A Masternode Coin called @XUEZcoin , FYI only !

Published in
4 min readApr 28, 2018

First things first, yes i have invested in this coin. I hold them presently and plan to hold on to them from a decent amount of time.

With that out of the way , lets begin….

To understand Xuez coin you need to understand Masternode and POS/POW. Sorry if i am boring my pro crypto friends but this is a casual post so i hope to make things as simple as i humanly can.

There are many ways new coin are issued or brought into circulation. BTC and ETH and such coin are POW type , they need hardware to do calculation and crazy hot, loud noise and power draining stuff to earn more of the coin they are mining.

POS for example NEO and such coin and like bank account. Buy them hold them in the wallet & earn interest type coin. In case of NEO you earn GAS coin which can be used to buy NEO. So not a true POS more like Sudo-POS. I can't think of a true POS which is mainstream yet.

Then comes Masternode…. Wow sounds kool right ?

To set a masternode basically means to buy a set number of coin defined by the coin team. Staking them by locking them 24*7 connected to internet.

One thing i want to say is there is a reason for POW/POS and that can be to validate transaction and secure the network and more..

Earning coin by POS is more help full to the coin as people are more incentivised to HODL them against sell for short term gain. As more coins are locked up the price is more stable.

Still no mentioned of XUEZ yet, you might recommended me to change the title, but wait…. now i will tell you about Xuez..

Before i dive in to XUEZ and masternode i have to inform you about the most famous masternode coin the time. DASH ! people who bought 1000 Dash for $3k or less and created a masternode are earning $ 3–5K per month passively based on the price. That's the power of masternodes. Passive income.

Now about XUEZ

XUEZ was original called XIOS and was a decent project in it own way. The team was Ok. the coin price was OK… suddenly one thing lead to another and the main DEV left the project in a limbo. Some say he left coz he had to take care of his mom’s health issue (Hope she is healthy and well).

So now that the coin was cared by the community and had a good set of user who believed in the project thought hard to help turn around the project but couldn't externally there fore all the member of the coin (almost all few users few were not actively following) decided to swap XIOS and hard Fork to XUEZ

So now after few month of work the coin is live and working (just 2 week back). My Node are earning me few coin each day. The team is working had to get listed in exchanges. We have already integrated with BISQ and have to wait for the next update to begin trading on it. All said and done the team & community is looking promising. To make things futher i will point 5 reason why you should consider joining XUEZ community.

  • Its a MASTERNODE coin, so you earn a passive income. Now you might say yet way if the coin is not worth anything. To that i say value is what you think of it. The team and the people who own the coin believe in it. I do. at worst even if the price goes half , once your double your coin by earning them you offset risk. A Lot of the HODL type and masternodes are best for them.
  • The reward will decrease as time goes to adjust price and inflation. So its best to join more and be ahead of the curve.
  • The power of compounding, as you earn of coin , you get to create more masternode by them so its makes sense to have more masternode early on.
  • XUEZ is very bullish and have a community that believe that there is value in trust and right to privacy. Guess i forgot to mention XUEZ is a privacy coin. Yep !
  • Crypto is never a winner takes all. A coin value is derived from the value of peoples trust, which is closed to $3.6 per coin for XUEZ :-) pretty in expensive hmmm.

OK, one reason close to the end why you shouldn't invest.

  • Crypto is new, risky, volatile and alot more like every rewardable investment. XUEZ is no different.

All said and done. Never invest more than you can lose. This is not a disclaimer, this is common sense. It's not i think the coin has issues but in general as crypto is crazy. And crazy is the new normal.

For more check out : Discord Channel https://discord.gg/mQ46aQ and don’t feel stranger when you do, give me a shout out @shaqqs on discord. Let’s have a chat !!

Website: https://xuezcoin.com/

50 claps if you like the post. Long Hodl on the clap icon #xuez #xuezcoin

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I am working on TradeplanIO, a simple crypto screener based on technical indicators. Follow us on twitter @tradeplanIO to know more, Regards.

