3-day Workshop Practical Session

Pradeep Bhattarai
CryptoGen Nepal
Nov 14, 2021


For completing the practical session, we have created a Docker repository to host the challenges.


Docker is a set of the platform as service products that use the Operating System-level virtualization for delivering software in packages (containers). These containers are isolated from each other and they contain their own libraries, configuration files. Although they are isolated, it can be still made possible for them to communicate with each other via well-defined channels.


For installing docker, you can visit https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ to install according to your operating system. After installation, you can move on with installing our image for moving along with a practical demonstration on day 2.

You can download and run the docker container from https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/cgndigiversity/practical.

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