Create TRC20 Token — Beginners Guide for Startups

TRC20 Token creation is not this much easier without this guide

MathiBharathi Mariselvan
7 min readDec 14, 2020


TRON is the second-largest blockchain network in the crypto industry in terms of TVL (Total Value Locked). Next to Ethereum, TRON’s contribution to the decentralized ecosystem is a remarkable one. In this play, TRC20 tokens have given life to numerous businesses as utility tokens. Syncing with smart contract functionality, they enable fluent operations for decentralized applications (DApps). Considering their Delegated POS algorithm, top-notch security, and lower operational cost, investors prefer to create TRC20 tokens.

Moreover, with high-speed transactions and unmatched scalability, TRC20 token has proved its efficiency in business integration. So this is the turn for newbies and entrepreneurs to enhance their enterprise potential with TRC20 token development. Though it is easy to create TRC20 tokens, getting them fully functional could add value to your business. In this regard, a reputed TRC20 token development company would be a perfect option.

Create TRC20 Tokens

However, before getting started it is better to understand the benefits, key features, and steps to create TRC20 Tokens. In this regard, this blog would be a complete guide to clear all your doubts. So let us begin with the fundamentals of TRC20 tokens.

Know the Facts to Create TRC20 Token

Basically, TRC20 is a utility token standard from a decentralized blockchain — TRON. This token standard has certain principles that reveal how the TRC20 token should perform. These principles will vary as per the token standard characteristics. Accordingly, the TRC20 token has compatible features and functionalities. The smart contract will be programmed to manage the token role effectively. These are the qualities keeping TRC20 tokens a step ahead of its predecessor- TRC10 tokens.

ERC20 tokens are Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compliant. Similarly, TRC20 tokens are compatible with the TRON Virtual Machine (TVM). So more than the technical TRC10 token, these utility tokens have more logical functions, energy levels, and capacity. Certainly, TRC20 tokens are often compared with other utility tokens like ERC20 and BEP20 tokens. As a startup, you should know the TRC20 token’s significance over the other two tokens. So, let us discuss…

How is TRC20 better than ERC20 and BEP20 tokens?

The global accessibility and use cases are the major reasons investors prefer ERC20 tokens. But this is the scenario before the arrival of TRC20 tokens. TRC20 token also provides the same benefits with high transaction speed in lower gas fees. Hence, many DApps and other DeFi Protocols are now built with the TRON network. Further, the smart contract that controls TRC20 tokens is compatible with Ethereum and Binance Smart Chains. So when it comes to business integration, there are no compatibility issues.

Further, the delegated POS algorithm enables TRC20 tokens for high throughput and scalability in which Ethereum lacks well. The BEP20 tokens also offer the same speed, but they rank behind TRC20 in terms of security. Thus TRC20 tokens come from a solid ecosystem like Ethereum and serve faster transactions at lower cost like the Binance smart chain. Moreover, the DeFi space is now booming with TRON innovations. Hence, this blockchain and TRC20 token will face more uplifts in the coming years. For these reasons, TRC20 token development is the perfect choice for startups. And you can reap greater business advantages over the years. So are you ready to begin with TRC20 tokens? Let us discuss…

Important Steps to Create TRC20 Token?

Creating TRC20 token involves a series of steps to ensure the technical attributes of the token. Below are the steps you should follow to create TRC20 tokens. They are,

  1. The first step in this TRC20 token development procedure is to create an address with a smart contract. This step is not valid for TRC10 token development as it doesn’t require a smart contract.
  2. The next step is connecting the crypto wallet with the TronScan platform which is basically available at the top right corner of TronScan. Make sure, you choose the TRON blockchain for creating TRC20 tokens.
  3. Then, you should locate to the token tracker option from the Blockchain drop-down menu. In this, select the ‘Create Token’ option to create TRC20 token.
  4. Here you have to add token details like supply, demand, token value, freeze time, release time, and all other information such as the smart contract address, white paper address, etc.
  5. Once you complete it correctly, your TRC20 token is now ready for operation. Creating TRC20 tokens with a smart contract address helps you avoid token generation fees.

So by following the above-mentioned steps correctly, you can create TRC20 tokens. Although you can develop your token easily, you should consider the technical difficulties in doing so. A prominent TRC20 token development company could help you attain your business goals effectively. Because they follow certain standards and their technical fluency could yield better token performance. In that case, you might ask…

How to Choose the Best TRC20 Token Development Company

The best Tron token development company satisfies the startup demands with certain criteria. They are,

  1. Professional experts can create tokens with outstanding features and they can craft feature-rich TRC20 tokens from scratch to the end.
  2. The token should be equipped with graded security, high throughput, and high scalability.
  3. The TRC20 token should be developed with an updated TRON Virtual machine (TVM) to address all the necessary features that the Tron token should have.
  4. The TRC20 Token should be created with a high level of storage capacity supporting prominent features.
  5. The company should be proficient in trending technologies and have a team of experts experienced in TRC20 token development.

The above-mentioned criteria could help you choose the best TRC20 token development company. With professional developers’ assessment, you can align token functionalities with impressive features. As a result, your token would be appealing and find a unique place in the crypto market. Speaking of the features, let us explore the…

Key Features of Tron token

As you know the TRC20 tokens are utility tokens that will serve various business operations. To meet such industry expectations, these TRON tokens should have certain prominent features. As a crypto investor or a startup, you should be aware of them before starting to create TRC20 tokens. They are,

  1. Token Swaps
  2. Data transfers without limitations.
  3. Easily traceable through a public ledger.
  4. Multiple-OS support.
  5. Public ledger storage and management.
  6. Highly secure and encrypted.
  7. P2P Decentralised network.
  8. The high amount of transactions per second.
  9. High scalability
  10. Reward distribution mechanism.
  11. Multiple crypto wallet support
  12. Appealing Appearance
  13. Refined token structure.
  14. High storage systems.
  15. Easy Integration with TRON wallets
  16. Powered by blockchain

With these features, TRC20 tokens are well fit for diverse industrial applications. So, create TRC20 tokens could unlock wider business opportunities with potential benefits. Obviously, you will have confidence in TRC20 token development after you clearly know its benefits. So let us check with…

Benefits of TRC20 Token Development

Benefits are like the measuring tool that helps you determine your business’s future. Accordingly, when you create TRC20 tokens, you can get potential advantages for your business. They are,

Bandwidth — Crypto tokens have fixed bandwidth limitations. Each token has different bandwidth operations. Accordingly, every transaction in the TRC20 tokens requires an average bandwidth of 250 units.

Energy — Similar to the bandwidth, TRC20 tokens require a particular energy level for every transaction. Also, they come with certain limitations on their energy levels. However, it is possible to increase the energy limits of TRC20 tokens.

Quicker Transactions — The TRON blockchain can support more than 2,000 transactions per second. Also, it is a blockchain platform that executes transactions at a lower cost. Hence TRC20 tokens are basically faster and economical than their counterparts.

Decentralization — An efficient smart contract controls the functionalities of TRC20 tokens. So these tokens are working in a decentralized manner. Consequently, many decentralized applications and DeFi protocols use TRC20 tokens.

Interoperability — TRC20 tokens are similar to ERC20 tokens based on their characteristics. Thus the applications and platforms supported by the ERC20 would be compatible with these TRC20 tokens. Hence this token has the ability to mingle with different platforms based on compatible blockchains.

Customization — This utility token can be customized as per the requirements of business needs. So the token holder has the flexibility to define the token supply, demand, and usability as per business goals.

Efficiency — The higher transaction capability and lower data storage of the TRC20 tokens result in minimal usage of blockchain resources. So these tokens can perform more efficiently than other utility tokens.

With these remarkable benefits, TRC20 token development fulfills your startup goals certainly. Besides, you might be concerned about the cost of creating TRC20 tokens. For that, you should consider certain factors, which we will discuss in the upcoming section.

Cost to Create TRC20 Tokens

The development cost is the prime concern for the majority of the startups. When it comes to TRC20 token development cost, you should consider certain factors. That includes the requirements for token development and the complexity of the process involved. Other than that, the TRC20 token development cost depends on certain factors. They are,

  • Complexity of the Smart contract
  • Size of the development team
  • Number of token requirements
  • Token features and special functionalities
  • Token design and branding
  • Legal and regulatory obligations
  • Marketing and token promotion
  • Post developmental support

So predicting the exact cost to create TRC20 tokens is almost impossible. However, the average price may range between $8,000 to $12000. The price range stated here is varying as per the factors discussed above. Approaching a renowned TRC20 token development company can give you a price estimation. Also, their expertise may help you save a little money.

Final words…

So far we have seen how to create TRC20 tokens as feature-rich, scalable, and secure. Though TRC20 tokens serve various industries, their contribution towards decentralization is a remarkable one. The decentralized market is slowly shifting to the TRON from the Ethereum blockchain. The new arrival of decentralized platforms built on the TRON blockchain and their hiking demand confirm the same. So, it is the right time to create TRC20 tokens and make profits out of your cryptocurrency business.

To create TRC20 tokens feature-rich and cost-effective, you can approach a crypto token development company. Discussing with them your business criteria could bring technical-friendly TRON token development. As a result, you can attain a better position in your crypto business. So keep your concerns aside, and approach an expert TRC20 token development company to provide you with the best service.



MathiBharathi Mariselvan

Blockchain Entrepreneur and investor. Cryptoprenuer to be precise. Guiding Crypto enthusiasts and CEOs. You know what, Blockchain is a revolution.