How Traders Use Crypto Signal Alerts To Get Ahead

Insights to next level day trading

[arlie] PEYTON
Cryptocurrency Today
14 min readJun 30, 2021


man studying crypto signal trade alerts on three computer screens
Photo: Storyblocks | Paid Content | No Affiliates
Note: I am not a licensed broker or investor. This is not advice. Stock investing is a risk: you can lose your money. Please consult a licensed stock advisor before investing.

It’s 12:30 pm and I’m at the library staring at the cover of Forbes who is featuring the Winklevoss Twins. Two emotional thoughts consume me:

  1. I’m momentarily horrified from the sight of two of them because I can’t shake the dark rumors about the actor who played them in The Social Network. Two real-life Armie Hammers fetishizing cannibalism? What a nightmare!
  2. The cover says they are billionaires now, and no thanks to Mark Zuckerberg.
Photo: Laurenz Kleinheider

I know the twins got into crypto trading a while back, but I didn’t realize they had struck gold. I vaguely remember them giving talks on Bitcoin’s future, new trading technologies, and things like crypto signal services.

As I thumb through the article, this news gets me excited about trading again. Even with all the dramatic dips and peaks lately — which is totally expected in any new technology — the twins had diamond hands. I respect that.

Like many, I have traded on and off for years sort of like a hobby. I have a good amount of experience using technical analysis (TA) in day trading crypto. A string of wins in my portfolio proves it. However, I wouldn’t say I was a pro.

But reading that Forbes article made me think that if I was really serious about crypto trading ten years ago when I started investing, I would have a substantial investment portfolio by now (not billions, but certainly millions). Dale Gillham of once wrote that successful traders had about two to five years of experience and followed this basic formula:

Knowledge + Experience + Effort = Success

We’ll talk about effort and focus in the next section, but what if there was a way to leverage other people’s knowledge and experience then compound it with yours? Would that be the key to consistently making money trading?

bitcoin buried in dark gravel
Photo: Executium

Good To Great Crypto Trading

The thing about trading is that it’s hard to not get distracted. There are a few things that plague intermediate and advanced traders.

  1. The News: To just avoid the news and just focus on the technicals is hard advice to follow. Besides, it is useful to get the scoop on how Elon Musk’s opinion will affect the market seconds after he tweets it. However, the deep rabbit hole of what-ifs and pure speculation by social journalists are often just chatter.
  2. Groups: It’s common to join crypto chat boards and Facebook groups to get more intel about trades or coins. It’s also a great place to socialize with like-minded people. However, lately I’ve been spending too much time in these places. My trades aren’t necessarily better having spent all that time pontificating on the next big ICO or trade pattern.
  3. Shiny Strategy Syndrome: This of course is shiny object syndrome applied to trading. There are countless trading signals and patterns. In the beginning, I played around with too many of them and my trading screen was a wall of noise. It was hard to see anything discernible happening.
  4. Trading Hubris: A history of good trades doesn’t necessarily mean that will continue. Sometimes we traders get a little bit too cocky about our skills. The Dunning-Krueger effect sets in. Confirmation bias sets in. And worst of all, trading hubris sets in. With the latter, we take bigger risks than we should. We don’t stick to the routine! We go for speculative trades that wipes us out for the day. It feels utterly defeating, but somehow we keep doing it and making the same mistakes with different experimental trade patterns.
  5. Gimmick Trading Services: Apparently, everyone’s a crypto guru these days and everyone “got in on Bitcoin early” so listen to them. Yeah, right! Early to them was at $10,000. Because it’s about making money, the cryptocurrency service market is worth billions. And I have to say, a lot of these services are sketchy but have brilliant marketing.

The truth is, for traders to go from good to great they must avoid all of these distractions. The best ones simply analyze the crypto ecosystem, refine their trading strategies, and look for new opportunities. They possess laser focus.

But even great focus is enough. I’ve learned that many of these successful traders have an edge and it’s often found in a great trading system and in unique crypto services.

Your Established Trading System Is Flawed

Most traders have a go-to system they use every time they sit down and start trading by candlelight.

Usually, these sessions start out with a trusty spreadsheet and a set of websites. Some people quickly review the news headlines for a few minutes, turn off their phone, and get to work. In fact, the best traders treat trading like a job. They would clock in and clock out, never missing a day. They work on finding patterns from stuff they’ve just learned whilst applying what they already knew worked. Maybe they apply the latest news with the price action developing with a coin. Weekly or monthly, they’ll evaluate key insights and patterns. That’s your basic system.

But a system will often break down.

Sometimes you trade for too long or you’re stuck in a funk you can’t snap out of. We either have to take a break, or we stay in that rut.

To the side of my desk I had a book on Stoicism that I read long ago. I kept it there in plain sight, where it gathers dust because I never opened it. It was there to remind me to stay unemotional about my trades. You can’t control the volume or price action, but you can control when to enter and exit based on solid TA. Marcus Aurelius would have been a great crypto day trader.

cryptocurrency trading chart on
Photo: @AngeloBTC on

I always thought that once I had a great system down, all my trades would exponentially become better.

But the truth is, this never happened. I believe that I had a great system and yet my portfolio kept showing slow progression.

So what do you do when you feel like you have a great system, but you haven’t reached your potential as a trader? The years of experience won’t come soon enough.

For all my hard work and persistence in the crypto market, I have to say that I was expecting a lot more. I had to figure out the glitch.

There had to be something missing in my trading system. I scoured the internet to find out what the best traders were doing, and I came upon something that intrigued me: crypto trading services.

Everyone Has A Crypto Service To Sell You

Nobody 100% can predict crypto moves. Because it’s too volatile and depends not only on technical analysis. As you see, it depends on Elon’s tweets also! 😀 ~Maria Andersen

There are lots of ways to earn more in crypto. From automated services to fancy software, it seems like everyone is offering some service to get more gains.

It’s hard to know whose services are legit and whose are just hype.

And yet some of these services are a godsend. They will dramatically improve your understanding of technical analysis and improve your trades. There’s a whole world of day trading crypto that I’ve never seen before after using these advanced services.

As any trader knows, the reams of data you can get on Bitcoin are endless. There are endless trade signals and endless altcoins too. It’s the same with crypto services.

We just have too much information these days and we either find a way to filter out the majority of bad ones or we stay in a state of “trade analysis paralysis”. (Which is what happened to me last year for three months straight: no trades.)

I’ve always said that in this world, we don’t need more information we just need better information.

What people do with this information is what separates the best traders from the worst ones.

The best traders know how to analyze, interpret, predict, and execute on all of this information. For me, trading can feel like playing 3D chess with a grandmaster. I used to go through phases where I was deeply overwhelmed to the point that I nearly lost all my confidence. When that happens, your portfolio starts to sink.

Traders should never have to feel that way. Trading services can help you prevent this frustration, especially trade alerts.

The Unfair Advantage Of Crypto Trade Alerts

We all have advantages in our lives. Some unfair advantages might be more money to work with, more leverage, more screens, more sophisticated software, more proprietary algorithms: the list goes on. Believe me, I’ve tried them all. The one that really supercharged my results was real-time trade alerts, and there was very little downside.

Though I’m sure you’ve heard of them, in case you haven’t it’s simple. You find a company that does daily crypto trade alerts and subscribe to their service. When you do, several times a day they’ll send you buy and sell alerts. In each alert, they’ll describe the signal and what they see. Some of these alerts were verbose and others were just pithy two-liners.

It’s real-time so you have to act fast. Some services will even tell you a small batch of altcoins they’re watching that day and only report on those. Bigger services are looking at hundreds of coins, algorithms, and bots.

You receive these alerts by platforms like Telegram, Discord, or a custom delivery system. It’s all super secure, private, and evanescent. That is, these little hints disappear shortly after you get them.

I know these services have been around for a while, but I was always skeptical of them. I’d jump into a sub-Reddit, read something sketchy about them, and then dismiss them. And it makes sense. I didn’t trust some random analyst sending me a message when to get in or get out of a trade based on their predictions.

Despite my skepticism, these real-time crypto trade alert services started popping up everywhere so they got my attention. Maybe there was something to them. I began to analyze trade track records and other trust signals. When I found a company I could get behind, I tried them out. I’m so glad I gave it a shot!

Imagine a team of analysts well-versed in the crypto economy behind you. That’s what’s really happening.

Crypto Experts Turned Me Into An Expert

It’s obvious that you should model excellence. I’ve listened to trading ideas from some of the best graders like Gaila Benartzi, Perianne Boring, Willy Woo, Lex Moskovski, Scott Melker, and the legendary Anbessa (who has a 90% accuracy rate).

(And of course, I listen to @CryptoCobain and @Melt_Dem for insight mixed with cryptocurrency humor!)

But serious traders need more than conversational tips and signals on Twitter. And some experts are not accessible. That’s where paid alerts from other analysts really helped me — and not just on paper.

With these alerts, a psychological shift had taken place too. I was more confident in a trade, and maybe it was all in my head because a lot of the alerts confirmed what I was already going to do. But does that matter?

I began to see alerts from reputable services as the invisible boardroom in my head.

Imagine if you were part of a company’s board, did independent research on a course of action, and then came together to discover that everyone pretty much had the same idea. Is that not validation and wise counsel?

Now let’s say that someone with more experience on your board had a better idea than yours: would that not persuade you to modify your position? That’s what alerts were to me. I didn’t blindly take advice. I took in the rationale and proof behind the trade recommendation and acted accordingly.

telegram app image of monthly crypto trade signals
Photo: Sample of paid Telegram channel courtesy of FPS

However, I didn’t always listen. I dismissed a lot of alerts.

In fact, I’ve passed on countless trade alerts because they didn’t make sense to me. I was out of my element.

However, many of them made complete sense and gave me greater confidence to enter and exit trades that I made a lot of money on.

Then I learned from my peers using various services that there was a copycat problem. A few of these real-time alert companies copy each other and they do very little original research. I noticed that one company put out alerts similar to the Fat Pig signals I was receiving. They weren’t exact, but they were often sent right after I got FP’s alert. Same coins, same explanations, and similar numbers. And that’s a big problem with legitimate signal alert companies. They’re only just now figuring out ways to catch and report frauds redistribution “member’s only” content.

I have three thoughts on this: 1) Check third-party sites like to filter out crypto scams and to verify the track record of various services, 2) Talk with others in the crypto community because we look out for each other, and 3) Buyer beware!

spreadsheet of crypto signals
Photo: Verified Trading History Courtesy of FPS

The First Step Into The Inner Circle

Once you are added to a paid alerts channel, your first message is often about the “rules” and process. I’m quite fond of the following as it sets your expectations whilst stating important disclaimers:

All trades sent have STOP LOSS as already mentioned and we put 3 targets, our suggestion is as follows. In the first target, exit with [XX%] of the capital, in the second target [XX%] of the capital and in the third target [XX%] of the capital. When the first target is reached and you leave with [XX%] of the capital already regulate the Stop Loss so that this operation never becomes negative. That’s the golden rule, positive position can never turn negative.We will respect the rules with discipline and patience. After all there is no free lunch and money does not grow on trees. Together we will win with discipline and respect for the market.===== RULES =====Let’s make some RULES clear about our service.* We are not your financial advisor.* We do not coach you technical analysis.* Signals that we provide here should be evaluated by you and you are solely responsible for your gains and losses.* Please follow our risk strategy with 5% of your trading capital for each trade and respect the stop loss.* We are not your consultants for the market. We do offer you studies on fantastic altcoins.* You are directly responsible for all your decisions!* We have no guarantee of how many studies we will send per day / week or month. All of this will depend on how the market will behave.* We do not guarantee any financial results based on our technical studies.*** FatPigSignals is not a fund nor do we have any association with any funds; we will never ask for users funds and strongly recommend never trusting anyone asking for funds claiming to be us. We offer studies and trading analysis.If you have any questions we are always available! :-)

What Crypto Signal Alerts Look Like

Again, real-time signal services are for experienced traders. However, most of the actual alerts are simple to understand. There’s no need for rhetoric or pontifications. You get all the information you need.

Photos: Courtesy of FPS | Sample of Paid Telegraph App Messages

As you might imagine, sometimes the explanations/justifications/predictions are longer and with more notes on the chart.

Overall, the UI/UX of Telegram and its capabilities make for a functional platform to receive alerts. Plus, traders aren’t fancy. We don’t need data and prediction displays to be beautiful: we need them to be accurate.

The Great Transformation And Better Trading Outcomes

Now let’s be clear: I’m not saying everyone should use crypto trade alerts. They’re not for beginners and for people who don’t understand crypto fundamentals. And as with all of these services, no one can guarantee you’ll make any money.

(Personally, I have made good money. I’ve had days with my current signal provider that helped me nearly double what I started with, so the alert subscription paid for itself in just a few hours. I think it’s a steal.)

Used wisely you’ll not only improve your portfolio, but lots of other things might improve. For me personally, I experienced a few remarkable transformations that happened as a result of using a crypto alerts service:

A) Improvement: Alerts helped me become a better trader. I began to see the signals the experts were seeing and took action on them. At the end of the day, week, and month I would reexamine some of my trades. My pattern detection and technical analysis definitely improved. I understood trade setups and exits better.

On a streak of big wins, all the strange noise of signals, bands, and markers on the screen started to make sense. I was Neo in the Matrix, but instead of raining code, it was raining tendies. Sometimes a good crypto signal alert service will make you feel that good!

B) Coin Diversity: Since analysts are constantly evaluating altcoins, these alerts helped me diversify my portfolio and invest in other altcoins. I’ve done my research and I had chosen my set of coins, but then I’d get some random crypto alert. A ticker symbol would come up that I’ve never heard of. This is exactly how I learned about Cardano. And diversity in coin investments helps balance out some of the ups and downs.

C) Crypto Innovations: Again, the best traders understand Bitcoin and blockchain technology. They also get how it’s creatively applied. This is the basis of altcoin projects. If you can understand how to evaluate a white paper, how the company is differentiated in the crypto market, and if it’s feasible in the blockchain ecosystem then some of your investing picks will be smarter.

Great analysts can inform you on some of the best coins to swing trade, day trade, or hold on to. And the best part is, they can help reduce your need to undertake this laborious task alone because they have a pulse on new crypto innovations.

D) Crypto Like Versus Love: I finally realized that I liked swing trade and day trading altcoins, but I didn’t love it. I took an advanced course on TA from Berkeley, which served me well, but I learned that trading wasn’t what I wanted to do all the time. It can be difficult and stressful. It can be outright complicated. Mostly, it can take up too much time.

Upon this epiphany, I mapped out my ideal involvement in crypto. I wanted to trade 3 days a week for only 2–4 hours a day — then do all the other important things in my life.

man in suit on the phone
Photo: Peggy Anke


Day trading crypto is like nothing on earth. It’s often very rewarding and the new technology is definitely exciting. I think that the best traders filter through all the great resources around them and create a system built for growth.

Using crypto signal alerts helped me understand more things about the industry than I ever thought possible. And it also helped me earn far more money than if I never used them. And ultimately, it helped me come to my greatest insight:

Despite your best efforts and experience, in crypto trading you need all the unfair advantages you can get and real-time trade alerts are one of them.

I tried several trade alert services. This is my pick for the best: Click Here.



[arlie] PEYTON
Cryptocurrency Today

I help brands accelerate growth 🚀, monetize 💰, and change the world. 🌎 On Medium since Feb 2014. Disclosure & offers @