Growing Support — Community Rising Up for Support of CryptoGuyInZA

Crypto Guy In South Africa
Published in
4 min readJul 17, 2018

As more Tron SR get elected it gets closer to my turn to be elected should the community wish it. This support can be seen by the growing number of voters over the past week. Even though the value of votes may increase or decrease as a whale shows up or leave for larger rewards, we can see that individual voters are growing and showing that the greater community is calling for more community driven Tron SR. The community is rising and voting, no matter how small the vote is every vote counts.

Number of Voters

Up and above this there is more and more supporters coming out to support on different platforms. I appreciate this and really humble by such support. Many that I do not know but yet see value in the content I create which in itself is so rewarding. Below I have listed some of the support that has come out to support me. Which is so rewarding to see! Thanks to all, appologies for some not included as there is so many.

As a Tron SR candidate I have approached in a manner where I just did it, just put out content, just helped when needed. I did not say when elected I will do x or y. I will carry on in such a manner and hope the community can support such efforts. I hope I can continue to grow my support and take it further from here.

If you got this far in reading please consider helping supporting me in the Tron SR elections. You can support me in the following ways

  • If you are voting for your favorite SR that is already in the 27 and has lots of votes way over 100 million, then consider switching your vote to me or splitting your vote
  • If you are not voting yet, please consider voting for me
  • If your SR is not in the 27 then a simple retweet or up vote will help

Any and all votes for me will help, so I can move into the Tron SR position! Below is the details of me as a Tron SR candidate.

CryptoGuyInZA details here

Thank you for your support!

