The Anatomy Of a Whale

Published in
15 min readJan 15, 2018


A reddit post from galgitron that was removed by mods

The nature of Whales and their feeding cycles. This is ENTIRELY my own thesis, terminology, and beliefs; all based on my years of experience in trading and the various discussions and observations that I’ve had over those years.

Before we begin, we should take a hard look at ourselves first.

The Average Investor

  • Playing with relatively small money (maybe $20 — $10k), but it seems like a lot to them, more than they should be risking
  • Exhibits compulsive tendencies, which led them into this risky trading arena in the first place
  • Has very little experience trading
  • Trades emotionally instead of strategically
  • SUPER impatient
  • Trades often, sometimes multiple times a day, doesn’t sleep, eat or shower, looks like a crackhead, unhappy
  • Tends to exhibit strong brand loyalty; personifying and emotionally attaching to and vigorously defending their chosen coin, and venomously and perpetually hating on any coin that mistreated them, or even if the other coins…




Pseudonym — Code & UX — Edinburgh, Penang, Ho Chi Minh, Monaco, & probably elsewhere. Fiddling on