Siring your Kitties for fun (and ETH)

Published in
3 min readMay 9, 2018

So you’ve got a few Kitties and you’re not sure what to do with them. Did you know that you can put them up for Sire? And not only does it only cost a small transaction fee, you can actually make some ETH!

If your mind is blown, then this is the post for you. If your mind remains stubbornly intact, here’s a compilation video of kittens yawning. We should all get something out of today, shouldn’t we?

So, what the heck is Siring?

Siring is one way for players to get new CryptoKitties. A player who wants to breed one of their Kitties with someone else will head over to the marketplace and search for Siring Kitties. They choose one they like, pick one of their own Kitties to be the Dame, and away they go!

But how do you get one of your Kitties into that Siring marketplace?

It’s actually an easy process. You can choose any of your Kitties to put up for Siring. Remember, our Kitties don’t have gender. They can all be Dames or Sires depending on how they’re feeling that day! So any cat will do.

Once you’ve chosen a cat you want to Sire out, click on the “Breed” button (it features a picture of an eggplant, 😜). It will take you to a dialogue page that reads “Sire to the public.”

First, choose the starting price of your auction — this is how much you hope people will pay to breed with your Kitty. Then choose the ending price — this is the lowest amount you will accept for someone to breed with your Kitty. Once the auction starts, the price will start to automatically fall until either someone pays the listed price, or the auction reaches the lowest amount.

Once you click “Done”, you’ll be directed to a transaction screen in MetaMask. Here’s where it gets a little tricky. You’re sending a contract to the network, which means you have to pay a gas fee. It’s generally pretty small (at an average gas price of around 2 gwei, the gas fee currently* works out to about $0.12 USD), though it will go up and down based on network traffic and the price of ETH.

The Siring contract involves two payments: the Siring fee and the breeding fee. The Siring fee is yours! It’s the amount you’ve chosen in the auction, and after a 3.75% commission, it goes directly into your wallet. The breeding fee is currently* 0.008 ETH, and that covers the cost of creating a new CryptoKitty on the Ethereum network.

And that’s it!

You can put your unused Kitties on the Siring market to earn ETH. Head over to your Kitties to get started!

[*] = At time of writing.




Collect and breed digital cats with CryptoKitties, the world’s most successful blockchain game — built on the Ethereum network.