Top 7 Smart Contract Platforms to Consider in 2024

Game of Life
Published in
13 min readMay 23, 2024

Smart contracts are a crucial component of blockchain technology, widely utilized across various industries like banking, insurance, real estate, and healthcare. These contracts are essential for ensuring the efficient operation of blockchain-based solutions. They serve to streamline transactions between both identified and anonymous parties.

Enterprises often adopt smart contracts to reduce the expenses and formality associated with traditional methods while upholding authenticity and trustworthiness. Furthermore, they play a significant role in eliminating human errors and the unreliability of paperwork.

To deploy smart contracts, one must make use of smart contract platforms. However, selecting the most suitable platform for your business case is of utmost importance. If you’re looking to harness the power of smart contracts for your business in 2024, you’ll need to find the right smart contract platform. In this blog, we will discuss the top 7 smart contract platforms to consider. However, before looking into these platforms, let us first understand what a smart contract is and how it works!

So, without any further ado, let’s get started!

What Do We Mean By Smart Contract Platforms?

Smart contract platforms, often referred to as smart contract development companies, are pivotal in supporting, identifying, and executing smart contracts. These platforms grant users access to various smart contract blockchain frameworks while also providing services for the creation, testing, deployment, and execution of smart contracts. Unlike cryptocurrencies, which face criticism due to their volatile nature, smart contract development platforms offer a more stable and reliable long-term investment opportunity.

How Smart Contracts Function?

Understanding the inner workings of smart contract development is crucial before making any significant decisions about selecting the best smart contract platform. Smart contracts enable businesses to transact in goods, currency, securities, real estate, and various assets. These contracts are stored and executed on a shared ledger, ensuring data integrity and immutability. Here’s a breakdown of the process:

  • Deployment and Interaction: When a smart contract is deployed, it receives an address that allows users to interact with and execute the contract. These contracts can store various values based on the logic written by developers.
  • User Interaction: After deployment, people can engage with the smart contract on the blockchain.
  • Execution and Consensus: During the execution phase, a group of nodes executes the smart contract functions listed in a transaction. Nodes evaluate the outcomes and determine which one to retain, following the consensus mechanism applied on the blockchain network. Various consensus mechanisms, such as PoW and PoS, dictate the operations that each node must perform to achieve valid proof.
  • Validation and Inclusion: The first node to present valid proof becomes the leader and adds the execution outcomes to the blockchain. Valid outcomes are included in a block, which, in turn, becomes part of the blockchain. Any changes in internal variables due to validated transactions act as the initial values for subsequent transactions.

Benefits of Smart Contracts

Smart contract solutions offer a multitude of advantages, making them an enticing option for businesses seeking enhanced efficiency and security. Here are some key benefits:

  • Trust & Transparency: Smart contracts eliminate the need for intermediaries, ensuring encrypted and unalterable transaction records are distributed across participants, promoting trust and transparency.
  • Efficiency & Speed: Smart contracts execute automatically and rapidly when specific conditions are met, as they run on software code. This speed appeals to traditional businesses looking to expedite their processes.
  • Security: Smart contract developers employ top blockchain protocols to encrypt transaction records, enhancing security. Records are linked on a distributed ledger, making it virtually impossible to alter a single record without changing the entire chain.
  • Paper-free: Unlike traditional paper contracts, smart contracts exist in the digital realm, reducing the risk of loss, destruction, alteration, or theft.
  • Storage & Backup: Smart contracts record crucial transaction information, ensuring permanent storage for future reference. Data retrieval is easy, minimizing the risk of data loss.
  • Savings: By eliminating the need for numerous intermediaries like banks and lawyers, smart contracts reduce costs and simplify transactions, resulting in significant savings.

In the realm of blockchain technology, smart contracts are revolutionizing how businesses operate by offering efficiency, security, and transparency. As more industries recognize the value of smart contract solutions, the demand for reliable smart contract development companies and platforms is on the rise.

Photo by Pierre Borthiry - Peiobty on Unsplash

Use of Smart Contract Platforms in Various Industries

The utilization of smart contracts spans across various industries, each reaping the benefits of these digital agreements. To streamline processes and enhance existing workflows, enterprises frequently turn to a leading blockchain platform and smart contract development service provider. Let’s explore the industries that have harnessed the power of smart contracts:

  • Healthcare Industry: In healthcare, smart contracts have improved insurance trial procedures and provided secure access to cross-institutional data, assuring patients about the safety of their sensitive information. These contracts are employed in interactions between patients and healthcare providers. For example, the Robomed network, a decentralized medical network, relies on Ethereum blockchain smart contracts to facilitate user interactions and manage healthcare processes, including patient interactions and performance metrics with healthcare providers.
  • Retailer-Supplier Industry: Smart contracts have enhanced visibility and real-time communication in the supply chain and retail sector, fostering stronger relationships with suppliers. This has led to greater innovation and improved decision-making, with businesses benefiting from automation and increased operational efficiencies. Initiatives like Dropp and digitized payroll administration offer real-time tracking, enhanced visibility, and microtransactions.
  • Faster & Safer International Trade: Top blockchain development companies assist organizations in streamlining international trade with smart contract blockchain platforms. These platforms expedite transactions, provide transaction history, and monitor the entire trading process from start to finish. By using standardized rules, blockchain-based smart contract platforms manage trade options, reduce risk and friction, simplify the trading process, and create more trade opportunities.
  • Government Sector: Smart contracts enable government organizations to execute agreements while reinforcing consensus and transparency. The integration of digital contracts in voting processes can prevent any unauthorized modifications by third parties. Votes are securely stored in a distributed ledger, and hacking such a system would require advanced computing skills.
  • Real Estate Industry: Smart contracts are employed in the real estate sector to facilitate property transactions. Propy was a pioneering real estate company that conducted its first transaction using smart contracts in September 2017, involving a property worth $60,000. Both buyers and sellers participate in the smart contract, ensuring a fair and legal process.

Why Smart Contracts are Essential for Businesses in 2024?

In 2024, businesses must adapt to the latest technologies and trends to remain competitive. Smart contract development, a key component, offers numerous advantages. Smart contracts are digital agreements residing on a blockchain platform, known for their transparency, security, and immutability. They enable secure and automated transactions without intermediaries, from simple exchanges to complex business processes. These self-executing contracts instill trust, disrupt the need for intermediaries, and expedite transactions. Supported by blockchain technology, smart contracts generate immutable data that cannot be tampered with. They are suitable for a range of transactions, including those involving multiple parties.

Decentralized crypto exchanges also harness smart contracts, enabling cryptocurrency traders to execute trades independently. These exchanges place the onus on users, who can trade directly through their wallets via smart contracts. Once created, smart contracts can be reused for various transactions, providing efficiency and transparency.

In a rapidly changing business landscape, smart contracts and blockchain technology stand as crucial tools for enhancing efficiency, security, and competitiveness. Businesses looking to stay ahead in 2024 should consider the adoption of smart contracts and leverage the expertise of smart contract development service providers.

Photo by Maxim Hopman on Unsplash

List of the Top 7 Smart Contract Platforms

The foremost smart contract platform in our list of top smart contract platforms in widespread use is Ethereum, renowned for its exceptional advantages for users. Nonetheless, multiple other smart contract platforms have surfaced, offering versatility for commercial application development. When selecting a smart contract platform, it’s paramount to consider its suitability for future use cases.

Presently, the demand for smart contracts is surging in tandem with the increased adoption of Web3 technologies. Diverse industries, including construction, healthcare, and logistics, among others, are actively seeking quicker and more secure solutions. We’ve compiled a list of the leading smart contract platforms that can be harnessed to optimize business processes and facilitate transactions with other entities. These platforms offer a comprehensive array of services for those interested in blockchain smart contract development services and ensure the integrity of their smart contracts through meticulous smart contract audits.

1. Ethereum

Ethereum, founded by Vitalik Buterin, is widely recognized as the pioneer of smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps). Its distinguishing feature is the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which facilitates the execution of smart contracts using the Solidity programming language. Ethereum has witnessed extensive adoption across various sectors, particularly in the realm of decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). However, the platform has grappled with scalability and high gas fees, which have spurred the ongoing transition to Ethereum 2.0, a major upgrade aimed at addressing these issues and enhancing overall performance.

Ethereum’s vast developer community and thriving ecosystem make it a top choice for those looking to create blockchain-based solutions. Its open-source nature allows developers to build a wide range of applications, from automated financial instruments to digital collectibles. The platform is also at the forefront of blockchain innovation, continually exploring new technologies and standards that have a far-reaching impact on the blockchain and cryptocurrency space.

2. Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Developed by Binance, one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, Binance Smart Chain has made a substantial impact on the smart contract landscape. BSC was designed with the primary goal of providing low-cost, high-speed transactions. It is compatible with the Ethereum ecosystem, including the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), enabling developers to migrate their projects seamlessly. BSC’s user-friendly approach, fast transaction confirmations, and affordable fees have made it a go-to platform for DeFi projects, yield farming, and NFT marketplaces. The platform’s growing ecosystem and extensive adoption signal its role in providing a more efficient and cost-effective environment for a wide range of applications.

Binance Smart Chain’s ability to strike a balance between performance and accessibility has made it attractive to developers and businesses alike. Projects seeking an environment where they can launch quickly, with low overhead costs, and reach a wide user base have found BSC to be an ideal choice. Its emergence as a robust and complementary option within the blockchain space demonstrates its capacity to support a diverse set of use cases, from decentralized exchanges to gaming platforms.

3. Polkadot

Polkadot, initiated by Dr. Gavin Wood, one of the co-founders of Ethereum, stands out as a groundbreaking platform designed to foster a connected ecosystem of blockchains. At its core, Polkadot introduces a novel approach to interoperability and scalability. It achieves this through its innovative structure, which features the Polkadot relay chain as a foundational layer connecting numerous parachains and bridged blockchains. This architecture encourages the seamless communication of data and assets across the Polkadot network, making it a preferred choice for projects seeking to create a cohesive and versatile blockchain ecosystem.

Polkadot’s infrastructure is particularly advantageous for the development of DApps (Decentralized applications) that require cross-chain functionality and interoperability. By allowing parachains to specialize in specific use cases and applications, Polkadot creates an environment where projects can efficiently collaborate, share resources, and ensure the security and integrity of their data. As a result, Polkadot has gained attention for its potential to address challenges related to scalability and connectivity that have hindered the blockchain space’s growth. Its adaptability and focus on interoperability make it a compelling choice for developers looking to create DApps that can leverage the full potential of a multi-chain ecosystem.

4. Cardano

Cardano, founded by Charles Hoskinson, is a blockchain platform that places a strong emphasis on scientific research, security, and sustainability. One of its distinctive features is the Ouroboros consensus algorithm, which is energy-efficient and designed to achieve decentralization and scalability. Cardano has gained recognition for its meticulous approach to development, involving peer-reviewed research and a commitment to formal verification. Through these efforts, Cardano seeks to provide a secure and stable environment for smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps).

Businesses and developers looking to leverage Cardano for their projects can benefit from its robust and secure smart contract functionality, which was introduced through the Alonzo upgrade. Additionally, Cardano offers smart contract consulting services to assist projects in the development and deployment of contracts that meet their specific requirements. This focus on security and robustness makes Cardano an attractive option for those who prioritize safety and reliability in their blockchain-based applications. Cardano’s commitment to creating a transparent and scientifically grounded blockchain ecosystem positions it as a platform of choice for businesses seeking to build secure, scalable, and decentralized applications.

5. Tezos

Tezos is one of the smart contract platforms known for its innovative governance model and self-amending protocol. One of the notable aspects of Tezos is its on-chain governance, which allows token holders to actively participate in network upgrades and decision-making processes. This democratic approach ensures that the Tezos ecosystem remains adaptable and responsive to the evolving needs of its community. Tezos also employs the unique smart contract language, Michelson, which focuses on enhancing security and correctness in smart contracts. This feature is especially appealing to projects that prioritize the robustness and accuracy of their smart contracts.

Tezos has gained recognition for its ability to cater to a variety of applications and industries, from digital identity solutions to financial services. Its focus on formal verification and peer-reviewed research positions it as a suitable choice for projects that demand high levels of transparency and security. The platform is particularly well-suited for use cases that require rigorous auditing of smart contracts and a decentralized governance structure. As a result, Tezos is often sought after by those looking to develop a smart contract platform that prioritizes safety and reliability in their blockchain-based applications.

6. Avalanche

Avalanche is a blockchain platform renowned for its high performance and scalability, making it a prime choice for those seeking efficient smart contract solutions. The platform employs the Avalanche consensus mechanism, which enables rapid finality and sub-second confirmation times for transactions. This exceptional transaction throughput has captured the attention of developers and businesses in various industries, including decentralized finance (DeFi) and asset tokenization. The platform’s ability to support a wide range of use cases, from gaming to financial applications, underscores its versatility.

Avalanche’s compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) has further amplified its appeal by allowing Ethereum developers to port their projects seamlessly. This flexibility, coupled with its focus on efficiency and high-speed transaction processing, makes Avalanche a promising platform for those looking to harness the benefits of blockchain technology without compromising on performance. Its architecture, which enables the creation of custom blockchains and applications, positions it as a platform capable of addressing diverse needs in the blockchain space, appealing to developers seeking rapid and efficient smart contract solutions.

7. Solana

Last in our list of the top smart contract platforms, celebrated for their exceptional transaction speed and cost-efficiency, is Solana. The platform distinguishes itself with a unique consensus mechanism, combining Proof of History (PoH) and Proof of Stake (PoS), resulting in high throughput without compromising on security. This novel approach has positioned Solana as a preferred choice for projects in the decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible token (NFT) sectors. With the ability to process thousands of transactions per second, Solana’s ecosystem has grown to encompass a diverse array of projects and applications, reflecting its emphasis on performance and scalability.

For developers seeking to build high-frequency trading platforms, decentralized exchanges, and interactive applications, Solana’s rapid transaction confirmation and low fees make it a compelling option. The platform’s rising prominence within the blockchain space is indicative of its capacity to support a wide range of use cases while offering users a seamless and efficient blockchain experience. As the demand for top smart contract platforms continues to grow, Solana’s commitment to speed and scalability underscores its relevance for businesses and developers aiming to deliver high-performance blockchain-based solutions.


In conclusion, the year 2024 promises to be an exciting chapter in the evolution of smart contract platforms. As blockchain technology continues to gain traction across diverse industries, the demand for top smart contract platforms has never been higher. Ethereum, as a pioneer in the field, maintains its leading position, offering a robust ecosystem for decentralized applications and smart contract development. Meanwhile, platforms like Binance Smart Chain, Polkadot, Cardano, Tezos, Avalanche, and Solana present innovative solutions for developers and businesses seeking scalability, security, and interoperability in their blockchain-based endeavors. These platforms offer a myriad of opportunities for the deployment of smart contracts, from decentralized finance to supply chain management, and they are poised to shape the future of digital interactions and transactions in 2024 and beyond.

Choosing the right smart contract platform in 2024 will hinge on the specific requirements of a project, with considerations ranging from programming languages to consensus mechanisms. However, the common thread that binds these platforms is their dedication to fostering a more efficient, secure, and interconnected blockchain ecosystem. As smart contracts continue to streamline processes, enhance transparency, and eliminate intermediaries across industries, businesses, and developers have a wealth of options to explore in their quest to harness the transformative power of blockchain technology.

SoluLab, a renowned blockchain development company, is at the forefront of providing comprehensive smart contract development services. Leveraging a team of experienced blockchain developers and experts, SoluLab offers end-to-end solutions for businesses seeking to harness the power of smart contracts. From concept to deployment, SoluLab collaborates closely with clients to understand their unique needs, design custom smart contracts, and rigorously audit them to ensure security and reliability.

With a commitment to staying at the cutting edge of blockchain technology, SoluLab enables businesses to unlock the full potential of smart contracts, streamlining operations, enhancing transparency, and reducing costs across various industries. Their expertise, combined with a focus on innovation, makes SoluLab a trusted partner for those embarking on the journey of smart contract adoption and implementation.



Game of Life

A leading blockchain,mobile apps & software development company, started by Ex VP of Goldman Sachs, USA and Ex iOS Lead Engineer of Citrix