How to: Register an account

CryptoHarbor Project
3 min readApr 15, 2019
  1. Log in to

2. Select “SIGN UP”

3. Fill every information necessary

  • Username

Letter, Numbers and Underscores are only allowed.

(E.g. ABCD => abcd)

  • Email ID

Email address that you choose to register in the site

  • Select Country

The country where you live

  • Mobile Number

Full number of your mobile phone

  • Password

Include: 1 upper class, special character, lower class and number with at least 8 character

Special characters are: !”#$%&’()

  • Submit

5. OTP Email verification

To confirm your registration, enter the OTP code that you received in your email address.

6. Log in

Log in with Username/Email address and password that you registered to the site then submit

7. OTP Email verification again

How to complete KYC in CryptoHarbor Exchange:

  1. Click your username in menu

2. Select “Profile”

3. Upload each KYC documents

The most important documents are Any Identity Card(FRONT) and Any Identity Card(BACK).

The documents could be any government-issued or other documents that proves your unique data such as name, address, date of birth and face.

If you don’t have passport, you are able to upload same documents from “Any identity card” for “PASSPORT”

Profile picture is The Most Recent Photo Taken Of The Account Holder

The KYC documents that are uploaded will be verified within 48 hours.

Currently we are working on simplifying the KYC process for users.

