The Future of the Decentralized Internet in Asia, Africa, and South America. Part 2

Users need a real decentralization of the World Wide Web.

EVEN Foundation
4 min readFeb 15, 2019


The last time we talked about the digital economy. Now let’s take a closer look to the perspectives of dWeb and disruptive processes in African, Asian and Latin American regions.

DWeb with the cross-chain technology

Are the benefits of the internet becoming a trap?

In 2019 the World Wide Web has already become a system in which centralized companies own and control large quantities of data, and they keep a tight grip on the channels used to transfer these valuable web assets.

A promising idea has become a burden on society.

Any careless click could trigger a trap. Freedom of speech and action are being held captive by restrictions. And no one can ever feel completely safe online.

Here are some of the problems with the internet that affect all of us:

  1. Users have lost control over their own personal information. They have permitted their confidential information to be stored on the servers of major corporations. Massive industries are making incredible amounts of money, but for some reason they don’t seem to care about the security of this data.
  2. Distributing false and manipulative information is the easiest thing in the world! The “powers that be” are actively taking advantage of this loophole.
  3. Major IT companies, including search engines, social networks, and messengers, have instituted specific codes and rules. For example, they might require that data of value exclusively to a narrow group of IT giants be stored online.
  4. Centralized servers are extremely vulnerable to attacks by hackers. For example, on October 3rd, 2018, there was a large-scale crash on the popular Instagram social network. Another example happened in late September 2018. Facebook was severely hacked, and the perpetrators gained access to 50 million accounts!

These kinds of problems are happening everywhere. There isn’t a single centralized server that is protected against them. But the most important thing is that these kinds of crashes, attacks, and restrictions have gradually started to be accepted as the norm. This isn’t how it’s supposed to be!

Conclusion: right now, in 2019, we are in the midst of a critical and transformative moment in the history of the internet. It’s time to drastically change the way the internet works.

We need to reevaluate the principle underlying the storage and exchange of information. Users need a real decentralization of the World Wide Web. People need to have the ability and the legal right to independently store their own data.

Infographics. Why do we need DWeb

A decentralized internet will give power back to the users

At the Decentralized Web Summit 2018 Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the modern internet, officially announced an innovative concept called the “decentralized internet” or “DWeb.” He acknowledged that, despite all of its positive aspects, the modern internet has become an engine of inequality and is under the control of powerful “forces” that are using it for their own gain. Berners-Lee revealed that he and other industry leaders have been brooding over the idea of decentralizing the internet for many years now. But now, in part thanks to the active implementation of blockchain technology and mesh networks, it has become possible to bring this amazing idea to life.

The primary distinction between the DWeb, which is based on blockchain technology and mesh networks, and traditional online structures lies in the equal rights of nodes, each of which is at once a router, provider, and network operator (bridge).

Information will be transferred without the involvement of centralized servers, which means that the interference of corporate and government structures will be kept to a minimum.

To be continued…

Now, as we discussed, the digital economy with internetization is already actively integrating into the daily lives of millions of users, including countries in Africa, Asia and South America.

What effect will digital penetration lead to? And is there a way to optimize this process? You will learn about this in the next part of the article.

Parts: 1, 2, 3

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