Ducat is the gold standard of class

Published in
2 min readMay 15, 2018

Pleasure to meet you. My name is DuCat, and if any Fancy Cat deserves to tell their personal story, it’s surely myself. Really, it’s quite shocking that I was the third to be featured. After all, I come from a long line of incredibly important Kitties, all of whom have had biographies written about them. Of course, several were self-commissioned, but copies still reside in our family library. And even if my own personal biography has not quite been written yet, I am still a fascinating individual, and I’m excited to tell you all about me.

Being the scion of a well-known Fancy Cat family can be a lot of pressure, but I try not to let my pedigree give me airs. After all, at the end of the day we’re all the same. We all drink from a water bowl, don’t we? Even though mine is filled with water from a glacier-fed spring in the Himalayas, and the last time I touched dirt was when I went on a private helicopter tour through the mountains of Iran.

Speaking of pedigree, I once visited a very strange doctor who agreed to test my DNA and give me an accurate view of my family tree. He lived in a crumbling stone castle in Kittenheim that was probably once the kind of place my family might have lived in, (I did my best not to raise an eyebrow at how badly he had let it deteriorate). He made me stick my tongue out and ran a wooden stick across it, then put the whole thing in a contraption that cranked and shook and threw off sparks. He examined the results, and told me that based on my DNA, he believed I would live a long life and be incredibly prosperous, which I told him he had no doubt discerned from the quality of my red pocket square. He said that red was not his colour, and I told him he really couldn’t pull off his royal hue. Then he had the audacity to tell me that my ancestors were not royalty, but farmers from Catagonia! I declared him to be the crank he clearly was, and he had his zombie servant chase me off the premises. Honestly, I may never go to Kittenheim again!

Well, it was nice to meet you all. I must be off or I’ll miss my tee time, and the Queen gets awfully cross when you stand her up.




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