The Best Diamond Exchange for Traders and Privates

Dave Morin
Published in
5 min readNov 27, 2017

As a diamond lover and business enthusiast always looking for the best deal, I have been looking for the best diamond exchange service for many years. I always look for quality and professionality, of course, but with society and technology changing and developing those have become basic requirements, rather than main qualities.

Elements like ICO and Web competitiveness have become essential for me to consider any type of diamond exchange services. Today’s diamond’s market is in fact particularly complex because of these details and online additions that define the quality and reliability of each service. Innovation has become a requirement: global outlooks are what I have always been looking for in my investments, but I have hardly found services that reflected this work philosophy. As both an enthusiast and a professional, looking for a diamond exchange that is blockchain based and certified is something essential that reflects my ideals and that guarantees earnings when investing on diamonds.

As someone who is passionate about the industry, I have noticed multiple times how business in this sector can be tricky because of aspects that are often seen as innate of its form and subject. The traditional values around it are, of course, something I deeply value and support, but many agencies and services often fail to look forward in order to prioritize these values over innovation. After years of research and multiple experiences, I have found it almost impossible to find the perfect balance between tradition and innovation in the diamond exchange industry. Until now.

I have found out about Cedex through a family friend, who is also passionate about the industry and business, as well as an expert in the sector for many years who has advised me throughout my investments countless times. He described it as “exactly what you have been looking for”, so I had incredibly high expectations, especially because he stressed about the technological wonders of this new global diamond exchange.

My main expectations before using Cedex were transparency, security, professional customer service and, most importantly, innovation that would be able to differentiate it from other companies. After all those years in the industry, I only expected the best from a company that defined itself as “the first ever Certified Blockchain Based Diamond Exchange”. Of course, the service does not lie about being blockchain based. The system is one of the most effective and secure ones I have ever used and it does more than what it promises.

What makes Cedex so original, unique and effective is its innovative solution and aim. The company wants to bring diamond holders looking to liquidate their possessions and traders who want to invest in diamonds as a striking portfolio asset, such as myself. The way Cedex does this is so transparent I was initially suspicious about what my family friend was saying. I was later able to discover that it was, indeed, all true and that the transparency offered is not only one of a kind, but it adds a number of layers of security that no other diamond agency does.

After being completely amazed by Cedex’s services, I found out about the algorithm that makes these transparency and security possible, which the team behind the project has defined as the “DEX”. This complex yet trustworthy algorithm takes into consideration three main elements in order to function in the perfect way that it does. The three elements are: gemological composite (which is defined in a percentage that indicates the gemological perfection of the diamond), parallel composite (which indicate how rare a diamond category is, as well as the number and location of diamonds belonging to that same category), and indices composite (which gives any possible traders such as myself all of the directions they would need in order to comprehend the diamond industry).

In practice, what makes the DEX so effective and appealing for people who are interested in investing in diamonds or selling the, is the mathematical certainty behind it and the accuracy that this guarantees to every client that decides to use Cedex. In my experience with the service as a trader, I have been more than impressed with the way the DEX has positively affected my investments and overall experience. Although I have not personally sold diamonds yet, my sister has sold a few of her diamonds and the outcome has been so good she has personally thanked me for advising her to use Cedex. It is clear that the way the website works is beneficial on multiple sides, but especially for investors and privates with different needs.

Another element of Cedex that I was extremely impressed with and that really shocked me in a positive way is the unprecedented quality of the blockchain technology that it offers. This type of technology is used to tokenize diamonds. The way Cedex does this is through Diamond-Smart Contracts, a very easy to use and intuitive interface displaying all information needed about the diamond in question, which will contribute to the creation of a display and graphics.

One thing that left me incredibly impressed with the philosophy of the group and their way of looking at technology and how it impacts businesses and industries such as the diamond one, is their use of Ethereum in order to implement the investments of the traders and the earnings of the privates utilising Cedex. The company has in fact created the Cedex Coin. Although I am not new in the industry, I have always been a traditional person and I have rarely considered Ethereum as I am unfamiliar with it. The Cedex Coin was what made me realise the possibilities I have been missing because of my mindset.

A game-changer in the industry, this addition to diamond exchange is one of the many reasons why I have come to the conclusion that Cedex is indeed the best service of its kind in the world. After using it for almost a year, I have never been so satisfied by my investments as I have been with this cutting edge company, its innovative inclusions and its ethical ideals.

