5 Ethereum Layer 2 Projects Growing So Fast

Albert Peter
Cryptocurrency Scripts
10 min readMay 11, 2024

As Ethereum continues to face scalability challenges, Layer 2 solutions are gaining significant traction for their ability to enhance the network’s performance and reduce transaction costs. Five Ethereum Layer 2 projects have emerged as frontrunners in this space, experiencing rapid growth and adoption. Optimism, with its Optimistic Rollup technology, is at the forefront, offering fast and low-cost transactions by aggregating multiple transfers into a single computation. Arbitrum is another promising project, providing a secure and scalable Layer 2 solution through its rollup technology.

Starknet focuses on enabling gas-free transactions and high-speed trading for NFTs, making it a popular choice among users and developers. Linea stands out for its zkRollup technology, which ensures privacy and scalability while significantly reducing gas fees. Finally, Mantle, although initially launched as a Layer 2 scaling solution, has evolved into a full-fledged Ethereum scaling and infrastructure development platform, catering to various needs within the Ethereum ecosystem. These projects collectively represent the growing momentum and innovation in the Ethereum Layer 2 space, offering promising solutions to Ethereum’s scalability challenges.

What are Ethereum Layer 2 Solutions?

Ethereum Layer 2 solutions are secondary frameworks or protocols built on top of the Ethereum mainnet to improve its scalability and efficiency. These solutions aim to alleviate congestion on the Ethereum network, reduce transaction costs, and increase transaction speeds. One of the key features of Layer 2 solutions is that they handle transactions off-chain or through sidechains, which are separate ledgers that run alongside the main Ethereum blockchain.

By processing transactions off the main chain, Layer 2 solutions can significantly increase the number of transactions processed per second, offering a more seamless and cost-effective user experience. Examples of Layer 2 solutions include Optimistic Rollups, which bundle multiple transactions into a single batch to reduce gas fees, and zkRollups, which use zero-knowledge proofs to aggregate transactions and validate them on the Ethereum mainnet.

These solutions are crucial for enabling Ethereum to support a larger user base and a wider range of decentralized applications (dApps) without compromising on security or decentralization.

Benefits of Using Ethereum Layer 2 Solutions

Using Layer 2 solutions on Ethereum offers several key benefits:

  • Scalability: Layer 2 solutions enable Ethereum to process a higher number of transactions per second (TPS), alleviating network congestion and reducing transaction fees.
  • Lower Transaction Costs: By processing transactions off-chain or in a more efficient manner, Layer 2 solutions can significantly reduce transaction costs compared to on-chain transactions.
  • Faster Transaction Confirmation: Transactions on Layer 2 can be confirmed much faster than on the main Ethereum chain, offering near-instant transaction finality.
  • Enhanced Privacy: Layer 2 solutions can provide improved privacy features, such as hiding transaction details or keeping sensitive information off-chain.
  • Improved User Experience: Faster transaction confirmations and lower costs lead to a better overall user experience, making Ethereum more accessible to a wider audience.
  • Interoperability: Layer 2 solutions can facilitate interoperability between different blockchains and networks, enabling smoother asset transfers and interactions between decentralized applications (dApps).
  • Reduced Environmental Impact: By reducing the number of transactions processed on the main Ethereum chain, Layer 2 solutions can help lower the network’s overall energy consumption and environmental impact.

Overall, Ethereum Layer 2 solutions offer a more scalable, efficient, and user-friendly experience compared to relying solely on the main Ethereum chain.

Top 5 Ethereum Layer 2 Projects

1. Optimism

Optimism is a well-established Ethereum Layer 2 (L2) scaling solution designed to address Ethereum’s limitations in transaction speed and cost. It functions as an Optimistic Rollup, offering several advantages:

  • Faster Transactions: Compared to the Ethereum mainnet, Optimism enables significantly faster transaction processing times, often by a factor of hundreds.
  • Lower Fees: By processing transactions off-chain, Optimism drastically reduces gas fees compared to the Ethereum mainnet. This makes it more cost-effective for users to interact with decentralized applications (dApps) built on Optimism.
  • Security: Inherits the security of the Ethereum blockchain for final settlement. Even though transactions occur off-chain, Optimism relies on the Ethereum mainnet for final settlement, ensuring the immutability and security of transactions.
  • EVM Compatibility: Designed with Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatibility in mind, allowing developers to easily deploy existing Ethereum smart contracts on Optimism with minimal modifications. This fosters a more developer-friendly environment and faster adoption of dApps on Optimism.

Here’s a deeper dive into Optimism’s technology:

  • Optimistic Rollups: At the core of Optimism lies Optimistic Rollup technology. It bundles many transactions off-chain and submits a cryptographic proof of their validity to the Ethereum mainnet for settlement. This significantly reduces congestion on the mainnet, leading to faster transaction processing and lower fees.
  • The Optimism Collective: Optimism is governed by the Optimism Collective, a decentralized community organization with a stake in the long-term success of the platform. The collective is responsible for maintaining and upgrading the Optimism network.

Optimism provides a faster and cheaper way to interact with Ethereum, leveraging the security of the underlying blockchain while maintaining developer-friendliness through EVM compatibility.

2. Starknet

Starknet is a prominent Ethereum Layer 2 (L2) network known for its scalability and security features. Here’s a breakdown of what makes Starknet stand out:

  • Validity Rollup (ZK-Rollup): Unlike Optimistic Rollups used by Arbitrum and Optimism, Starknet leverages ZK-Rollup technology. This approach utilizes zero-knowledge proofs to cryptographically verify the validity of transactions off-chain, significantly reducing congestion on the Ethereum mainnet and enabling faster processing times and lower fees.
  • Starknet Virtual Machine (SVM): Starknet employs its own custom virtual machine, the Starknet Virtual Machine (SVM). While not directly EVM-compatible, SVM offers similar functionalities for developers to build dApps (decentralized applications) specifically for Starknet.
  • Security: Even though transactions occur off-chain, Starknet inherits the security of the Ethereum blockchain through final settlement on the mainnet. This ensures the immutability and security of transactions.
  • General Purpose: Starknet is designed to be general-purpose, meaning it can handle a wide range of applications beyond just simple payments. This makes it suitable for complex dApps requiring high scalability.

Overall, Starknet offers a compelling option for developers seeking a highly scalable and secure environment for their Ethereum-based dApps, particularly those requiring complex functionalities.

3. Linea

Linea is a relatively new Ethereum Layer 2 (L2) network developed by ConsenSys, the company behind the popular MetaMask wallet. It aims to scale the Ethereum network by functioning as a zkEVM, which stands for zero-knowledge rollup compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).

Here’s what makes Linea distinct:

  • zkEVM Compatibility: Unlike many L2s, Linea boasts full EVM equivalence. This means developers can leverage the same tools and infrastructure used on Ethereum, making it simpler to port existing dApps (decentralized applications) to Linea.
  • Lower Fees: Similar to other L2 solutions, Linea promises significantly lower transaction fees compared to the Ethereum mainnet.
  • Zero-Knowledge Proofs: Linea utilizes zero-knowledge proofs to verify transaction validity without revealing the entire transaction data. This enhances scalability and privacy.
  • Security: While processing transactions off-chain, Linea inherits the security of the Ethereum blockchain through final settlement on the mainnet.

Overall, Linea presents a promising L2 solution for developers seeking a scalable and secure environment for their Ethereum-based dApps, with the added benefit of seamless migration from the mainnet due to its EVM equivalence.

4. Mantle

Mantle is a new Ethereum Layer 2 (L2) blockchain aiming to achieve high scalability for the Ethereum network. Here’s a breakdown of what Mantle offers:

  • Modular Architecture: Unlike traditional L2s, Mantle separates data availability from computation and execution. This allows for a more efficient system with faster transaction processing.
  • Optimistic Rollups: Similar to Arbitrum, Mantle utilizes optimistic rollups to bundle transactions off-chain and submit validity proofs to the Ethereum mainnet for settlement. This reduces congestion and lowers fees.
  • Improved Data Availability: One of Mantle’s key features is its focus on data availability. It leverages a separate decentralized data availability layer, ensuring transaction data remains readily accessible even if the rollup itself encounters issues.
  • EVM Compatibility: Just like Arbitrum, Mantle is built with Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatibility in mind. This means developers can easily migrate existing Ethereum applications to Mantle with minimal modifications.
  • Scalability Focus: Mantle’s design is centered on achieving high transaction throughput (more transactions processed per second) at lower costs compared to the Ethereum mainnet.

Mantle is an innovative L2 solution aiming to bring significant scalability to Ethereum by combining optimistic rollups with a modular architecture and improved data availability.

5. Arbitrum

Arbitrum is a prominent Ethereum Layer 2 scaling solution designed to tackle Ethereum’s limitations in scalability. It functions as an optimistic rollup, processing transactions off-chain for faster speeds and lower fees while inheriting security from the Ethereum mainnet.

Here’s a closer look at Arbitrum:


  • Faster Transactions: Compared to Ethereum’s mainnet, Arbitrum offers significantly faster transaction processing times.
  • Lower Fees: By processing transactions off-chain, Arbitrum drastically reduces gas fees compared to the Ethereum mainnet.
  • Security: Leverages the security of the Ethereum blockchain for final settlement.
  • Ethereum Compatibility: Designed with compatibility in mind, allowing developers to easily deploy existing Ethereum smart contracts on Arbitrum.


  • Optimistic Rollup: Arbitrum utilizes Optimistic Rollup technology, bundling transactions off-chain and submitting a cryptographic proof of their validity to the Ethereum mainnet for settlement. This significantly reduces congestion on the mainnet.
  • Nitro: Arbitrum employs Nitro, a custom technology stack designed to enhance scalability and transaction throughput while maintaining compatibility with Ethereum.

Use Cases:

  • DeFi (Decentralized Finance) applications
  • NFT marketplaces
  • Gaming applications
  • Supply chain management

Arbitrum provides a faster and cheaper way to interact with Ethereum, while still benefiting from the security of the underlying blockchain.

How to Get Started with Ethereum Layer 2

Getting started with Ethereum Layer 2 involves a few key steps to ensure a smooth transition from the main Ethereum network. Here’s a basic guide to help you get started:

  1. Understand Layer 2 Solutions: Educate yourself about the different Layer 2 solutions available for Ethereum, such as Optimistic Rollups, zkRollups, and Plasma. Each solution has its own benefits and use cases, so it’s essential to choose the one that best suits your needs.
  2. Choose a Layer 2 Solution: Once you have a good understanding of the different Layer 2 solutions, choose one that aligns with your project’s requirements. Consider factors such as scalability, security, cost, and development complexity.
  3. Set Up Your Development Environment: To start developing for Ethereum Layer 2, you’ll need to set up your development environment. This typically involves installing the necessary software, such as an Ethereum client, a wallet, and any specific tools required for your chosen Layer 2 solution.
  4. Deploy Your Smart Contracts: If you’re developing a decentralized application (dApp), you’ll need to deploy your smart contracts to the Layer 2 network. This process is similar to deploying contracts on the main Ethereum network but may require some adjustments to account for the differences in the Layer 2 architecture.
  5. Test Your Application: Before deploying your dApp to the main Layer 2 network, it’s essential to thoroughly test it on a testnet. This will help you identify and fix any bugs or issues before they affect your users.
  6. Deploy to Mainnet: Once you’re confident that your dApp is working correctly on the testnet, you can deploy it to the main Layer 2 network. Make sure to follow best practices for deployment and security to protect your application and its users.
  7. Promote Your Application: Finally, promote your dApp to attract users and grow your user base. Consider leveraging social media, forums, and other channels to reach your target audience and generate interest in your application.

By following these steps, you can get started with Ethereum Layer 2 and take advantage of its scalability and cost-effectiveness to build and deploy your decentralized applications.

Future Outlook For Layer 2 Projects And Ethereum Scalability

The future outlook for Layer 2 projects and Ethereum scalability appears promising, with continued growth and innovation expected in the coming years. Layer 2 solutions are likely to play a crucial role in addressing Ethereum’s scalability challenges, enabling the network to support a larger user base and a more diverse range of decentralized applications (dApps).

As Ethereum transitions to a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism with the Ethereum 2.0 upgrade, Layer 2 solutions will become even more essential in improving the network’s efficiency and scalability. Additionally, the integration of Ethereum with other Layers 1 blockchain and interoperability solutions, such as Polkadot and Cosmos, could further enhance Ethereum’s scalability and enable seamless communication between different blockchain networks.

Overall, the future of Layer 2 projects and Ethereum scalability looks promising, with ongoing developments expected to drive continued growth and adoption in the decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible token (NFT), and Web3 spaces.


In conclusion, the rapid growth and development of Ethereum Layer 2 projects signify a significant step forward in addressing the scalability issues that have long plagued the Ethereum network. These projects, including Optimism, Arbitrum, Mantle, Linea, and Starknet, are not only enhancing the performance of Ethereum but also paving the way for a more scalable and efficient blockchain ecosystem. The adoption of Layer 2 solutions is crucial for enabling the mainstream adoption of decentralized applications (dApps) and reducing the barriers to entry for users and developers.

As these projects continue to evolve and innovate, they are likely to play a crucial role in shaping the future of Ethereum and the broader blockchain industry. With their ability to offer fast, low-cost transactions and improved scalability, Ethereum Layer 2 projects are poised to drive further growth and development in the decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible token (NFT), and Web3 spaces, ushering in a new era of innovation and accessibility in blockchain technology.



Albert Peter
Cryptocurrency Scripts

I'm Albert Peter a 6+ years Experience in blockchain. NFTs, crypto, and the future of tech. Let's talk.