Hands on session: Introduction to Smart Contract Programming

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Adrian Irimia
3 min readJun 20, 2018


Join us on June 25th, from 17:50, at ClujHub, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, for cryptoland.tech second FREE event about smart contract programming. This one is going to be a hands on session, tech wise. Therefore, we are inviting all software developers to bring their laptops and deep dive into Ethereum’s Solidity and Hedera’s Hashgraph topics. Please see here more details https://events.cryptoland.tech/ or join our meetup page here https://www.meetup.com/cryptoland-tech-meetups/events/251608840/ .

We are delighted to have Sorin Tanasescu, Hegedus Levente and Alex Cosma from Centrys team, Alex Males and Gossip Guy as Hashgraph Ambassadors, and myself, Adrian Irimia, as cryptoland.tech founder.

We will kick off at 17:50 with a short intro about the role that cryptoland.tech can play in the development of the ecosystem and how we can all use this environment to collaborate, partnership, share our knowledge and challenge the status quo by using blockchain or distributed ledger technologies.

Then, at 18:00, Sorin Tanasescu, Hegedus Levente and Alex Cosma from Centrys team, will discuss about smart contracts. A buzzword nevertheless, ‘smart contracts’ are the core of what Ethereum (and Ethereum based coins) stand for. We will examine the structure and the innards of a smart contract, implementing one (or more) from scratch using Solidity as a base programming language.

On the last part, from 19:30, Gossip Guy and Alex Males, Hashgraph Ambassadors, will take a look at who’s using Hashgraph and its use as consensus algorithm for Fast Contracts.

First, Gossip Guy, a very known Youtubber, will join a conf call all the way from New York City and he will provide an overview of the hashgraph ecosystem. This includes a summary of the projects recently announced using hashgraph in either the private/permission or public (i.e. Hedera Hashgraph) environments. The presentation will also cover other resources available should developers consider launching the DApp using hashgraph.

Second, from 20:00, Alex Males will discuss about DLT technologies and the fact that all face the scalability issues that slow down the smart contracts and make execution expensive. While the memory of CryptoKitties congesting Ethereum’s network is still fresh, he will take a look at one of the high performance consensus algorithms that could be fast enough to run a “world computer”. Hashgraph offers ultra high throughput with low latency while also improving security aspects like fairness. We’ll see what is the secret sauce of Hashgraph and we’ll run a live coding session for an interesting smart (and fast) contract.

I hope you are going to enjoy it.

Keen to meet you again! :)

The Schedule:

  • 17:50 — Quick intro about cryptoland.tech — Adrian Irimia, cryptoland.tech Founder
  • 18:00— Smart Contracts — What’s so smart about them? — Sorin Tanasescu, Hegedus Levente and Alex Cosma from Centrys team
  • 19:30 — Who’s Using Hashgraph — Gossip Guy, Hashgraph Ambassador
  • 20:00 pm — Hashgraph, Consensus algorithm for Fast Contracts — Alex Males, Hashgraph Ambassador
  • 21:00 pm — Decentralized networking

Bear in mind please that we have only 30 desks available in ClujHub , therefore we strongly recommend to arrive before 17:50 on 25th of June.

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