the paper in your room, in your car, in your notebook. Read it out loud. Think about it every day.

- Believe that you deserve it

photo by Ran Berkovich

The second step for manifesting your goal is to believe. Believe that you have it. Show gratitude towards everything and everyone. Feel your goal. You can have what you want because you deserve it. You can not achieve something in your life that you think is not a good thing. Be clear about your thoughts. Say to yourself that you have it because it is made for you. Be a firm believer. Act like it.

Stay away from any negative thoughts that come to your mind. Stay away from negativity. Stay thankful for your achievements. Even if they are not very huge, stay happy about them. Talk to the people who believe in you. Surround yourself with believers, achievers, and thoughtful people. Read books or articles that encourage you to stay positive.

- Believe that it will happen

Once you have started working on your goal. Stay positive about the outcome. Remember, you will have it one day. Sooner or later, it doesn’t matter. I want it so act like you already have it. Make room for your desire. If your goal is to buy a new car, make space for it. Plan things you will do when will have that car. The idea behind this is to convey to the universe that you are ready to have it.

- Receives it!

Once you have done all the above steps, be ready to receive it. Trust the process. You are going to have the answers to all your prayers. Keep in mind resistance and limiting beliefs are only there to stop you from your goal. Don’t let these obstacles blur your vision. Expect miracles. sooner or later you are going to have what you want.

photo by Austin Schmid

Final words

The art of manifestation is your chance to create your reality. But before creating, you have to believe that nothing in life is impossible. To accomplish this, you have to work hard and believe in yourself.

“The only thing that stops you from manifesting your dreams is you,” McKenna says



Syeda Usra
Game of Life

A writer with a different approach. love to talk about technology, human psychology and things that happen around everyday.