4 Tokenized security platforms to watch: Polymath, Ravencoin, Neufund and Cybermiles

Jason Cameron
Cryptocurrency Orchard
5 min readJul 31, 2018


The purpose of this blog post is not to provide a review of the projects — there are enough of those online, this post is just to share my thoughts and opinion after taking a look and researching the projects, from a investor/fundamental point of view.

#TokenizetheWorld is a thing. A thing that’s quietly getting to work, of which I expect it to raise its bullish head within the next 12–18 months. It’s no secret I am bullish on tokenized securities and I personally believe it will be the 3rd wave of cryptocurrency.

The first wave was bitcoin and the introduction of blockchain. The second wave was Ethereum and the introduction of utility tokens. The third wave, I believe, won’t be blockchain 3.0 or 4.0, it will be tokenized securities.

Who will the prominent issuance platform be? I don’t know. However, in this post I’m going to share 4 projects that I’ve looked at, that I believe will be important parts of the tokenized security infrastructure.

Now before I get into this, I’ll first say that there are a lot of tokenized security issuance platforms out there.

A few that have gone ahead, some trying to jump on the train, however the ones I mention here in this post, will be issuance platforms that issue a…



Jason Cameron
Cryptocurrency Orchard

Crypto Investor. Educator @ CryptocurrencyOrchard.com. Teaching non-techies how to invest in cryptocurrency better.Dessert Lover. Suits Fan. Healthy(ish) Eater.