Cryptograph Platform Update II

Hugo McDonaugh
Published in
2 min readJan 15, 2021

Dear Cryptograph Community,

Happy New Year!!

2020 was quite a year with plenty of doom and gloom, but it was also the year we launched Cryptograph which inspired creativity, ingenuity, commerce and charity!

We are really thankful to everyone who participated in the process.

We also all experienced our first dose of sky high Ethereum gas prices last year and this trend has continued and been further compounded by the rising price of ETH. Since encountering the steeper gas fees last year we’ve been working on a new gasless auction system which will be deployed in the next couple of months. Until then you can expect fewer Cryptograph auctions.

We are very excited about our new gasless auction system as well all the other great things that are going to happen in the NFT space this year!

Over the next couple of months we are going to have a jam packed schedule of great community and educational events, including; metaverse meetups, live talks and interviews with other NFT pioneers, live artist creations, competitions, raffles, games and more. We look forward to your continued participation and seeing you at our next community event soon!

All the very best,

The Cryptograph Team

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