Fancy Fridays are now Thursday Purrsdays!

Published in
3 min readApr 26, 2018

Some of you may know we recently polled our community about the frequency and methods we’ve been using to release Fancy Cats. In our early days, we introduced new Fancies at our weekly Fancy Friday events, releasing the hints all at once and hosting a livestream on our Twitch as the community worked together to figure out the recipe.

This worked pretty well, but you said it could be better. Your main feedback was that Fancy Cats were coming out too often, and with too many hints. You guys wanted more of a challenge.

We want you to know that we heard you

We’re experimenting with new ways to get Fancies out there, and we’re going to slow the rate at which we release them. We haven’t solidified the new release schedule quite yet, but it’s safe to say it’ll be less frequent than weekly and more often than, say, annually. We’re also brainstorming more engaging ways to present the clues — think interactive features like minigames and puzzles.

In fact, we’ve already begun tweaking things, and our first Thursday Purrsday event happened two weeks ago! We had a blast, and we hope you guys did too. The next event is going live today! We’ll be running these at a biweekly cadence moving forward.

Previously, the Fancy hints came as not-so-subtle riddles. For Thursday Purrsdays, we tried other ways to roll them out. We reworked cat bios, Cattribute hints, and Family Jewels to create a scavenger hunt, and set the community loose in the marketplace to find the cat that matched the clues. We delivered another hint via a social media Easter Egg, sending hunters back through our timelines to unearth a buried clue. We also only gave hints to three of the five traits needed, and hinted at another later in the week to make it even more challenging. We think these are more fun and engaging than simply untangling a riddle, and we’ve been given some feedback that you do too!

We’re always listening to you, we promise

It’s all a work in progress, but it’s important to us that you know we’re listening as we value your ideas immensely, and we’re acting on them. We consider CryptoKitties a joint venture between our team and the community at large. This partnership wouldn’t be the success it is without you crazy cats.

So keep the ideas flowing! Check our Twitter to keep posted about the next Thursday Purrsday, and then tune in to our Twitch to take part in the chase (and potentially win a Gen 1 Kitty!). Join our Discord family, and purr-use our other social channels (Reddit, Facebook, Instagram) to stay up to date on announcements. And please keep your feedback and ideas coming.

Peace meowt.




Collect and breed digital cats with CryptoKitties, the world’s most successful blockchain game — built on the Ethereum network.