Don’t rely on Google Chrome if you value security and privacy — Use these instead!

크립토커리 공식
4 min readMay 10, 2021


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Google Chrome is convenient and easy to use. It has a simple design that can be customized with themes and application extensions that suit individual user needs and makes Google applications accessible to users with just a simple click.

Chrome seems to be many people’s default browser for both desktop and mobile — but for all the ease and convenience it presents, users may ultimately be the losers in the end.

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

The ugly side of Chrome
The Google Chrome browser has been the subject of privacy complaints and security issues, several of which happened just recently.

In March 2021 alone, Google announced the release of two (2) security patches to resolve several high risk security flaws that were already known to and can easily be exploited by hackers.

April 2021 brings forward privacy concerns as Google faces a class-action lawsuit in California over complaints that the browser continues to track its users’ personal data even when in “Incognito Mode.”

Then there’s Google’s Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC) — a feature that sends a summary of recent browsing history to marketers for targeted ads.

It was discovered that Google tested FLoC on Chrome users residing in several Asian countries and Australia, as well as in markets that were not protected under the European Union’s GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

A better browsing experience
Sacrificing some personal information in exchange for convenient services may have been the norm for some time, but with all the security and privacy issues riddling the Chrome browser, isn’t it about time for a change?

If you still want all the features that Chrome offers but you also value your security and privacy more, consider switching over to Brave Browser or Osiris Browser for a better browsing experience.

What is Brave Browser?
Brave browser is a Chromium-based browser (same as Google Chrome) that is faster and offers better security than what Chrome offers right now. It’s also compatible to Chrome extensions and users can simply go to the Chrome Web Store to install the applications they need on Brave.

Brave boldly declares that it “isn’t in the personal data business,” to assure users that their personal data will remain private until deleted. Brave also prevents tracking so third-party sites won’t be able to keep track of user activity for targeted marketing.

Brave automatically upgrades to HTTPS wherever possible to ensure that users will have secure and encrypted connections. Brave users on iOS also have the option to avail the paid Firewall+VPN feature.

Speed is another reason to switch browsers! Brave loads pages three to six times faster than Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox because it uses less RAM per tab. Brave browser is available for Windows 64-bit, Windows 32-bit, macOS Intel, macOS ARM64 and Linux.

· 3–6x faster than Chrome and Firefox
· Customizable
· Secure connection
· Data Privacy

· Firewall + VPN only available on iOS (paid)
· No support for ARM processors and devices
· Supports dApp rendering for Ethereum only

Download Brave Browser at

Osiris Browser
Osiris browser offers similar features to Brave, especially in terms of security, privacy and speed, as well as support for Chrome extensions that make it easily customizable according to user needs.

Osiris browser was developed using blockchain technology and was designed for the benefit of users. It features the Osiris Armor which ensures that connection is secure and user data will remain private — any attempt to forcefully extract such information is prevented by the browser. Plus, the browser has a free VPN that users can simply activate.

Pages will load three to seven times faster that Chrome and it improved ad blocking ensures that the days of dealing with intrusive ads are over.

Osiris doesn’t have its own search engine but users can easily select their preferred search engine going through the browser settings.

But there’s more! Osiris also supports dApp rendering on the browser, which makes it easy for users to interact with blockchain applications even with zero knowledge.

Osiris is compatible with Windows 8/8.1/10 64-bit, Android 5.0 Lollipop, and iOs (ver. 12 and above).

· 3–7x faster than Chrome and Firefox
· Customizable
· Osiris Armor
· Free VPN
· Improved Ad blocking
· Integrated multi cryptocurrency wallet
· dApp rendering support for multiple blockchain

· No Support for MacOs and Linux at present
· Mostly compatible with more recent operating systems
You can download the Osiris browser at

Brave browser and Osiris browser are both great alternatives to Google Chrome, especially since both focus on protecting its users’ security and privacy. The speed and ad block feature they offer are also great for those with fast-paced lifestyles. However, the winner for this round is Osiris browser.

In terms of its search function, both Brave and Osiris allow users to select their preferred search engine, but the extra effort of going into “Settings > Search Engine” whenever Brave users want to switch to a different search engine is still extra work. Of course, that’s not an issue to those who have no intention of switching search engines.

The tie-breaker score has to do with their blockchain support.

Brave browser has a great Ethereum blockchain support, but with solutions to the soaring gas prices still a tentative promise, having more options on-hand will make the situation better.

This means that Osiris browser gets a few extra points for its multi-blockchain support and integrated multi-cryptocurrency wallet. These features open up more opportunities for crypto supporters to interact with various decentralized products and services, as well as give the crypto-curious a chance to finally join the crypto revolution.

