The Red Dot District gets a makeover

We heard your feedback and we’re trying something different

3 min readAug 7, 2018


Experimentation is at the heart of CryptoKitties. We’re never done trying to deliver the best possible product, and that means constantly trying new things.

We launched the Red Dot District as a different way to release new traits; it’s going on in tandem with our more traditional trait release methods. The first iteration was six Kitties with new traits. Those Kitties are owned by the CryptoKitties team, and we put them up to Sire.

There were parts of the system that worked (it democratized trait releases for humans and bots alike), but people didn’t love that Siring was the only way to get those traits.

Round two starts August 8th at 2:00 pm PDT

For our next round, we’ll be releasing four Gen 0 Kitties, once again owned and Sired out by CryptoKitties. But this time, after three hours those traits will appear on new Kitties sold by the Kitty Clock.

To democratize this even further, we’re giving away opportunities to Sire with our Red Dot District Kitties without a Siring fee! You can win one of four exclusive chances to Sire with these Kitties up to four times at no cost (beyond the normal breed fees and transaction cost).

To enter, just send an email to with the ID of the favourite Kitty that you’ve bred in the past seven days. One entry per human player, please. (Make sure you retain ownership of the Kitty whose ID you send us until this new gene is released!)

We’ll draw four wallet addresses, each of which will have the right to breed up to four times with one of our four Kitties that has the new gene in the most hidden position.

All entries must be received by August 8th, at 8:00 am PDT, and you need to be online and available to breed between 2:00 pm and 2:40 pm PDT. We’ll announce winners around noon PDT on Discord! Have questions or want clarification? Hit us up Discord.

This new gene will be the key to unlocking five new Cattributes!


  • 8 am PDT: Contest cut off.
  • 12 pm PDT: Winners announced.
  • 2 pm PDT: Winners get four chances to breed!
  • 3 pm-5 pm PDT: Anyone can breed with the Red Dot Kitties thanks to a descending price auction.
  • 5 pm PDT: The new gene releases to the Kitty Clock.

Meet the new Red Dot District Kitties

  • Purry Ford knows the value of giving a customer just want they want. You can have Purry Ford in any colour, as long as it’s brownies.
  • Ruling a country can be tiring work, but Catshepsut always has energy to continue the dynasty. Just be sure to bring gifts fit for a Pharaoh.
  • If you don’t bow just right, Elizacat might not look too kindly on you. They are not amused, but they are ready for a good time.
  • Warren Buffcat will take you out, buy you oysters and champagne, and make you a tuna sandwich in the morning. This cat knows quality when they see it.




Collect and breed digital cats with CryptoKitties, the world’s most successful blockchain game — built on the Ethereum network.