Top NFT Business Ideas to Start in 2024

Here are the best non-fungible token business ideas that you should know about before creating an NFT.

MathiBharathi Mariselvan
7 min readMar 18, 2021


Presently, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are the talk of the town due to their increasing market demand and value appreciation. They are interchangeable assets known for their digital ownership and uniqueness. But if you find the reason for their popularity, the earning opportunities through NFT development will be the answer.

Meanwhile, as a business aspirant, you are already aware of the NFT token’s significance in the business lineups. Many industries are benefiting from these tokens. And they offer several business opportunities for startups and entrepreneurs ranging from Art collectibles to Supply chain management. Many of them adhered to NFT businesses due to the higher Return on Investment.

NFT Business Ideas for Startups

In addition, Non-Fungible Tokens are a potential investment due to their use cases and huge market demand. And this is where the search for NFT business ideas begins. So this blog explores the top NFT businesses to help newbie business people and entrepreneurs pick the right one to build their business portfolio. Let us start with the…

Best NFT Business Ideas in 2024

Business people always look for the settings for business success before engaging in enterprise activities. According to that, binding NFT’s potential with business ideology, helps you to meet the enterprise goals. In this regard, knowing the below business ideas can help you.

NFT Marketplace Platform

NFT Marketplace is a digital platform where creators or owners list their NFT tokens for sale. It is a central place for creators, artists, and musicians to market and purchase different Non-Fungible Tokens at a fixed price. The marketplace platform has straightforward actions and different sorting options. But giving an easy buying and selling experience with top-notch NFT collections only creates brand popularity for your marketplace among your users.

However, when it comes to business, getting all those features at an affordable price is the desire of many business people. To fulfill those expectations, trying the White label NFT marketplace solution is an ideal way to reduce capital expenditure. Along with this solution, you can earn from the following ways,

  • Transaction fees
  • Listing fees
  • Premium services for creators
  • Advertising and promotions
  • Sponsorships from Brands

Due to these revenue-generating opportunities, deploying an NFT marketplace is a popular business idea now as well as in the future.

As of now, this marketplace holds a market cap of $377 million and is expected to rise consistently.

So creating a marketplace for Non-fungible assets will give high exposure and benefits for business people. Some of the notable NFT Marketplaces that hold the crypto space are OpenSea and Rarible. So, if you wanna earn unbelievable profits, then try launching an NFT Marketplace similar to these popular platforms.

NFT Gaming Platform

NFT games are Play to Earn (P2E) games that allow users to buy and trade game assets in the form of non-fungible tokens. NFT tokens are significant in representing characters, weapons, skins, or any game component available within the game stores. The game store works like the marketplace. But it only contains the game assets in the form of Non Fungible tokens /assets.

So here, the revenue making is associated with the contribution of publishers, creators, and players through,

  • Sale of game assets
  • Sale of gameplay and events
  • Game Subscriptions and Membership
  • Partnership with brands
  • Commission-based token sales through secondary markets.

Apart from this, many P2E games are now built with Web3 and Metaverse Technologies. These technologies will make your gaming platform eligible for future innovative ideas. Thus managing real-time technologies helps you retain the gamer’s count. As a result, you can gain prolonged benefits like Sandbox and Axie Infinity gaming platforms.

NFT Auction House

NFT auction house is a Marketplace that allows developers and owners to sell their assets through bidding among kinds of buyers. The event might be a private sale or auction for bulk selling. Unlike the NFT marketplace, the price is not a fixed term and buyers are encouraged to bid with the auction house’s basic price. The highest bidder will be considered the winner here.

Meanwhile, Bids are collected and executed through Action House’s approved DApps or website. And owning an NFT auction house let you earn from,

  • Listing fees
  • Sale commission
  • Promotions for private token sale
  • Premium subscription to buyers

However, the income generation depends upon the auction house’s reputation, the services they provide, and the rarity of tokens. With appealing services, you can extend your auction house’s reputation similar to popular NFT Art auction marketplaces OpenSea, SuperRare, and Foundation.

NFT Virtual Events

NFT virtual events are just online events that promote the sale of NFTs in the virtual environment. The event organizer makes a partnership with popular Marketplaces and sponsors to conduct this event. Here, the non-fungible tokens play a variety of roles through which the event organizer could earn. They are,

  • Direct token sales in any form (art, music, etc)
  • As event tickets
  • As collectibles or merchandise
  • Sale of event-branded virtual items
  • Fees and commissions earned from the events.

These are the income-making ways of non-fungible token virtual events. However, putting your efforts into getting partnerships, marketing the events, and grasping buyers’ attention could make the event a grand success.

Become an NFT Artist

Each NFT token is unique in its characteristics. And they have a separate audience base in the market space. So as an NFT Artist or Creator approaching valid marketing and selling channels is essential to get the best price for your NFT tokens. You can find Marketplaces, Auction Houses, and Virtual events to monetize your creativity in the form of Non-Fungible Tokens.

Further, promoting your brand to the correct target audience also creates market significance for your NFTs.

For instance, the popular sportsman Cristiano Ronaldo recently launched his first Non Fungible token in Binance as a memorable item for his fans. So as an artist, building a strong demand for your NFT token with your unique skills and delivering them to a suitable audience is the secret of earning huge revenue.

NFT Consulting Service

Non-Fungible Tokens are booming with wider industrial services. However, many newbie business people and budding enterprises are still seeking expert opinions for NFT development and investment. Many artists and creators are still unaware of marketing their creations in the marketplace. So they need consulting from experts regarding strategies in investment, marketing, and selling.

Many business communities issue guidelines regarding investment in digital tokens to support young investors and creators. But they are still lacking due to the unavailability of practical guidance. So at this peak of the digital era, such consulting services are one of the forward-thinking NFT business ideas that let you earn from consulting fees.

NFT Licensing Platform

NFT licensing is acquiring or transferring authority to utilize or share a digital asset. Nevertheless, the asset creator or owner only holds the copyright of the asset. The person who gets rights can use and distribute the assets for commercial activities. For instance, anyone can use the artwork of a creator for business promotion. But, it is necessary to get consent/license from the owner to use his/her artwork.

However, this involves many legal and financial regulations that should be processed with an NFT licensing platform. This platform protects the intellectual rights of an asset but increases the business’s reputation. Owning such platforms allows you to earn from licensing fees and commissions.

NFT Fractionalization

Non-Fungible Tokens can be divided into small shares that give users fractional ownership. Due to fractionalization, high-value NFTs could be fractionalized into multiple ownership. And such tokens will be available at an affordable cost to the users. In addition, the fractionalized token’s value will be increased because of the various usages.

So you can build a platform for these Fractionalized NFTs and you can earn from the fees. Further, you can also earn commissions for split token sales while integrating your platform with the secondary markets.

NFT Lending and Borrowing Platform

NFT lending is similar to the traditional lending process. That means, the user can get a loan from the lending platform by giving NFTs as collateral. This lending platform works in a decentralized manner. So the hype surrounding decentralized platforms pulls users to NFT lending and borrowing platforms.

The main source of income is the interest earned and transaction charges for loans. And you have the option to create and sell a native token. So considering these possibilities NFT token creation is always a profitable business.

NFT Real Estate

NFT Real Estate refers to the ownership of virtual land that is represented by the Non-Fungible Tokens. Virtual lands are part of metaverse platforms like gaming, socializing, and working. Depending upon the platform’s needs, Non-Fungible Tokens protect the ownership rights and transfer of assets. The peaking curiosity of NFT real estate collectibles increases the revenue of metaverse platforms. So you are also eligible to earn more profits when owning such a real estate platform. The hype of Metaverse will also support your NFT real estate business.

These are the top NFT business ideas that most startups and entrepreneurs choose in terms of revenue generation and future expansion. And Developing NFT is the groundwork here to start a promising business. Investment is not just a word but a hope, that most business people strive to achieve. According to that, the NFT business ideas that are compiled here are definitely ideal for business beginners.

To achieve your business endeavors proficiently, you need guidance from industry-leading professionals from a well-known NFT development company. With their professional assistance, you can resolve the challenges raised while building your business. So getting connected with such a trustworthy development partner, allows you to gain competitive business benefits.

To be concluded as…

NFT is becoming the new hype of the entire crypto community. It is because of the earnings made by the business people through trending NFT business ideas. Adding strength to this, blockchain technology helps the business to stay on real-time trends. So for startups and entrepreneurs, the top NFT business ideas we discussed here will help you to commence the business.

As you know, creating NFT tokens is a fundamental thing for any business idea that you can get from a reputed NFT development company. With extensive experience and development procedures, their team of professionals helps you build a non-fungible token. And the team of experts guides you to latch on to the successful NFT business. So get in touch with a well-known NFT development company to begin your business profitably.



MathiBharathi Mariselvan

Blockchain Entrepreneur and investor. Cryptoprenuer to be precise. Guiding Crypto enthusiasts and CEOs. You know what, Blockchain is a revolution.