Crypto Daily Writer
Crypto Daily
Published in
2 min readOct 5, 2018


Charting Bitcoin’s First Decade | Mapping out Bitcoin’s Infrastructure | ‘Nothing Is Decentralized’

Todays Links

‘Nothing Is Decentralized’: Crypto Springs Confronts Tech’s Shortcomings

When Crypto Springs conference co-organizer Meltem Demirors took the stage on Wednesday, watermelon margarita in hand, her “nothing is decentralized” rallying cry drew thunderous applause.

Creating money out of thin ether

A mining pool reels in $850,000 after exploiting a loophole in the currency’s code and not processing any transactions. Maybe Ether does grow on trees.

Blockchain Report

The Blockchain Report provides the latest daily news and insights covering the cryptocurrency space. Tune in every morning to receive a five-minute daily dose of blockchain and cryptocurrency news.

From Pizza To Lambos: Charting Bitcoin’s First Decade

Here’s a look at how the purchasing power of that original transaction has changed over the past eight years, running the gamut from iPads to Lamborghinis (or Lambos, in industry parlance) as early adopters, true believers, Wall Street financiers and retail investors all jumped on the Bitcoin rollercoaster.

Mapping out Bitcoin’s Infrastructure

Union Square Ventures most recent post on blockchain infrastructure incited a flurry of debates on Twitter regarding whether or not infrastructure is being built on Bitcoin. So our team at The Block decided to take a look and attempt to map out Bitcoin’s infrastructure.

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