How not to become a victim of crypto-related cybercrime?

Published in
3 min readAug 16, 2018

The most effective way of stealing cryptocurrencies and token ICO projects is phishing. Phishing is the fraudulent attempt to gain access to confidential data through fake sites.


The highest activity of hacking in this segment of the market was observed during the second quarter of 2016 to the first quarter of 2017. Phishing contributed to this period considerably, over $115 million was stolen. Around 56% of all lost funds on ICO’s are accounted for by theft using phishing.

The largest phishing attack occurred in 2015 from the Bitstamp exchange — about 19 thousand Bitcoins (about $5 million at the then exchange rate).

Typically, phishing is used to steal private keys (special codes) from cryptocurrency wallets. When you enter the website via a fake link to the pseudo-ICO site, the owner of the cryptocurrency enters their access code into the form. The criminal is alerted to your online activity and your information is copied.Another way of obtaining personal information is by sending a request for a money transfer. Internet users will make a transfer on a fake website using confidential data, which is then compromised.

Fraudsters are always on the look-out to exploit. You should keep up to date with the best ways to protect yourself and ensure you don’t accidentally fall into a trap. In this article, we will share with you simple rules, which are easy to apply to help keep you safe online.


  1. The first time when you get to the website, ensure its address line is correct when typed in the search bar.

Correctly entered addresses will look like this — and this

Imposters can look very similar — or

These small differences are the difference between a safe internet experience and one that can be harmful.
In the first case, “i” was replaced by “l”.
In the second, the “e” was replaced by “i”.

NOTE! Always check the website address and make sure it’s https with an “s”!

2. E-mail fraud.

When you receive an e-mail, you should always check the authenticity of the sender. Emails unfamiliar senders or unknown names should be avoided.

Scammers use domains similar to

NOTE! Never give out your bank details online- it could be a scam.

3. Telegram — chat.

Scammers often impersonate Support Team Members and Customer Services.
Please remember:

  • Cryptoindex Support Team will never initiate contact with you directly by private message.
  • Cryptoindex Support Team Members will not offer “individual” discounts or any other incentives.
  • Cryptoindex Support Team Members will never ask you to transfer your funds.

List of Admins:








How to ensure that you are communicating with legitimate Cryptoindex Member?

Each admin member has the words “admin” after their name. They also have a star (in the desktop version, shown below) next to their Telegram username.. You can check to see their status by going on the Telegram chat member list:

Here is a list of official links:






Website —

Offical site for token sale —

To Contact Us:

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NOTE! Do not transfer your funds to addresses received in private messages!

If you notice any unusual behavior or are approached by a suspicious online user please contact

