How we created a Foxy logo

Viktoriia Uhryn
Published in
3 min readAug 22, 2017

Hi guys! Now I am working as a designer at In my first article I want to describe the creation of a company’s logo.

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So, what is Cryptofox? Cryptofox is a service that provides a toolset for cryptocurrency investors and traders. Thus its logo is aimed to show a connection to this field.

Hence, a fox was chosen as a main symbol. Foxes are intelligent, charismatic and dynamic. They are associated with speed, cunning and vivacity. Good choice, don`t you think?

The question was how to combine a fox and cryptocurrency. The first idea was to picture a fox that is hugging etherium. It loves etherium and wants to save it. Or maybe it could be not just a single etherium but a box with the most popular cryptocurrencies.

The first sketches were like these:

Yeap, looks more like a character, than a logo.

So, we have decided to make logo less complicate, by using simple shapes. And I tryed to combine the etherium and the fox literally, and create one integral form. One of the versions was:

In one of the versions I`ve taked straight lines of the etherium and a smooth foxy`s contour, and got this nice result. I`ve shown it to our team, and we decided to approve it.

This logo looks clearly at any background and at any scale. It can be painted in any colour, which gives us wider opportunities in using. Among the suggestions was an idea to make the logo more voluminous, for using on dark background in header and footer of our site or maybe somewhere else.

In this version it looks more interesting and alive. At small scale it looks less clear, but you still can identify it. Anyway, for small scale we also could use monochrome version. I like it!

Also I`ve created our foxy character, which `ll emerge in our future matherials.

Okay, it was my short story about birth of our logo, I hope it was interesting for you. Have a nice day, dear reader!



Viktoriia Uhryn

Hi! I'm an experience designer from Lviv, Ukraine