Weekly interview. Today — IR Director Sergio Denisov.

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5 min readNov 2, 2018

Dear Community! We would like to introduce our IR Director — Sergio Denisov!

Cryptoindex is a tool for exposure to the cryptomarket and serves as a smart benchmark for all cryptocurrencies. The AI-based Cryptoindex algorithm is continuously analyzing more than 1800 coins applying over 200 factors, processing more than 1 million signals per second to provide a highly sophisticated index of the top 100 coins.

Here is a quick interview with Sergio, get to know him a little bit better…

IR at Cryptoindex.io and Investment Associate at Altair Capitan fund.

Over 15 years of experience in IT, PM, BD, BE and IR at Novartis group, Renaissance insurance, Rosneft companies (IT — Information Technology; PM — Project Management; BD — Business Development; BE — Business Excellence; IR — Investor Relations).

Here is a quick interview with Sergio, get to know him a little bit better…I have prepared several questions from our community.

- Sergio, could you tell our community about your experience in Investor Relations. Why did you choose this profession?

- I am 34 years old now, and I started my carrier in IT 17 years ago. It has been an interesting journey. I started as IT specialist and moved into a team leader position quite quickly. Then, project manager at Sandoz — Novartis group, Renaissance insurance, Rosneft companies leading several projects mostly in pharma giant (Novartis group) where I worked for 8 years. . Information Technology is a great area to start your career but after several years in the industry for me, I found that pure technology was only half of the project, the second part was the team, customers, partners and the investors. People are integral in this process during 2017–2018. I worked a fund — scouting for new projects. I asked typical questions mostly from VC point of view that are quite simple, especially for projects in later stages of development that have already been through their POC (proof-of-concept). I also had discussions with the colleagues about new VC trends: such as blockchain and ICO’s as a fundraising fenomen. These concepts inspired me to get into the field and explore further.

- What are the biggest challenges when speaking with investors?

- Talking with investors is always an interesting process, either “magic” happens or it doesn’t. There is either a good fit or there isn’t. It doesn’t looks similar to internet forum battles, where different opponents try to be the winner of the dispute. Project and investor didn’t fight at the initial stage, be careful if your relation starts from the “battle” it’s definitely not well. You need to be clear and transparent, and explain your ideas coherently, what is the main difference between your project and others and how your project provides a better solution. As an investor you need to define the risks right (and potential profits), explore the area or industry (or find an expert in the field who can help and provide advice) paying as much attention as possible to the team as these are the people that hold it all together.

- Very interesting. Now, you are IR — Director at Cryptoindex.io. Given your previous work experience, do you see the traditional financial industry and the crypto world ever aligning?

- Absolutely, a year ago investors pay less time to take a decision and made it much faster than now. FOMO (feel of missed opportunities) was one of the main drivers on the market. Right now the crypto world and (ICO) market have become very similar to traditional VC markets, all sorts of investors and now involved and are asking specific questions and spend time going into detail with the projects they like. Investors more often than not, ask for references (i.e. colleagues from the common connections in LinkedIn) requesting a call or obtaining feedback from asked for a Telegram group.

- Why people should invest in cryptocurrencies now? Does this market have the potential to grow anymore than we have seen previously in earlier years?

- Definitely yes. Baron Rothschild, an 18th century British nobleman and member of the Rothschild banking family, said that “the time to buy is when there’s blood in the streets.” Total capitalization of the crypto market dropped down from $800bln to $200bln, but its still very very small. I like these charts to compare crypto movement with the rest of the world. I believe that the market will continue to grow, but more smoothly, decreasing levels of volatility. A way to decrease the volatility in the crypto world is by using Cryptoindex. This has been common feedback from our investors.

- What is the feedback from VC regarding Cryptoindex?

To be more suitable for finance industry professionals: different kind of funds, family offices, HNW (high net worth), crypto market needs tools like Cryptoindex. Indexes play a significant role in the traditional finance market, but the lack of regulation rules in crypto not allowing to represent all market potential in one index without Artificial Intelligence algorithms. Those of the VC who believe in our team, idea, and philosophy like it the most, others need some time to track our performance to agree.

What do you think Cryptoindex’s future will be?

I would like to think that Cryptoindex will be a major player in the crypto markets for the foreseeable future. We have a great product suite, an incredible tech team and some interesting ideas and concepts in the pipeline for future platform development.

Thank you for your time! It was a pleasure to talk to you.

If you have any questions for our team in next weeks interview session please write to roma@cryptoindex.io Note! Your question should be constructive.

The AI-based Cryptoindex algorithm is constantly learning by consuming huge amounts of data rapidly making decisions and choices that humans would struggle to match.

You can always check the current Cryptoindex concept on our MVP platform:http://cryptoindex.ai/

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