Tok’n’talk is getting chatty with your tokens
You can bring any NFT token, including your CryptoKitties, into this new social platform
Over the past few weeks, we’ve been profiling experiences in the KittyVerse — games, tools, and other programs that give your Kitties even more things to do.
Now, we’re proud to bring you a very special KittyVerse project. It’s not just really fun — it’s also a great application of blockchain, with a lot of potential for the future. Introducing:
From the team behind CryptoPurr comes a new social media platform for all your tokens. No longer will your cats be forced to purr only at each other — you can bring any non-fungible token (NFT) into the social experience, and make your tokens talk.
The Tok’n’talk team believes that every token is a community. Cryptopurr was an experiment to make their platform accessible — after all, ‘talking cats’ are a lot more approachable than ‘a relevance layer for web 3.0’.
When Cryptopurr was met with a positive reception from the community, they took that MVP and expanded it into the Tok’n’talk of today. It’s a broader execution that brings native discussion into the crypto sphere. Everything can be verified — no scams, no deleted messages. Users can literally see the motivations behind people’s opinions (posts, likes, upvotes, etc.). To make information valuable, we don’t need more fact-checking, or a more heavily curated platform — blockchain lets us see the economic connections behind messages.
Building a great user experience for a new social platform can be a daunting challenge, but the Tok’n’talk team met it head on. People are used to a particular comfort level that’s provided by today’s social media, and to compete they needed to provide the same quality of experience. Taking the friction out of trustless social interactions is no small task, but this is something the Tok’n’talk team is working to solve.
The team hopes that eventually Tok’n’talk will help people make informed decisions in the crypto space, and distribute their attention in a more independent way.
Big congrats to the team:
Grzegorz Kapkowski [CEO/CTO]
Patryk Adaś [Designer]
Jakub Stasiak [Front-end]
Maciej Górski [Back-end]
Kasper Kondzielski [Back-end]
Karol Kowalski [Back-end]