The Future of GameFi and Gaming: Invo’s DLAL and the Digital Economy

Invo Technologies 🦊
Cryptocurrency Scripts
7 min readDec 11, 2023

Revolutionizing Game Monetization and Player Engagement.

In a world where GameFi meets Invo, we witness a convergence of gaming and finance that heralds a transformative shift in the gaming industry. Invo introduces a groundbreaking liquidity layer that redefines the value within gaming ecosystems, laying a robust economic foundation for integrating games. This innovation facilitates seamless interactions with established platforms like Ethereum, extending the gaming experience far beyond traditional boundaries. Despite the strides made in GameFi, a significant void persists due to the absence of an inherent economic mechanism within games themselves. Invo steps in to bridge this gap, offering tangible digital value within games and enabling the fluid exchanges of value against real-world digital counterparts. This tokenization of the game economy forms a bridge between isolated game economies and the expansive external digital economies in the world today, which includes the ever-evolving blockchain industry [1].

Invo’s pioneering model not only relegate cryptocurrencies and NFTs to the background; it positions them to a supplementary role within the game economy. This strategic shift empowers game developers and publishers to provide digital assets that significantly enhance the gaming experience, offering players a spectrum of economic activities and interactions that enrich gameplay without making cryptocurrencies and NFTs the sole, or main economic drivers.

What is actually needed in GameFi is the introduction of a new liquidity layer through the tokenization of game economies that represents a lot more than just incremental enhancement; this would signify a fundamental evolution in all of gaming. We can draw parallels with historical market trends, where the introduction of new liquidity sources catalyzed growth and innovation, in their specific sectors. This proposed expansion however isn’t limited to fluid cash transactions; but it would also encompass a broader availability of value that can be leveraged, reinvested, and realized within and beyond the gaming domain.

This is exactly what the Invo’s Delegated Liquidity Availability Layer (DLAL) is designed to do; it embodies the need for a cutting-edge liquidity layer in the gaming sector. This innovative layer operates independently within gaming ecosystems, offering a secure and balanced free-trading system within games. Our approach to game economy tokenization via Invo’s default currencies system and DLAL ensures a secure and controlled interaction between the game’s internal economy and the broader crypto market, providing a versatile and secure solution for liquidity in games [2].

The benefits of DLAL extends to traditional web2 games as well. For instance, the ability to monetize player churn opens up new revenue avenues. Developers and publishers can now leverage player transitions not just as a metric of engagement but also as an opportunity for revenue generation. This is particularly valuable in an industry where maintaining and growing player bases is as crucial as initial acquisition.

In Both web2 and web3 gaming landscapes, this innovation in liquidity layers signals a shift towards more dynamic and economically viable gaming ecosystems. It allows for a more fluid transfer of value, enhancing player engagement and offering developers novel ways to monetize their games beyond conventional methods.

Critics might argue against the necessity or complexity of new liquidity layers in gaming or the risks associated with tokenization. but these arguments lose their footing when viewed against the backdrop of market economies and technological progress [3]. Similar to how the Internet, once a subject of skepticism, became integral to global commerce [4], Invo’s DLAL will become indispensable in the future of gaming.

The gaming and blockchain industries stand on the cusp of a collaborative renaissance. By embracing new liquidity layers, they can push the boundaries of possibility, transforming games from mere pastimes into platforms for economic innovation and personal investment. The potential benefits, such as increased player engagement, innovative business models, and deeper integration with the global digital economy, are simply too compelling to ignore.

Our secure and certified DLAL represents a pivotal moment in gaming history (if you can’t already tell). It heralds a new era where game economies are interactive, engaging, and firmly grounded in security and real value. This innovative model of game economy, bolstered by Invo’s solution, envisions a future where gaming is more than just entertainment; it becomes a secure, economically sustainable domain. As the gaming industry evolves, Invo’s solution emerges as a guiding light, propelling the sector toward a future where virtual economies are as robust and reliable as their real-world counterparts [5].

Diving Deeper Into The Process:

This approach to game economies changes the gaming perception positively by introducing DLAL in tandem with the Invo default currency system. This system rethinks liquidity in game economies by positioning cryptocurrency and blockchain technology as supplementary liquidity layers. Invo stands uniquely as the primary and solitary liquidity availability layer in the gaming sector, marking a significant moment in the convergence of gaming and blockchain technologies.

In this restructured model, cryptocurrency assumes a “layer 2” role in liquidity provision, a significant shift anchored in the capabilities of Invo’s default currency system. This system, central to Invo’s approach, orchestrates liquidity flow within and among a diverse range of games. Game developers can create and integrate their distinct in-game currencies into the expansive economic network of Invo, regardless of their varied forms in different games. They hold consistent and exchangeable value, both among themselves and in the broader marketplace.

Cryptocurrencies, in this framework, serve an auxiliary role, continuing to offer the core benefits of blockchain technology but now bolstering the primary liquidity provided by Invo’s system. This shift fosters a dynamic and resilient economic environment within the gaming sector, providing smoother transactions, expanding economic interactions, and enriching the overall gaming experience.

This system, focused on DLAL, and default currencies, mitigates complexities associated with transferring a wide range of assets, ensuring a smooth user experience. Gamers now enjoy unprecedented control and fluidity in managing their in-game finances, adding a strategic depth to gaming. Players make thoughtful decisions about currency transfers, considering different game economies, and their gaming goals. This feature makes the gaming experience more interconnected and dynamic, enhancing the gaming journey across various game titles.

For game developers, Invo’s platform offers new revenue opportunities through a transaction fee structure, allowing them to earn fees on all transfers of the default currency into or out of their games. This continuous revenue stream is the lifeblood of any new game, allowing them to quickly recoup development and marketing costs, but this is also particularly beneficial for games with a strong player base, incentivizing developers to maintain and update their games. Developers also have autonomy over how the default currency is used within their games, tailoring in-game economies to fit their design and player experience. This flexibility allows for diverse economic models catering to various game types and player preferences.

Closing Thoughts

Invo plans to expand the utility of its in-game default currencies to complete the economic circle, enabling players to use their in-game wealth for real-world purchases, such as buying food or covering transportation costs. This move bridges the gap between virtual economies and everyday life, allowing players to tangibly benefit from their in-game achievements.

The Invo team is not only reshaping gaming economies; we are setting the stage for a future where digital and real-world economies are interconnected in unprecedented ways. These developments place Invo at the forefront of a new era in digital transactions, where the value accrued in virtual spaces holds tangible significance in the real world.

Invo fundamentally alters how digital economies are perceived and utilized, blurring the lines between the virtual and the real, and opening up new matrix’s for gamers and developers alike.

This is our collective ready player one moment, and if you’re a geek like I am in regards to game theory, and economics? then permission granted my friends! Let us geek out at the possibilities that await ahead as this new reality forms within your minds.

Works Cited

[1] Birch, David. “The CEO of Blackrock, Larry Fink, recently said that tokenization will be the next generation for markets” Forbes, 1 March 2023,

[2] “Why is Shamir’s Secret Sharing Not an MPC Security Solution for Private Keys?” Particle Network Blog, Year of Publication,

[3] Castells, Manuel. “The Impact of the Internet on Society: A Global Perspective.” OpenMind, BBVA, 26 September 2018,

[4] Stoll, Clifford. “The Internet? Bah!” Newsweek, 27 February 1995.

[5] Invo Technologies Inc. “Redefining Security and Compliance in Web3: A Call to Responsible Creation” Medium, Oct. 2023,



Invo Technologies 🦊
Cryptocurrency Scripts

We are working on making video game, and metaverse economy's Interoperable through the use of the gaming engines and blockchains technologies.