KnightKitty rides again

Published in
3 min readMar 26, 2018

We couldn’t have built CryptoKitties without incredibly hard work from community members, and one area where our community particulars shines is — well — on our community platforms! We have an active Reddit and Discord family, and those groups are managed by moderators who aren’t part of the official CryptoKitties team, but who are near and dear to us as supportive community members.

As the months went by and their hard work continued to shine, we knew we wanted to give them a token of our appreciation. And for us, that can only mean one thing: cats!

Our first decision was whether we wanted to create Exclusive Kitties and give them to active moderators and community members, or whether we wanted to create a Fancy that honoured all the hard work the mods do. We went back and forth on the idea for a while, but we finally decided that we wanted to go with an Exclusive Cat. It would provide direct value to our supporters, not just give them acknowledgement and accolades. Sort of like an honorarium for all their hard work!

Once we made that decision, we reached out to the mods to see what they wanted their Kitty to look like. What were the values they wanted this Kitty to represent? How did they see themselves? We got some great feedback from our short list — in fact, we even got an incredible visual representation of the mod cat.

Meet KnightKitty. Isn’t he adorable? The hammer is a reference to the “ban hammer”, while the knight is a reference to their function keeping the peace across our messaging platforms. This doodle was done in about fifteen minutes by iQu33n, the incredibly talented wife of our moderator Foxxy.

Once our dream team translated that gorgeous image into the CryptoKitties vocabulary, we were ready to create custom bios for our new KnightKitty. We wanted to make sure that even if these Kitties changed hands, there would be a direct line to the original honouree. So we linked each bio to the person who earned it. For instance, Kitty 113 is pledged in service to Muddledbox, and to his very last breath he will defend truth, love, and his master’s keyboard.

If you want to get your hands on your very own KnightKitty, you can! At the time of writing, several of these Exclusives are up for sale.




Collect and breed digital cats with CryptoKitties, the world’s most successful blockchain game — built on the Ethereum network.