Why we adopted Enjin Coin and think it’s the biggest innovation to gaming.

Crypto Fights
Published in
3 min readAug 6, 2018

CryptoFights has been on a long road in the crypto gaming space. We first officially started the project back in January of 2018 with a simple goal in mind. To create a 3D PVP fighting game on the blockchain.

Back then that meant putting the games logic and battle system into the smart contract on the main ethereum blockchain. Well you soon start to learn about gas costs and even more importantly user experience. See metamask is really great at what it does but its assuming the mass market already has crypto and is familiar with the process. If you could count how many steps there are to using metamask with your game you will quickly need more hands to count. We simply didn’t like this process. We even made a metamask tutorial video just to help people out who were not used to this. I actually remember having a close friend try out our first alpha version and asked him if he had metamask and he said: “Metamask? What is that?”.

The many steps of metamask usage

See, we are simply not there yet. CryptoFights needed something much easier and we had to rethink the whole project and how we could achieve our goal of having a game that could go mass market.

The Solution

Initially our team did not know of Enjin Coin as they were still in development mode and making great progress. They needed games to adopt their item platform and were producing helpful information for developers. Their team has a long list of experiences with AAA game studios and were a very open group that aspired for our success.

After learning about Enjin Coin we found out we can:

  • Create items that have a floor value by embedding ENJ tokens into the item itself. So imagine buying a sword that is backed with 100 ENJ tokens. That sword will always be worth at least 100 ENJ tokens. It will never go below that price.
  • Allow players to “melt” or convert items into ENJ tokens on demand. If you ever wanted out of an item and do not want to sell it, you can use a built in exchange function to retrieve those ENJ tokens that back the item. Instant Liquidity FTW.
  • Allow us the game developers to create an economic trading system where we can take a small fee from the trade. So when you want to buy or sell a game item anywhere the game developers can take a small cut of the trade to fund the games development. This itself is amazing and we believe is the future of game items and community funded games.
  • Reduce gas costs using the ERC-1155 standard.
  • Have incredible developer support from the Enjin team.

So we now want to officially announce CryptoFights has adopted the ENJ Coin platform and going to use this to back ALL of our items.

So what does Enjin Coin have to do with the issues facing metamask. Well we are now going to announce that we are shifting into mobile for our first release.

You will be able to buy all game items with in app purchases on the full release for Android.

Stay tuned for more information about CryptoFights and how ENJ tokens will be used to back these items. Join our Discord Server for more information.



Crypto Fights

CryptoFights is a 1vs1 PVP turn-based fighting game that enables players to heavily invest in their custom-made character and enter cash tournaments.