The Power of Words: Change Your Words, Change your World

Syeda Usra
Game of Life
Published in
5 min readSep 2, 2022


We as human beings are the most powerful specie in this whole universe. We can create things that can either construct or destroy. In other words, we as human beings are given the power to choose what we want to do in our life. Our mind is the most unique and powerful tool that differentiates us from all the other species on this whole planet.

Image by Ross Findon

We can train our minds in many ways which result in a change in our lives. Changing our words, and changing our habits give amazing benefits to us. Today, I am gonna talk about how you can bring a change in your life just by simple steps.

The Power of Words

We all are blessed with this wonderful capability. The use of words. Our words can break or make someone. Similarly, we can use words for our betterment. For example: talk to yourself daily. Talk about how wonderful you are. Say powerful words to yourself. Complement yourself. Ask yourself how what he likes or dislikes. Know your inner-being. You will start noticing how good you will feel every day. you will feel a change in energy in your body. You will see, how positive affirmations have transformed your daily activities from dull to new experiences.

Image by Ashley-Whitlatch

How words affect us

Your words influence your daily life and your future life. Your words describe who you are, whether you are an introvert or an extrovert. Our words make our thoughts. Our thoughts make our beliefs. Our beliefs define who we are and what we will do or choose in our life. So, in simple words, we have to change our word pattern to signal to our mind what we want

5 ways to use your words to change your life


Here I am sharing five proven ways by which you can change your life. By doing little changes in your life, you can do amazing things.

1. Use different words for different situations

Image by Bratt-Jordan

There was a time when I used to stay unhappy and annoyed all the time for no such reason. I was always in a bad mood and the reason for all this was nothing. I had everything in my life. but I never think about it. I was surrounded by people who used to define simple situations with the wrong words. Like, if I applied for a university and didn’t hear back from them. People surrounding me would say this is because I was not a good student or they would say, it is because I never heard their advice. Can you believe it? it looks funny to me when I think about all this now.
I stop talking to people who weren’t supportive. I gave time to myself and started to meditate. I realized that I can't win in every situation and it's not even important to win every time. What is more important is to believe that I can overcome every obstacle. After a month and a half, I got a letter from one of the most reputed universities that I have been selected for their master's program.

What I learn from this situation is we need to always speak positively about the present. Describe your situation positively. Use better words to describe yourself. If things are not going in your way. This means that something good is going to happen in your life. you are being prepared for being successful. Because if you can't handle the failure, you can't handle your success.

2. Identify your worth

Image by Tim-mossholder

Before changing yourself, you need to work on your emotions. Write down your emotions once a week. Write down how you feel when something specific happened. Know yourself, how you feel and how you react to situations. Know how different you are. This practice will help you know your inner strength. Stay connected to your inner self. Remember, you have to recognize yourself before anyone. Work on goals. If you can think about it, it is not impossible to achieve.

3. Try to modify your emotional pattern

Modify your emotions. Name them. Challenge yourself. Always use good words for yourself. Like, I am strong enough to do this or that. I can do it. I have the power to change. I am worthy. These affirmations will help you change your perspective about yourself. If your emotions are making you weak or stressed about anything, think about it differently. Think broadly. Everything happens for a reason. Maybe the thing that you are considering a curse is a blessing. Meditate and give yourself time. Maybe then you will be able to understand what is happening.

4. Use positive words more often

Positive words give your mind a realm of thinking in a new way. Our mind is guided by our thoughts and our thoughts are the reflection of our words. Always use good words to describe the condition. You can do a lot just by simply changing your words.

5. Shift your mindset

Image by annie-spratt

Something is bothering you? don’t worry, we all have problems. Everyone is dealing with something in their lives. You can't judge a book by its cover. Everyone has problems. But the way we deal with it defines us. Shift your mindset. Your problem is not bigger than yours. Stop overthinking. Our worries are not going to solve anything. Think positively. Think about the solution. Analyze what part you can play to transform it. Only this way, you can shift your mind to a more productive one.

I hope you like this article. Please leave your feedback and suggestions. Thank you so much for reading.



Syeda Usra
Game of Life

A writer with a different approach. love to talk about technology, human psychology and things that happen around everyday.