NEM Announces Beta Launch of Global NEMsp Network

Ieva Ivanauskaite
Published in
3 min readJul 4, 2018

The Foundation Welcomes Cryptodus to the Global NEMsp Network

Singapore — July 4, 2018 — The Foundation, announced today a strategic partnership with Cryptodus, a firm that specializes in enabling existing and new businesses to leverage Blockchain and Smart Contract technologies. Through this relationship, Cryptodus developers will receive blockchain training and certification through the Global NEMsp Network. The NEMsp (NEM Service Partner) Network provides qualified partners like Cryptodus with the technical skills and business benefits to integrate clients on the NEM Blockchain and scale regardless of industry, specialization or experience.

“The NEMsp Network is a scalable and repeatable program designed to expedite the adoption of NEM globally while creating value for our partners. Companies won’t need to have any internal technical staff to be able to build on the NEM Blockchain because a project can be completely developed and deployed by a NEMsp. Cryptodus is a great fit for the NEMsp Network due to their experience and wide range of blockchain related services. We look forward to a long and mutually beneficial relationship with Cryptodus,” said Kristof Van de Reck, Interim President of the Foundation.

NEM’s out-of-the-box blockchain technology accelerates enterprise solutions to serve the needs of the biggest technology businesses in the world, leapfrogging other enterprise blockchains. NEM’s full-featured blockchain engine powers both public and private networks with unique smart contract plugins. These plugins enable bulletproof digital asset creation, decentralized swaps, advanced account systems and business logic modeling.

Ronaldas Budrys, CEO of Cryptodus said, “We’re very happy to become part of the NEM ecosystem. Having full technical resources and expertise in place at the right time, we’ll be able to help clients build enterprise-grade solutions and tackle different industry problems with the help of NEM technology. Having worked with a number of different clients, we see a huge niche to tap into: a blend of NEM platform and Cryptodus expertise will enable tremendous opportunities to deliver high-end solutions, tailored to very specific business demands without disrupting their functioning business model.”

Learn more about Cryptodus by visiting:

ABOUT THE NEM BLOCKCHAIN PLATFORM NEM is an “out-of-the-box”, enterprise-grade blockchain platform which launched in March 2015. NEM has industry leading blockchain features which include: multi-signature account contracts, customizable assets, a naming system, encrypted messaging, and an Eigentrust++ reputation system. Companies with legacy systems can “plug ‘n play” with NEM.

ABOUT THE NEM Foundation Ltd Foundation is registered in Singapore, operating globally. It was launched to promote NEM’s blockchain technology worldwide. It is one of the most well-funded and successful blockchain technology projects in the cryptocurrency industry.

NEMsp Network info:

For more information about the NEM Blockchain, please visit:

Press contact, Alexandra Tinsman,

All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their registered owners.


Originally published at on July 4, 2018.

