Sorry, I need answers not information !

Published in
3 min readFeb 6, 2018

“A little empathy, a lot of trust and few answer is all a being needs”

I know what i need to do to be successful but knowing doesn't help, everyone knows but not all are equally successful. I know you can argue that “Define success” & “ It a subjective thing”.

You get the idea of success when i say “ happy doing thing or doing things that make you happy is sucess”

I don't need “lean technique” to tell me to to build thing small & test them early, Its common sense. sure having a case study will help but ask you mom how he tests a new recipe or the first time she make a new dish. I am sure she didn't make it on the key festival days. She cooked it small and for a small group for trusted bud taster for approval. No Lean Technique.

I don't need to learn “ Start with WHY technique” , a 6 year old kid is a master at that. As a matter of fact i guess that was must have been the inspiration ! Its us who teach our kids to stop asking why and teach our wanna-be founder to ask Why first. Double standards i tell you.

I don't need the the top 5, 10 or 666 of any thing, Who are you to decide for me. Sure i was the one who came looking, but i wanted answers and you gave me options. Sure the things are in one page , but where are your and your voice or version of the answers about it. Very soon AI will start working on list compiling backed with Data.

I as founder want answers, those answer are filled with experience and straight forward. That telling what you think if your in my shoe.

It's not lack of confidence , its collective wisdom.

As kid we read the story of farmer making his kid break twigs individually and then a bunch of it together, teaching us that disturbed work is much more easy and a bunch of twigs are hard to break.

The answer you're looking for can be a App, a start up , a movement, a book or what ever don't ever let is become only information. Try to answer the question of your users.

I too had a question recently. What happens to bitcoin price the following day if Ethereum price falls today !!? And i am working toward finding the answer.

So i shamelessly invite you to visit and sign up and follow is as i find those answers.

One more thing, chances are the things i mention above that i dont want, might have helped you. But what i want to tell is, its not the technique that work , Its you who work and make it happen. Give your self the credit you deserve and not become depended on a Model.

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I am working on TradeplanIO, a simple crypto screener based on technical indicators. Follow us on twitter @tradeplanIO to know more, Regards.

