An Ultimate Guide on White Label Crypto Payment Gateway

Sasha Ortiz
Cryptocurrency Scripts
9 min readMay 6, 2024

White Label Crypto Payment Gateway is a potential solution for newbie startups who crave success and innovation. Since the launch of cryptocurrencies in 2011, people from all over the world have tried to invest in them with higher security and cyber protection. Even though various blockchains are utilized, beginning precautious in crypto transactions with a payment gateway is a better option. This made the hype for the arrival of secure crypto payment gateway platforms.

White Label Crypto Payment Gateway

And also, it has turned into a lucrative crypto business idea for startups and established startups. But, in the dynamic crypto market, startups want to establish their business quickly and at an affordable cost.

There comes the role of White-label crypto payment gateway software. Without much technical expertise and experience, anyone can launch a highly secured payment gateway with this white label solution.

Wanna know more about white label crypto payment processors? I am here to sort out all your worries and queries.

Let’s start this blog with…

What is White label Crypto Payment Gateway?

White label Crypto Payment Gateway is a pre-designed, pre-coded, and customizable solution that helps startups launch a crypto payment gateway with essential features and plugins. With this white-label crypto payment gateway you can launch your payment gateway as soon as possible at an affordable cost. Newbie startups in the crypto field will make use of these white label solutions because this will be a perfect suit for their business budget.

In addition to these, you can easily customize them according to your business specifications. As they are tested multiple times with the help of developers and testers, you can launch them without any doubts. Crypto users still crave the best and most protected payment processor to enable secure crypto transactions. So, this will be the perfect time to create your crypto payment gateway with the white label solution.

But, how come the white-label software helps to launch a payment gateway, especially for newbie startups and entrepreneurs?

This is because they are showering multiple business benefits for them, making the crypto payment gateway like a cherry on top of a crypto sundae.

And also makes crypto payment gateway development an easy business for startups who want to stand apart from the crowd.

Okay, without wasting time, let’s dig deeper into the query of…

What are the Benefits of using a White-Label Crypto Payment Gateway?

There are many business-oriented benefits associated with using a white label crypto payment gateway. I have mentioned them from top to bottom for your understanding.

Faster Launch

Be the first in the crowd!

As the white label crypto payment processor solution is already developed and tested, you can launch them as much faster than you imagine. If you are a person who wants to compete in the crypto world, then a white-label crypto payment gateway helps you to do so.

Can you believe that you can launch your crypto payment gateway within 7 to 15 days?

Even though it may vary based on your customizations, this is the truth. I am sure that it won’t take much more than 3 months. So, you can launch your dream crypto payment gateway project within the trend and stay up to date.

Cost-Effective Solution

The overall cost of the white label crypto payment gateway will come under $5,500 to $15,000.

White-label solutions are meant for newbie startups who want to launch their projects within their limited budget. If you are a budget Freak, then, a white label crypto payment gateway will be a better choice for your project.

Yet, based on your customizations and business specifications, the cost may vary, but I am sure that it won’t exceed your overall budget for creating a crypto payment gateway. Hence, this is considered the biggest benefit for startups and business investors. You can completely reduce the cost of development, multiple tiers of testing, etc.

So, choose the best white-label solution that suits and will come under your business budget.

Bug-Free with Assured Quality

As experienced developers design the white-label crypto payment gateway, it will be without any bugs or errors. The quality of the white-label solution is not compromised at any cost. Multiple tiers of the testing process are also undertaken to ensure the quality of the white-label crypto payment gateway.

This helps startups to reduce the unnecessary cost of testing, rectifying, etc. This will be an add-on perk of acquiring a white-label crypto payment gateway.

Stay bug-free with the white-label crypto payment gateway solution!


The white-label crypto payment gateway is 100% customizable where you can integrate your own ideas and needs into your project. Already the white-label software comes with essential features, security mechanisms, and plugins, that you can optimize accordingly.

White-label solution providers will help you discover the latest trend, competitors, and their marketing strategies to customize your payment gateway. To be more clear, you can strategize the,

  • User Dashboard — As per your strategy, you can design the user dashboard with enhanced features, easy navigation, and user-friendliness.
  • Security Features — Payment gateways are meant for security purposes where you can imply a Jail login, 2-factor authentication, and many more.
  • Login In Modules — If you want you can integrate additional log in options like biometrics, and face recognition.
  • Theme — Consult an expert team of designers to make your theme and display to be more catchy.
  • Revenue Streams — Based on your marketing tricks, you can integrate additional revenue-yielding streams like subscription, affiliate marketing, etc.

Customization choice is completely yours to develop the crypto payment gateway. So, get assistance from a well-versed developer team before the process.

Regulatory Compliance & Norms

Each region, jurisdiction, and country has its own rules & regulations to launch the crypto payment gateway for crypto users. So, it is better to get enough assistance from legal experts before launching the crypto payment gateway.

The white-label crypto payment gateway provider will take complete responsibility for legal aspects. Just in case, if you are not aware of the rules or regulations for a region, then the payment gateway provider will help you out. Analyzing regulatory compliance at the initial stage will help you to ensure compliance.

Scalable To Accommodate

The white-label payment solutions are pre-built to the growing needs of the business specifications. This high scalability benefits newbie startups to integrate a wide range of features, and plugins. You can increase the features for high-volume transactions, security features, etc. based on the expanding larger business.

Spread your business needs with scalable white-label solutions!

These are the widespread business benefits of the white-label crypto payment gateway. These factors made many choose the white-label solution over any other development methods. I would also suggest you pick the white-label software for your crypto payment gateway creation.

As already said, the white-label crypto payment gateway comprises basic features and functionalities. Before picking them, be aware of those common features. So, the next topic is about…

What are the Key Features of the White Label Crypto Payment Gateway?

Depending upon the user and admin dashboard, the features may vary. The white label will act as a basic structure for creating a crypto payment gateway. If you want more other features, you can optimize them according to your business needs. I have listed some of the basic admin & user dashboard features of a white-label crypto payment gateway.

For Admin Dashboard

Secure Login — The white label comprises various secured mechanisms while logging in for the crypto payment gateway admin.

Merchant Payment History — The transactions of the merchant and users can be easily seen for monitoring purposes.

User Activity — New user access, user transactions, user queries, and ticket issues are handled by the admin to ensure protection.

API settings — The admin can pass the data securely with the advanced-level API or application programming interface.

Commission Settings — The revenue structure of the crypto payment gateway is determined by the admin. They can also configure the earning streams as per their marketing strategies.

Real-time Analytics — For higher protection, the admin can analyze the real-time transactions and user activity.

Content Management System — The payment gateway platform’s content, whitepaper, and privacy policies can be framed by the admin.

User Deposit/Withdrawal History — The complete history of deposits, withdrawals, or pending transactions can be viewed in a separate dashboard.

Support System — Users who have raised queries regarding technical or transactional issues can approach the admin with this feature.

Subscription Settings — Based on the marketing trick, the admin can configure the premium fees, settings, and eligibility criteria.

For User Dashboard

Merchant Login — Users can log in to the crypto payment gateway with advanced-level biometrics, and access.

Wallet Integration — The crypto users can integrate any kind of crypto wallet for completing the transactions.

User to Merchant Chat — A chatbox feature is provided in the white-label software to ensure a successful transaction.

Transaction History — Users can view their past transactions, merchant details, and deposit/withdrawal details in a separate dashboard.

Multi-currency Support — Various types of crypto tokens, coins, NFTs, and stablecoins can be transacted in the payment gateway.

KYC/AML Factors — To access the payment processor, users must complete the KYC or Know Your Customer verification.

IPN History — IPN or instant push notification is sent to users for every transaction which helps to reduce malicious activities.

Multi-Linggal Assistance — People from different regions can get multiple language support for transactions.

Automatic Conversion — Users can calculate the crypto and fiat value with the conversion calculator.

Real-time Exchange — The Crypto market’ live value of cryptocurrencies is displayed in the dashboard for user convenience.

Apart from this, you can customize the features, themes, etc as per your specifications and needs. Here comes the important part, you are one to choose the white-label software provider. So, it is necessary to analyze before entering into your development process.

Many startups even with enough technical knowledge failed to choose the best crypto payment gateway script provider. They may lag at some point. I have suggested some points you must keep in mind for choosing a white-label software provider.

Without wasting your time, let’s jump to the next part…

How to Choose the Right White Label Crypto Payment Gateway Provider?

If you are new to the crypto market, don’t fall for catchy words and phrases. Analyze the Crypto payment gateway development company, their developer & design team for picking the right white-label crypto payment gateway solution. Check the white-label script provider’s,

  • Technical Expertise
  • Years of Experience in the crypto field
  • Client Testimonials
  • Flexibility
  • Cost of the services
  • Reviews by customers
  • Their Business Listings
  • Technology Stack

Have your team aside and check through these factors for buying the white-label solution. But, you will be thinking about the cost estimation for white-label crypto payment processors right now…

What is the Exact Cost of a White Label Crypto Payment Gateway?

The approximate cost of a white-label crypto payment gateway will be around $7,000 to $15,000. Yet, based on your feature integrations, design requirements, security feature implementations, theme choice, technical tools, etc, the cost may vary. However, I am sure that it won’t exceed $35,000 for your crypto payment gateway project. Hence, this will be a perfect method. Rather, if you want to go for other methods, it will surely overstep your budget.

For instance, When you tend to create a crypto payment gateway from scratch, you need to spend a lump amount for various factors. For the testing process, you need to spend more dollars on the development team. Thanks to the white-label crypto payment gateway for reducing the cost estimation for startups and entrepreneurs. So, choose the white-label payment processor based on your business choice.

Final Thoughts

As a whole, I would suggest a white-label crypto payment gateway solution for hassle-free payment gateway creation. Additionally, if you are a newbie startup, then blindly go for the white-label solution. Analyze the factors and other relevant things before buying the white-label crypto payment gateway processor. I hope you have earned enough knowledge regarding the crypto payment gateway development.

Coming to the end point, my sincere wishes for your best crypto payment gateway business!



Sasha Ortiz
Cryptocurrency Scripts

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