Negato likes to lurk in the shadows

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2 min readMay 8, 2018

Psst, behind you. No, to the left. We were never formally introduced; part of my mystique as a ninja is being an enigma wrapped in a mystery covered in a cloak of night. But I heard Momo-chan was going to do one of these, and I knew I had to beat my ancient nemesis to the punch. So, allow me to break with thousands of years of mystical tradition and introduce myself. My name — is Negato.

As the favoured child of the Obsidian Syndicate, I despise three things: the mocking moon, hesitance disguised as patience, and people who don’t properly sort their recyclables. My catana hungers for the head of the Crimson Clan — it’s a dark and sordid backstory, and I don’t have time to get into it. Know that the only thing edgier than it is my sword!

But, since I have you here, I should probably tell you some kind of story. Perhaps… ah, yes. The night I received the fourth mark on my catana, celebrating a great victory. I was in Kittenheim visiting an old rival (members of the Obsidian Syndicate have no friends, only rivals and nemeses) when I saw a strange figure slip out of a house. He wore a white robe, had goggles on his head, and his hair stuck out in a subtle trident atop his ears. I thought I recognized him from a mission in Tehran, so I followed him. He led me to a shed, into which he disappeared with a questioning look. I knew from the pansies that grew at the bottom of the shed that something inside was letting off a tremendous amount of heat — those flowers should only bloom in summer.

He emerged moments later, locking the door behind him. But locks are no impetus to a ninja! Easily I went within, and to my delight discovered the missing treasure of the Crimson Dragon — the Great Red Stone! I slipped it away, and I and the treasure took the first train out of Kittenheim with none the wiser. I may never know who I stole the gem from, but for now, I know Momo-chan still hasn’t found where I hid the Stone…




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