Introducing — the tool for cryptocurrency trader’s advantage

Yanik Koval
Published in
3 min readNov 9, 2017


Yanik from CryptoFox is here

Finally, we are going public and I’m very excited to present our goals as well as tell you a bit about the project. During the last almost year now, we were busy polishing an idea and passing through many tests and tries, we have formed up the feature set for CryptoFox. In the course of this time period, cryptocurrency markets have grown dramatically which only proved to us the need for such a tool and built our confidence around it.

How is CryptoFox started?

As a software developer myself, and casual cryptocurrency trader I have always built shortcuts for my crypto trades. Simple python script can always make the job quicker. At some point, I ended up with the bunch of such scripts and integrations. My friend Dima, on another hand, was building more advanced and profitable bots for years. At some point around Christmas 2016, we started putting everything together, experimenting with one service which could give automation and integrations advantage not necessarily for software developers but for casual traders.

The ultimate idea is very simple:

CryptoFox aims to provide an edge to crypto traders using the set of configurable integrations, bots, notifications, collecting and visualizing custom data from the cryptocurrencies ecosystem..

Example: “Event trading”

The very visual, yet simple, example would be “event trading” technic. If you trade crypto at least for a couple of times you should know how news can affect the price.

May 22 2016, ZCash announcing cooperation with J.P. Morgan. At the moment when the blog post was published on website insiders had already bought ZEC and price on Poloniex had changed from ~0.045 (BTC/ZEC) to ~0.070 BTC/ZEC. Yet in the next 5 mins, the news spread all over the internet and price went to crazy 0.155 ZEC/BTC (Average per volume price for 5 mins was 0.140 ZEC/BTC). Using CryptoFox I caught the news in the first 10 seconds after publication in my Telegram and put an order within the next 10 seconds, once again, using Telegram shortcut.
Having got ZEC at a market price for around 0.080.

Orders history from Poloniex

Of course, this is very simple trading technic and big news like this one do not happen every day. But it clearly demonstrates what advantage automation can provide to the traders. CryptoFox will contain lots of small integrations like this one, and development priorities would be defined by investors.

Event trading demo

The following demo demonstrates how to use telegram bot to trade on a similar event. Event is faked just for demonstration sake, order is broadcasted to poloniex.

Soon we will explain more features!

You can catch us on Twitter or join discussion on Telegram or check our website for a lovely fox and a more information!




Yanik Koval

Sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear eats you