What to Do When 3D Secure Authentication Fails?

Lynsey PT from Adamo Software
Cryptocurrency Scripts
7 min readJun 13, 2024

Stuck at checkout due to a 3D Secure snafu? This guide explains what 3D Secure is, why it fails, and offers solutions to get your online purchases back on track

What to Do When 3D Secure Authentication Fails?
What to Do When 3D Secure Authentication Fails?

Ever been in the midst of an online shopping spree, only to hit a brick wall at checkout with a confusing “3D Secure authentication failed” message? Fear not, frustrated shopper! This guide will shed light on 3D Secure, why it sometimes malfunctions, and what you can do to get your purchase back on course.

3D Secure might seem like an unwelcome hurdle, but it’s actually a security measure in place to protect you from online fraud. Let’s delve deeper and understand how this extra layer of security works, why it might fail, and ultimately, how to navigate a failed 3D Secure attempt.

I. What is 3D secure authentication

Imagine you’re shopping online, filling your virtual cart with goodies. As you reach checkout, you might encounter a new hurdle: 3D Secure authentication. But what exactly is it, and why is it there?

3D Secure (3DS) is an extra security layer designed to protect both you and online merchants from unauthorized transactions. It acts like a real-life ID check, adding an additional verification step during online purchases. Here’s a breakdown of the “3D” in 3D Secure:

  • 1st D: The Issuer (Your Bank): This refers to the bank that issued your credit or debit card.
  • 2nd D: The Acquirer (The Merchant): This is the online store where you’re trying to make a purchase.
  • 3rd D: You (The Cardholder): You’re the final party involved, providing additional verification to confirm it’s truly you making the purchase.

II. Why 3D secure authentication important

While that extra step at checkout might seem like a hassle, 3D Secure authentication plays a crucial role in online security. Here’s why it’s important:

  • Reduces Online Fraud: 3D Secure adds an extra layer of verification, making it more difficult for fraudsters to use stolen card information to make unauthorized purchases. Requiring additional confirmation from the legitimate cardholder, 3D Secure discourages fraudulent activity and protects your hard-earned money.
  • Provides Peace of Mind for Shoppers: Knowing that an extra security measure is in place can give you peace of mind when shopping online. 3D Secure helps to prevent fraudulent purchases on your account, reducing the stress and hassle of dealing with disputed transactions or stolen card information.
  • Benefits Merchants Too: 3D Secure doesn’t just protect you; it benefits online merchants as well. 3DS helps to minimize chargebacks (situations where a customer disputes a charge and the bank reverses the payment). This translates to lower operational costs for merchants, ultimately contributing to a smoother online shopping experience for everyone.
  • Regulation and Increased Adoption: Many regions have regulations that mandate the use of 3D Secure for online transactions. As a result, 3D Secure is becoming increasingly common, further strengthening online payment security.
3D Secure authentication plays a crucial role in online security
3D Secure authentication plays a crucial role in online security

In essence, 3D Secure acts as a gatekeeper, ensuring only authorized transactions slip through. While it might add a small step to the checkout process, the peace of mind and enhanced security it offers are well worth the few extra seconds.

III. How does 3D authentication work

So, 3D Secure adds an extra layer of security, but how exactly does it work behind the scenes during your online checkout? Here’s a breakdown of the typical 3D Secure authentication process:

  • Checkout Time: You’ve filled your online shopping cart and head to checkout. The merchant initiates the payment process, sending transaction details (purchase amount, card information) to your card issuer (bank).
  • Issuer Verification: Your bank recognizes a 3D Secure request and checks if your card is enrolled in the program. If it is, they’ll trigger the 3D Secure authentication process.
  • Verification Methods: There are various ways your bank might ask you to verify your identity. Here are some common methods:
  • Password: You might be redirected to a secure page on your bank’s website and prompted to enter a password associated with your online banking or credit card account.
  • One-Time Code (OTP): Your bank might send a unique code via SMS or push notification to your mobile device, which you’ll need to enter to verify the transaction.
  • Biometric Verification (Fingerprint or Facial Recognition): For some banks and mobile wallets, fingerprint scanning or facial recognition might be used for verification on your mobile device.
  • Confirmation and Completion: Once you successfully verify your identity through your chosen method, the verification result is sent back to the merchant. If successful, the transaction is authorized, and your purchase is complete!

Remember, the specific verification method might vary depending on your bank and the settings you have chosen.

IV. Why 3D secure authentication fails

You understand the importance of 3D Secure and how it works, but what happens when you encounter a dreaded “3D Secure authentication failed” message? Here are some common reasons why this might occur:

  • Incorrect Information: Typos happen! Double-check that you’ve entered your card details (card number, expiry date, CVV) correctly during checkout. Even a minor mistake can trigger a failed authentication.
  • Outdated Information: Has your card information changed recently? An expired card, or a new phone number associated with your account for receiving verification codes, can cause authentication failures. Ensure your bank has your most up-to- date information on file.
  • Bank Verification Issues: Sometimes, technical difficulties on your bank’s end might prevent them from receiving or processing the 3D Secure request. This could be due to temporary server issues or maintenance.
  • Connectivity Problems: If you’re using a one-time code (OTP) for verification, ensure you have a stable internet or mobile network connection to receive the code. A weak connection can delay or prevent the code from reaching you, leading to a failed authentication.
  • Disabled 3D Secure: While uncommon, some card issuers allow you to disable 3D Secure for certain types of transactions. Check your online banking settings or contact your bank to see if 3D Secure is enabled for your card.

V. How to deal with failed 3D secure authentication

So, you’ve encountered a failed 3D Secure authentication message. Don’t panic! Here are some steps you can take to get your purchase back on track:

How to deal with failed 3D secure authentication
  • Double-Check Your Information: First things first, take a deep breath and review the information you entered during checkout. Ensure there are no typos in your card number, expiry date, and CVV code. A simple mistake can be the culprit behind a failed authentication.
  • Verify Your Bank Details: Have your bank details changed recently? An expired card, or a new phone number associated with your account for receiving verification codes (if applicable), can cause issues. Log in to your online banking portal or contact your bank to confirm your information is up-to-date.
  • Try Again Later: Sometimes, temporary glitches on your bank’s end might be the culprit. Wait a few minutes and try initiating the payment again. The issue might have resolved itself in the meantime.
  • Clear Your Browser Cache and Cookies: Corrupted cache or cookies in your browser can sometimes interfere with online transactions. Try clearing your browsing data (cache and cookies) and then retrying the checkout process.
  • Use a Different Browser or Device: If the issue persists, try completing the purchase using a different web browser or even a different device (phone, computer) to see if that resolves the problem.
  • Contact Your Bank: If none of the above suggestions work, it’s time to contact your bank’s customer support. Explain the situation and see if they can identify any issues with your account or the 3D Secure process. They might need to reset your verification methods or troubleshoot any technical problems on their end.
  • Contact the Merchant (Optional): In some cases, contacting the merchant’s customer support might be helpful. They might be able to offer alternative payment methods or provide additional troubleshooting steps specific to their checkout system.

Remember: Never share your one-time code (OTP) or other sensitive verification details with anyone, including the merchant. These codes are for your personal use and should only be entered on secure bank verification pages.

VI. FAQs about 3D secure authentication

Here are some frequently asked questions about 3D Secure authentication:

1. Is 3D Secure mandatory for all online transactions?

No, 3D Secure isn’t mandatory for all online transactions. However, many online merchants are required by regulations or choose to implement 3D Secure for added security. Whether or not you encounter 3D Secure will depend on the specific merchant and your bank’s practices.

2. Can I disable 3D Secure?

Some banks allow you to disable 3D Secure for certain types of transactions. However, this is generally not recommended as it weakens the security measures protecting your online purchases. It’s best to keep 3D Secure enabled for maximum protection against fraud.

3. What if I don’t receive my one-time code (OTP)?

There could be a few reasons for this. First, check your spam folder in case the OTP message landed there. Ensure you have a stable mobile network connection and that the phone number linked to your account is correct. If you still don’t receive the code after a reasonable wait, contact your bank to request a resend or inquire about any technical issues on their end.

4. Is 3D Secure safe?

3D Secure adds an extra layer of security to online transactions, making it more difficult for unauthorized individuals to use your card details. By requiring additional verification from the legitimate cardholder, 3D Secure helps to prevent fraudulent activity.

5. What are some alternative verification methods besides OTPs?

Some banks might offer alternative verification methods like fingerprint scanning or facial recognition through their mobile apps. These options can be convenient if you don’t have your phone readily available to receive an OTP.

6. What happens if my 3D Secure authentication fails repeatedly?

If you encounter repeated failures after trying the troubleshooting steps mentioned earlier, contacting your bank is the best course of action. They can investigate the issue and ensure your account or verification methods are functioning correctly.



Lynsey PT from Adamo Software
Cryptocurrency Scripts

As an expert in technology industry as well as business development, I assure you that my insights will be valuable to you