Updates and Roadmap!

Published in
3 min readApr 6, 2018

We made great progress this week!

Contract Optimization

We changed the missions contract so that players don’t have to do 2 transactions (send hero to mission and then loot the mission). To do a mission players will only have to make 1 transaction that will send you hero to the mission and get immediately the loot although the hero will still be rested for the minimum of 10 minutes (depending on the mission).

New features in the UI

We changed the mission cards design:

Missions Tab
Sending a Hero to a Mission


Until this point we already got many features implemented:

  • Buying Heroes;
  • Auction House;
  • Missions (for getting loot);
  • Crafting System (over 20 craftable items );

Our next goals are:

  • Dungeons (almost finishing the contract);
  • Going live on the main net (end of April);
  • Player vs Player system (end of May);
  • Tournaments (end of July);

How will Dungeons work?

Our biggest challenge was making the dungeon contract. Because of the limitations to the memory in solidity we thought, at the beginning, of players firstly equipping their heroes (1 transaction) before going to the dungeon (and another one)… This was bad for gameplay.

To do a dungeon a player would had to equip first then do the dungeon and after that, if you wanted to go with other heroes but the same items you had to then unequip those heroes and then equip the ones you wanted… bad gameplay right?

Good News!
We are able to do a dungeon with all heroes equipped in a single transaction. To do a dungeon players will select the heroes they want (3 heroes maximum), select the equipments for their heroes, consumables and their abilities (3 per hero).


Each class will have 5 abilities at the beginning to chose from. Each ability causes the hero to be tired (no actions) for X turns depending on the ability.
When going to a dungeon players will have to select the % of usage of each ability for that dungeon.

Example for Warrior:
40% Strike, 25% Shield Slam and 35% Shield Wall.


  • Strike (Tired for 0 turn): 1x Strength;
  • Heavy Strike (Tired for 1 turn): 1.5x Strength + Debuff (0.5x Strength for 2 turns on enemy's agility);
  • Shield Slam (Tired for 2 turns): 1.5x Defense;
  • Shield Wall (Tired for 2 turns): Buff to self Defense (0.5x Defense for 4 turns);
  • Warrior Shout (Tired for 2 turns): Buff to self Strength (0.5x Defense for 4 turns);


  • Backstab (Tired for 0 turn): 1x Agility;
  • Eviscerate (Tired for 1 turn): 2x Agility;
  • Kidney Shot (Tired for 2 turns): 0.5x Agility + Debuff to Defense (0.5x Agility for 2 turns);
  • Deadly Poison (Tired for 2 turns): Damage over time (1x Agility for 4 turns);
  • Vanish (Tired for 2 turns): Buff to self Agility (1.5x Agility for 4 turns);


  • Smite (Tired for 0 turn): 1x Intellect;
  • Heal (Tired for 1 turn): 1x Intellect;
  • Rejuvenation (Tired for 2 turns): Healing over Time (1x Intellect for 4 turns);
  • Empower Wisdom (Tired for 2 turns): Buff to self Intellect (1x Intellect for 4 turns);
  • Empower Defense (Tired for 2 turns): Buff to target ally’s Defense (1x Intellect for 4 turns);


  • Fireball (Tired for 1 turn): 1x Intellect + Damage over time (0.5x Intellect for 2 turns);
  • Frostball (Tired for 1 turn): 1x Intellect + Debuff to Agility (0.5x Intellect for 2 turns);
  • Arcane Blast (Tired for 1 turn): 1.5x Intellect;
  • Arcane Barrage (Tired for 2 turns): 2.5x Intellect;
  • Pyroblast (Tired for 2 turns): 1.5x Intellect + Damage over time (0.5x Intellect for 4 turns);


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